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64 4. Two-mode entanglement purities and difference between them. We now wish to exploit the joint information about global and marginal degrees of purity to achieve a significative characterization of entanglement, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Let us first investigate the role played by the seralian ∆ in the characterization of the properties of twomode Gaussian states. To this aim, we analyze the dependence of the eigenvalue ˜ν− on ∆, for fixed µ1,2 and µ: ∂ ˜ν 2 − ∂ ∆ µ1, µ2, µ = 1 ⎛ ⎝ 2 ˜∆ ˜∆ 2 − 1 4µ 2 ⎞ − 1⎠ > 0 . (4.33) The smallest symplectic eigenvalue of the partially transposed state ˜σ is strictly monotone in ∆. Therefore the entanglement of a generic Gaussian state σ with given global purity µ and marginal purities µ1,2, strictly increases with decreasing ∆. The seralian ∆ is thus endowed with a direct physical interpretation: given the global and the two marginal purities, it exactly determines the amount of entanglement of the state. Moreover, due to inequality (4.10), ∆ is constrained both by lower and upper bounds; therefore, both maximally and, remarkably, minimally entangled Gaussian states exist, at fixed global and local degrees of purity. This fact admirably elucidates the relation between quantum correlations and information in two-mode Gaussian states [GA2, GA3, GA6], summarized as follows. ➢ Entanglement at given degrees of information encoded in two-mode Gaussian states. The entanglement, quantified by the negativities, of twomode (mixed) Gaussian states is tightly bound from above and from below by functions of the global and the marginal purities, with only one remaining degree of freedom related to the symplectic invariant ∆. GMEMS and GLEMS: Extremally entangled states and purity-based separability criteria. We now aim to characterize extremal (maximally and minimally) entangled Gaussian states for fixed global and marginal purities, along the lines of [GA2, GA3]. As it is clear from Eq. (4.5), the standard form of states with fixed marginal purities always satisfies a = 1/µ1, b = 1/µ2. Therefore the complete characterization of maximally and minimally entangled states is achieved by specifying the expression of their coefficients c∓. GMEMS.— Let us first consider the states saturating the lower bound in Eq. (4.10), which entails maximal entanglement. They are Gaussian maximally entangled states for fixed global and local purities (GMEMS), admitting the following stan- dard form parametrization 1 c± = ± − µ1µ2 1 µ . (4.34) It is easily seen that such states belong to the class of asymmetric two-mode squeezed thermal states, Eq. (4.29), with squeezing parameter and symplectic spectrum given by tanh 2r = 2(µ1µ2 − µ 2 1µ 2 2/µ) 1/2 /(µ1 + µ2) , (4.35) ν 2 ∓ = 1 µ + (µ1 − µ2) 2 2µ 2 1 µ2 ∓ 2 |µ1 − µ2| 2µ1µ2 (µ1 − µ2) 2 µ 2 1 µ2 2 + 4 µ . (4.36)

4.3. Entanglement versus Entropic measures 65 In particular, any GMEMS can be written as an entangled two-mode squeezed thermal state [satisfying Ineq. (4.30)]. This provides a characterization of twomode thermal squeezed states as maximally entangled states for given global and marginal purities. We can restate this result as follows: given an initial tensor product of (generally different) thermal states, the unitary operation providing the maximal entanglement for given values of the local purities µi’s is given by a twomode squeezing, with squeezing parameter determined by Eq. (4.35). Note that the same states have also been proven to be maximally entangled at fixed global purity and mean energy [153], as already mentioned. Nonsymmetric two-mode thermal squeezed states turn out to be separable in the range µ1µ2 µ ≤ . (4.37) µ1 + µ2 − µ1µ2 In such a separable region in the space of purities, no entanglement can occur for states of the form Eq. (4.34), while, outside this region, they are properly GMEMS. As a consequence, we obtain a sufficient entropic condition for separability: all two-mode Gaussian states whose purities fall in the separable region defined by inequality (4.37), are separable. GLEMS.— We now consider the states that saturate the upper bound in Eq. (4.10). They determine the class of Gaussian least entangled states for given global and local purities (GLEMS). Violation of inequality (4.37) implies that 1 + 1 µ 2 ≤ (µ1 + µ2) 2 µ 2 1 µ2 − 2 2 µ . Therefore, outside the separable region, GLEMS fulfill ∆ = 1 + 1 µ 2 . (4.38) Considering the symplectic diagonalization of Gaussian states and the definition of the seralian ∆ = ν2 − + ν2 +, Eq. (2.34), it immediately follows that the Sp (4,R) invariant condition (4.38) is fulfilled if and only if the symplectic spectrum of the state takes the form ν− = 1, ν+ = 1/µ. We thus find that GLEMS are characterized by a peculiar spectrum, with all the mixedness concentrated in one ‘decoupled’ quadrature. Moreover, by comparing Eq. (4.38) with the uncertainty relation (2.35), it follows that GLEMS are the mixed Gaussian states of partial minimum uncertainty (see Sec. They are therefore the most “classical” mixed Gaussian states and, in a sense, this is compatible with their property of having minimum entanglement at fixed purities. GLEMS are determined by the standard form correlation coefficients c± = 1 µ1µ2 − 4 4 µ 2 + 1 + 1 µ 2 − (µ1 − µ2) 2 µ 2 1 µ2 2 2 ± 1 (1 + µ −4µ1µ2 + 4µ 2 ) µ 2 1 µ22 − µ2 (µ1 + µ2) 22 µ 2 µ 3 1 µ3 2 . (4.39) Quite remarkably, recalling the analysis presented in Sec. 2.3.2, it turns out that the GLEMS at fixed global and marginal purities are also states of minimal global p−entropy for p < 2, and of maximal global p−entropy for p > 2.

