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In a plural society - or multi-racial if you want - it is normal that the search for an identity is an ongoing<br />

process specially in the case of a newly independent country (some 40 years are not a big<br />

deal). This issue regularly surfaces, normally before, during and after general elections. For some the<br />

solution is ever so simple; for most it is intractable and for some others it is a long and slow process<br />

of change.<br />

For the cock-eyed optimist we should embrace Morisianism and ignore/delete the rest. What's<br />

strange with the 'Nou Morisien' bunch is that among them we have quite a few who support the<br />

opinion that the people of the Mauritian diaspora should retain all the rights which Mauritian<br />

citizens enjoy. A very noble stand indeed! As a matter of fact they accept the principle of dual<br />

citizenship for those who have settled down in a foreign country. You can be British or French or<br />

Australian or South African or American or Indian AND Mauritian at the same time. A person can<br />

have two or more identities. Yet they deny this right to citizens living in Mauritius. You cannot be<br />

Mauritian and a Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Telugu or Marathi or Vaish etc.<br />

The ultraconservatives – we will burn forever in the hellish flames of ethnic division and conflicts –<br />

think it is pointless and dangerous to even think that a supra-ethnic identity is possible and are<br />

determined to preserve their so-called purity.<br />

There are also people (they may be only a handful) who are convinced that a supra-ethnic identity is<br />

in the making. The process may be slow but for those who want to see, hear and feel there are clear<br />

manifestations of a new reality emerging. We may be called Don Quixotes. Never mind! The world<br />

needs more Don Quixotes.<br />

Now that my career as a culture activist is drawing to a close there are a few upsetting experiences I<br />

want to share which can give a glimpse of how hard the task of nation building is. After the byelection<br />

of September 1970, Loga accompanied me to the Legislative Assembly for the swearing-in<br />

ceremony. She was elegantly dressed in a beautiful saree. The editor of an important afternoon<br />

paper told me off in private for allowing my wife to wear a saree. For him Morisianism meant<br />

'anvlope nou pa'le'. Today he runs a very important paper. I have never asked him if he still holds to<br />

his retrograde view.<br />

Some 10 years later, when the Mauritian version of 'Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour<br />

Dreamcoat' became known as 'Zozef Ek So Palto Larkansiel' some left-wingers started to attack me<br />

and the artistic artefact. I was the traitor, the turncoat, one who had sold people's culture to the<br />

Catholic Church. Moreover the symbol of the rainbow was pooh-poohed. In those days the<br />

catchword was 'Enn sel lepep, enn sel nasion'. The colours of the rainbow never merge or fuse. So<br />

the symbol of the rainbow as one of national unity is all wrong. The rest is history.<br />


All the honest, honourable, open-minded citizens who never practise communalism or casteism<br />

have every right to denounce these scourges. I've always wondered why racism is never denounced.<br />

It is even thought improper, not politically correct, to say that a handful of white people own and<br />

control over 75% of the wealth of the country. The racist belief that only the whites can develop the<br />

country is never denounced or condemned while it is politically correct to say that communalism is<br />

responsible for all evils affecting us.<br />

What is communalism? Feeling different? Feeling superior? A feeling that one should preserve one's<br />

culture? A combination of all these? If it is bad to consider oneself superior, is it bad to feel different,<br />

to want to preserve one's ethnic culture and identity? Is anti-communalism a genuine concern for<br />


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