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262 Conclusion and Outlook Gaussian states also play a prominent role in many-body physics, being ground and thermal states of harmonic lattice Hamiltonians [11]. Entanglement entropy scaling in these systems has been shown to follow an area law [187, 60]. Thermodynamical concepts have also been applied to the characterization of Gaussian entanglement: recently, a “microcanonical” measure over the second moments of pure Gaussian states under an energy constraint has been introduced [209] (see also Sec. 11.4), and employed to investigate the statistical properties of the bipartite entanglement in such states. Under that measure, the distribution of entanglement concentrates around a finite value at the thermodynamical limit and, in general, the typical entanglement of Gaussian states with maximal energy E is not close to the maximum allowed by E. A rather recent field of research concerns the investigation of Gaussian states in a relativistic setting [4, GA20], as we have seen in Chapter 14. Within the general framework of relativistic quantum information [179], such studies are of relevance to understand the phenomenon of information loss through a black hole horizon [GA21], and more generally to gain some knowledge on the structure of the curved spacetime [25, 14]. In a non-relativistic framework, the investigation of the structure of entanglement in hybrid CV-qubit systems is not only of conceptual importance, but it is relevant for applications as well. From the monogamy point of view (see Chapter 6), some interesting hints come from a recent study of the ground-state entanglement in highly connected systems made of harmonic oscillators and spin-1/2 systems [83]. On a more practical ground, we should at least mention a proposal for a quantum optical implementation of hybrid quantum computation, where qubit degrees of freedom for computation are combined with Gaussian modes for communication [241], and a suggested scheme of hybrid quantum repeaters for long-distance distribution of quantum entanglement based on dispersive interactions between coherent light with large average photon number and single, far-detuned atoms or semiconductor impurities in optical cavities [136]. A hybrid CV memory realized by indirect interactions between different Gaussian modes, mediated by qubits, has been recently shown to have very appealing features compared to pure-qubit quantum registers [175]. It seems fitting to conclude this overview by commenting on the intriguing possibility of observing CV (Gaussian) entanglement at the interface between microscopic and macroscopic scales. In this context, it is encouraging that the existence of optomechanical entanglement between a macroscopic movable mirror and a cavity field has been theoretically demonstrated and predicted to be quite robust in realistic experimental situations, up to temperatures well in reach of current cryogenic technologies [256]. Entanglement of non-Gaussian states: a new arena The infinite-dimensional quantum world, however, is not confined to Gaussian states. In fact, some recent results demonstrate that basically the current state-ofthe-art in the theoretical understanding and experimental control of CV entanglement is strongly pushing towards the boundaries of the oasis of Gaussian states and Gaussian operations. For instance, the entanglement of Gaussian states cannot be

Conclusion and Outlook 263 increased (distilled) by resorting to Gaussian operations only [78, 205, 90]. Similarly, for universal one-way quantum computation using Gaussian cluster states, a single-mode non-Gaussian measurement is required [155]. There is indeed a fundamental motivation for investigating entanglement in non-Gaussian states, as the extremality of Gaussian states imposes that they are the minimally entangled states among all states of CV systems with given second moments [269]. Experimentally, it has been recently demonstrated [172] that a twomode squeezed Gaussian state can be “de-Gaussified” by coherent subtraction of a single photon, resulting in a mixed non-Gaussian state whose non-local properties and entanglement degree are enhanced (enabling a better efficiency for teleporting coherent states [132]). Theoretically, the characterization of even bipartite entanglement (let alone multipartite) in non-Gaussian states stands as a formidable task. One immediate observation is that any (non-Gaussian) multimode state with a CM corresponding to an entangled Gaussian state is itself entangled too [235, 269]. Therefore, most of the results presented in this Dissertation may serve to detect entanglement in a broader class of states of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. They are, however, all sufficient conditions on entanglement based on the second moments only of the canonical operators. As such, for arbitrary non-Gaussian states, they are in general very inefficient — meaning that most entangled non-Gaussian states fail to be detected by these criteria. The description of non-Gaussian states requires indeed (an infinite set of) high order statistical moments: as an obvious consequence, also an inseparability criterion for these states should involve high order correlations. Recently, some separability criteria based on hierarchies of conditions involving higher moments of the canonical operators have been introduced to provide a sharper detection of inseparability in generic non-Gaussian states [3, 162, 114, 157]. In particular, Shchukin and Vogel [214] introduced an elegant and unifying approach to separability based on the PPT requirement, that is constructed in the form of an infinite series of inequalities, and includes as special cases all the above cited results (including the conditions on second moments [70, 218] qualifying separability in Gaussian states, see Sec. 3.1.1), thus demonstrating the important role of PPT in building a strong criterion for the detection of entanglement. The conditions by Shchukin and Vogel can be applied to distinguish between the several separability classes in a multipartite CV system [215]. To this aim, entanglement witnesses are useful as well [125]. The efficiency of some of the above-mentioned inseparability criteria based on higher order moments, for detecting bipartite entanglement in the non-Gaussian family of squeezed number states of two-mode radiation fields, has been recently evaluated [64]. We mention a further interesting approach to non-Gaussian entanglement reported by McHugh et al. [154], who showed that entanglement of multiphoton squeezed states is completely characterized by observing that with respect to a new set of modes, those non-Gaussian states actually assume Gaussian character. Future perspectives Many open issues and unanswered intriguing questions naturally arise when peeping out of the parental house of Gaussian states. There is always the risk of being trapped in the infinite mathematical complexity of the CV Hilbert space losing the