4.3. Entanglement versus Entropic measures 65<br />

In particular, any GMEMS can be written as an entangled two-mode squeezed<br />

thermal state [satisfying Ineq. (4.30)]. This provides a characterization of twomode<br />

thermal squeezed states as maximally entangled states for given global and<br />

marginal purities. We can restate this result as follows: given an initial tensor<br />

product of (generally different) thermal states, the unitary operation providing the<br />

maximal entanglement for given values of the local purities µi’s is given by a twomode<br />

squeezing, with squeezing parameter determined by Eq. (4.35). Note that the<br />

same states have also been proven to be maximally entangled at fixed global purity<br />

and mean energy [153], as already mentioned. Nonsymmetric two-mode thermal<br />

squeezed states turn out to be separable in the range<br />

µ1µ2<br />

µ ≤<br />

. (4.37)<br />

µ1 + µ2 − µ1µ2<br />

In such a separable region in the space of purities, no entanglement can occur for<br />

states of the form Eq. (4.34), while, outside this region, they are properly GMEMS.<br />

As a consequence, we obtain a sufficient entropic condition for separability: all<br />

two-mode Gaussian states whose purities fall in the separable region defined by<br />

inequality (4.37), are separable.<br />

GLEMS.— We now consider the states that saturate the upper bound in Eq. (4.10).<br />

They determine the class of Gaussian least entangled states for given global and<br />

local purities (GLEMS). Violation of inequality (4.37) implies that<br />

1 + 1<br />

µ 2 ≤ (µ1 + µ2) 2<br />

µ 2 1 µ2 −<br />

2<br />

2<br />

µ .<br />

Therefore, outside the separable region, GLEMS fulfill<br />

∆ = 1 + 1<br />

µ 2 . (4.38)<br />

Considering the symplectic diagonalization of Gaussian states and the definition of<br />

the seralian ∆ = ν2 − + ν2 +, Eq. (2.34), it immediately follows that the Sp (4,R) invariant<br />

condition (4.38) is fulfilled if and only if the symplectic spectrum of the state<br />

takes the form ν− = 1, ν+ = 1/µ. We thus find that GLEMS are characterized by<br />

a peculiar spectrum, with all the mixedness concentrated in one ‘decoupled’ quadrature.<br />

Moreover, by comparing Eq. (4.38) with the uncertainty relation (2.35), it<br />

follows that GLEMS are the mixed Gaussian states of partial minimum uncertainty<br />

(see Sec. They are therefore the most “classical” mixed Gaussian states<br />

and, in a sense, this is compatible with their property of having minimum entanglement<br />

at fixed purities. GLEMS are determined by the standard form correlation<br />

coefficients<br />

c± = 1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

µ1µ2 −<br />

4<br />

4<br />

µ 2 +<br />

<br />

1 + 1<br />

µ 2 − (µ1 − µ2) 2<br />

µ 2 1 µ2 <br />

2<br />

2<br />

± 1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(1 + µ<br />

−4µ1µ2 +<br />

4µ<br />

2 ) µ 2 1 µ22 − µ2 (µ1 + µ2) 22 µ 2 µ 3 1 µ3 2<br />

.<br />

(4.39)<br />

Quite remarkably, recalling the analysis presented in Sec. 2.3.2, it turns out that<br />

the GLEMS at fixed global and marginal purities are also states of minimal global<br />

p−entropy for p < 2, and of maximal global p−entropy for p > 2.

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