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14 1. Characterizing entanglement We are now going to summarize the most relevant results to date concerning the qualitative and quantitative characterization of entanglement. 1.2. Entanglement and non-locality From a phenomenological point of view, the phenomenon of entanglement is fairly simple. When two physical systems come to an interaction, some correlation of a quantum nature is generated between the two of them, which persists even when the interaction is switched off and the two systems are spatially separated 2 . If we measure a local observable on the first system, its state collapses of course in an eigenstate of that observable. Surprisingly, also the state of the second system, wherever it is (in the ideal case of zero environmental decoherence), is modified instantly. Responsible for this “spooky action at a distance” [73] is the non-classical and non-local quantum correlation known as entanglement. Suppose we have a bipartite or multipartite quantum state: well, the answer to an apparently innocent question like Does this state contain quantum correlations? is extremely hard to be achieved [111, 13, 188]. The first step concerns a basic understanding of what such a question really means. One may argue that a system contains quantum correlations if the observables associated to the different subsystems are correlated, and their correlations cannot be reproduced with purely classical means. This implies that some form of inseparability or non-factorizability is necessary to properly take into account those correlations. For what concerns globally pure states of the composite quantum system, it is relatively easy to check if the correlations are of genuine quantum nature. In particular, it is enough to check if a Bell-CHSH inequality [19, 58] is violated [96], to conclude that a pure quantum state is entangled. There are in fact many different criteria to characterize entanglement, but all of them are practically based on equivalent forms of non-locality in pure quantum states. These equivalences fade when we deal with mixed states. At variance with a pure state, a mixture can be prepared in (generally infinitely) many different ways. Not being able to reconstruct the original preparation of the state, one cannot extract all the information it contains. Accordingly, there is not a completely general and practical criterion to decide whether correlations in a mixed quantum state are of classical or quantum nature. Moreover, different manifestations of quantum inseparability are in general not equivalent. For instance, one pays more (in units of Bell singlets) to create an entangled mixed state ϱ — entanglement cost [24] — than what one can get back from reconverting ϱ into a product of singlets — distillable entanglement [24] — via LOCC [276]. Another example is provided by Werner in a seminal work [264], where he introduced a parametric family of mixed states (known as Werner states) which, in some range of the parameters, are entangled (inseparable) without violating any Bell inequality on local realism, and thus admitting a description in terms of local hidden variables. It is indeed an open question in quantum information theory to prove whether any entangled state violates some Bell-type inequality [1, 229]. 2 Entanglement can be also created without direct interaction between the subsystems, via the so-called entanglement swapping [22].

1.3. Theory of bipartite entanglement 15 In fact, entanglement and non-locality are different resources [42]. This can be understood within the general framework of no-signalling theories which exhibit even more non-local features than quantum mechanics. Let us briefly recall what is intended by non-locality according to Bell [20]: there exists in Nature a channel that allows one to distribute correlations between distant observers, such that the correlations are not already established at the source, and the correlated random variables can be created in a configuration of space-like separation, i.e. no normal signal (assuming no superluminal transmission) can be the cause of the correlations [73, 19]. A convenient description of the intriguing phenomenon of non-locality is already known: quantum mechanics describes the channel as a pair of entangled particles. But such interpretation is not the only one. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in providing other descriptions of this channel, mainly assuming a form of communication [227], or the usage of an hypothetical “non-local machine” [189] able to violate the CHSH inequality [58] up to its algebraic value of 4 (while the local realism threshold is 2 and the maximal violation admitted by quantum mechanics is 2 √ 2, the Cirel’son bound [57]). Usually, the motivation for looking into these descriptions does not come from a rejection of quantum mechanics and the desire to replace it with something else; rather the opposite: the goal is to quantify how powerful quantum mechanics is by comparing its achievements to those of other resources. The interested reader may have a further look at Ref. [98]. 1.3. Theory of bipartite entanglement 1.3.1. Pure states: qualification and quantification Definition 1. A pure quantum state |ψ〉 ∈ H = H1 ⊗ H2 is separable if it can be written as a product state, i.e. if there exist |ϕ〉1 ∈ H1 and |χ〉2 ∈ H2 such that Otherwise, |ψ〉 is an entangled state. |ψ〉 = |ϕ〉1 ⊗ |χ〉2 ≡ |ϕ, χ〉 . (1.19) Qualifying entanglement means having an operational criterion which would allow us to answer our original question, namely if a given state is entangled or not. To this aim, it is useful to write a pure quantum state in its unique Schmidt decomposition [191], |ψ〉 = d λk|uk, vk〉 , (1.20) k=1 where d = min{d1, d2} , (1.21) λk ≥ 0 , d λ 2 k = 1 . (1.22) The number d of non-zero terms in the expansion (1.20) is known as Schmidt number, the positive numbers {λk} are the Schmidt coefficients, and the local bases {|uk〉} ∈ H1 and {|vk〉} ∈ H2 are the Schmidt bases. k=1

