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Foreword<br />

Three years have passed quickly but at the same time filled with entertainment, work and new experiences<br />

which have left an indelible footprint on my formation. I have shared this adventure with many<br />

people, and it is a pity I cannot list them all here for brevity reasons.<br />

Many thanks with sincere appreciation and esteem to my advisor Dr. Fabrizio Illuminati for all<br />

the simultaneously funny and serious time, for having taught me how to make top-quality research<br />

and how to write papers in a unique style. We had many animated discussions, and he was always<br />

prompt to give me wise advices without ever imposing his point of view, or preventing me to take my<br />

own decisions. Thanks also for his breathtaking attributes when referring to me in letters of support.<br />

I am grateful to Prof. Silvio De Siena, who leads with Fabrizio the Quantum Theory and Quantum<br />

Technologies Group in Salerno: his patience, experience and friendliness have been useful in several<br />

critical moments. It is impossible not to smile while thinking of, and thanking my friend and colleague<br />

Dr. Alessio Serafini (now at Imperial College, London), arguably the only person with whom I was able<br />

to establish a ‘proper’ collaboration (and who managed to have me doing calculations with pencil and<br />

paper): he is to be blamed for introducing me to continuous variable systems and Gaussian states. I<br />

hope to keep sharing ideas with him, even though the shiny “basset-crew” trio (me, him and Fabrizio)<br />

is now spatially separated.<br />

During my PhD I had the luck of spending one year in the Centre for Quantum Computation<br />

(CQC) of the University of Cambridge. I cannot recall how many interesting discussions (mostly at<br />

lunch-time) arose there, and an estimate of how much the Cambridge experience was good for myself<br />

(on both professional and personal grounds) would surely result in a lower bound. Hence I express all<br />

my gratitude to my host Dr. Marie Ericsson for the joy of making physics together, for her enthusiastic<br />

attitude towards work, and for the friendship born during my year at CQC. Accordingly, I thank Prof.<br />

Artur Ekert, director of the CQC, who accepted me as a full member, and whose (quantum) capacity<br />

of efficiently transmitting advices in short-time interactions is probably close to infinity.<br />

I acknowledge collaborating with several researchers during these years. First, thanks to the<br />

experimental group of Prof. Claude Fabre (Lab. Kastler-Brossel, Paris), and specifically to Dr. Julien<br />

Laurat (now at Caltech), Dr. Thomas Coudreau, Gaëlle Keller and José Augusto Oliveira-Huguenin,<br />

for the fruitful exchanges and for letting me see what a beam-splitter is in reality. Thanks also to<br />

Tohya Hiroshima for welcoming our contribution to the proof of the monogamy of entanglement in<br />

all Gaussian states, and to Ivette Fuentes-Schuller for the relativistic insights coming from our joint<br />

project on continuous variable entanglement in non-inertial reference frames. I am furthermore deeply<br />

grateful to a series of colleagues, not enumerated here, whom I met in various venues and with whom<br />

I discussed for brief or long time, learning new things and understanding old ones.<br />

Thanks to Alfonso and to all my friends, colleagues and officemates both in Salerno and in<br />

Cambridge: time without them would have been duller and less productive. Thanks to my parents, my<br />

sister and all close members of my family, for their neverending encouragement and for the trust they<br />

placed in me. Special thanks to www.enigmi.net for keeping my brain active during this last year.<br />

My unlimited thanks and love to Samanta, whom I had the pleasure and honor to marry in the<br />

middle of our PhD. Thanks for all her support, hints, criticisms, proofreading, thanks for reminding me<br />

of the sentence quoted in the caption of Fig. 5.1, thanks for all her delicious dinners, her sweetness,<br />

her patience, her kisses, her love, for all her being herself. Thanks for making a better man out of<br />

me... and for the miracle of life which blessed her and me.<br />

v<br />


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