262 Conclusion and Outlook<br />

Gaussian states also play a prominent role in many-body physics, being ground<br />

and thermal states of harmonic lattice Hamiltonians [11]. Entanglement entropy<br />

scaling in these systems has been shown to follow an area law [187, 60]. Thermodynamical<br />

concepts have also been applied to the characterization of Gaussian<br />

entanglement: recently, a “microcanonical” measure over the second moments of<br />

pure Gaussian states under an energy constraint has been introduced [209] (see also<br />

Sec. 11.4), and employed to investigate the statistical properties of the bipartite entanglement<br />

in such states. Under that measure, the distribution of entanglement<br />

concentrates around a finite value at the thermodynamical limit and, in general,<br />

the typical entanglement of Gaussian states with maximal energy E is not close to<br />

the maximum allowed by E.<br />

A rather recent field of research concerns the investigation of Gaussian states in<br />

a relativistic setting [4, GA20], as we have seen in Chapter 14. Within the general<br />

framework of relativistic quantum information [179], such studies are of relevance<br />

to understand the phenomenon of information loss through a black hole horizon<br />

[GA21], and more generally to gain some knowledge on the structure of the curved<br />

spacetime [25, 14].<br />

In a non-relativistic framework, the investigation of the structure of entanglement<br />

in hybrid CV-qubit systems is not only of conceptual importance, but it is<br />

relevant for applications as well. From the monogamy point of view (see Chapter 6),<br />

some interesting hints come from a recent study of the ground-state entanglement in<br />

highly connected systems made of harmonic oscillators and spin-1/2 systems [83].<br />

On a more practical ground, we should at least mention a proposal for a quantum<br />

optical implementation of hybrid quantum computation, where qubit degrees<br />

of freedom for computation are combined with Gaussian modes for communication<br />

[241], and a suggested scheme of hybrid quantum repeaters for long-distance<br />

distribution of quantum entanglement based on dispersive interactions between coherent<br />

light with large average photon number and single, far-detuned atoms or<br />

semiconductor impurities in optical cavities [136]. A hybrid CV memory realized<br />

by indirect interactions between different Gaussian modes, mediated by qubits,<br />

has been recently shown to have very appealing features compared to pure-qubit<br />

quantum registers [175].<br />

It seems fitting to conclude this overview by commenting on the intriguing<br />

possibility of observing CV (Gaussian) entanglement at the interface between microscopic<br />

and macroscopic scales. In this context, it is encouraging that the existence<br />

of optomechanical entanglement between a macroscopic movable mirror and<br />

a cavity field has been theoretically demonstrated and predicted to be quite robust<br />

in realistic experimental situations, up to temperatures well in reach of current<br />

cryogenic technologies [256].<br />

Entanglement of non-Gaussian states: a new arena<br />

The infinite-dimensional quantum world, however, is not confined to Gaussian<br />

states. In fact, some recent results demonstrate that basically the current state-ofthe-art<br />

in the theoretical understanding and experimental control of CV entanglement<br />

is strongly pushing towards the boundaries of the oasis of Gaussian states and<br />

Gaussian operations. For instance, the entanglement of Gaussian states cannot be

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