14 1. Characterizing entanglement<br />

We are now going to summarize the most relevant results to date concerning<br />

the qualitative and quantitative characterization of entanglement.<br />

1.2. Entanglement and non-locality<br />

From a phenomenological point of view, the phenomenon of entanglement is fairly<br />

simple. When two physical systems come to an interaction, some correlation of a<br />

quantum nature is generated between the two of them, which persists even when<br />

the interaction is switched off and the two systems are spatially separated 2 . If we<br />

measure a local observable on the first system, its state collapses of course in an<br />

eigenstate of that observable. Surprisingly, also the state of the second system,<br />

wherever it is (in the ideal case of zero environmental decoherence), is modified<br />

instantly. Responsible for this “spooky action at a distance” [73] is the non-classical<br />

and non-local quantum correlation known as entanglement.<br />

Suppose we have a bipartite or multipartite quantum state: well, the answer<br />

to an apparently innocent question like<br />

Does this state contain quantum correlations?<br />

is extremely hard to be achieved [111, 13, 188]. The first step concerns a basic<br />

understanding of what such a question really means.<br />

One may argue that a system contains quantum correlations if the observables<br />

associated to the different subsystems are correlated, and their correlations cannot<br />

be reproduced with purely classical means. This implies that some form of inseparability<br />

or non-factorizability is necessary to properly take into account those<br />

correlations. For what concerns globally pure states of the composite quantum system,<br />

it is relatively easy to check if the correlations are of genuine quantum nature.<br />

In particular, it is enough to check if a Bell-CHSH inequality [19, 58] is violated<br />

[96], to conclude that a pure quantum state is entangled. There are in fact many<br />

different criteria to characterize entanglement, but all of them are practically based<br />

on equivalent forms of non-locality in pure quantum states.<br />

These equivalences fade when we deal with mixed states. At variance with a<br />

pure state, a mixture can be prepared in (generally infinitely) many different ways.<br />

Not being able to reconstruct the original preparation of the state, one cannot<br />

extract all the information it contains. Accordingly, there is not a completely<br />

general and practical criterion to decide whether correlations in a mixed quantum<br />

state are of classical or quantum nature. Moreover, different manifestations of<br />

quantum inseparability are in general not equivalent. For instance, one pays more<br />

(in units of Bell singlets) to create an entangled mixed state ϱ — entanglement cost<br />

[24] — than what one can get back from reconverting ϱ into a product of singlets<br />

— distillable entanglement [24] — via LOCC [276]. Another example is provided<br />

by Werner in a seminal work [264], where he introduced a parametric family of<br />

mixed states (known as Werner states) which, in some range of the parameters,<br />

are entangled (inseparable) without violating any Bell inequality on local realism,<br />

and thus admitting a description in terms of local hidden variables. It is indeed<br />

an open question in quantum information theory to prove whether any entangled<br />

state violates some Bell-type inequality [1, 229].<br />

2 Entanglement can be also created without direct interaction between the subsystems, via<br />

the so-called entanglement swapping [22].

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