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204 12. Multiparty quantum communication with Gaussian resources ➢ Equivalence between entanglement and optimal fidelity of continuous variable teleportation. A nonclassical optimal fidelity is necessary and sufficient for the presence of multipartite entanglement in any multimode symmetric Gaussian state, shared as a resource for CV teleportation networks. This equivalence silences the embarrassing question that entanglement might not be an actual physical resource, as protocols based on some entangled states might behave worse than their classical counterparts in processing quantum information. On the opposite side, the worst preparation scheme of the multimode resource states, even retaining the optimal protocol (gN = g opt N ), is obtained setting r1 = 0 if n1 > 2n2e 2¯r /(Ne 2¯r + 2 − N), and r2 = 0 otherwise. For equal noises (n1 = n2), the case r1 = 0 is always the worst one, with asymptotic fidelities (in the limit ¯r → ∞) equal to 1/ 1 + Nn1,2/2, and so rapidly dropping with N at given noise. Entanglement of teleportation and localizable entanglement. The meaning of ˜ν (N) − , Eq. (12.25), crucial for the quantification of the multipartite entanglement, stems from the following argument. The teleportation network [236] is realized in two steps: first, the N − 2 cooperating parties perform local measurements on their modes, then Alice and Bob exploit their resulting highly entangled twomode state to accomplish teleportation. Stopping at the first stage, the protocol describes a concentration, or localization of the original N-partite entanglement, into a bipartite two-mode entanglement [236, 235]. The maximum entanglement that can be concentrated on a pair of parties by locally measuring the others, is known as the localizable entanglement31 of a multiparty system [248], as depicted in Fig. 12.4. Here, the localizable entanglement is the maximal entanglement concentrable onto two modes, by unitary operations and nonunitary momentum detections performed locally on the other N − 2 modes. The two-mode entanglement of the resulting state (described by a CM σloc ) is quantified in general in terms of the symplectic eigenvalue ˜ν loc − of its partial transpose. Due to the symmetry of both the original state and the teleportation protocol (the gain is the same for every mode), the localized two-mode state σloc will be symmetric too. We have shown in Sec. 4.2.3 that, for two-mode symmetric Gaussian states, the symplectic eigenvalue ˜ν− is related to the EPR correlations by the expression [GA3] 4˜ν− = 〈(ˆq1 − ˆq2) 2 〉 + 〈(ˆp1 + ˆp2) 2 〉 . For the state σ loc , this means 4˜ν loc − = 〈(ˆqrel) 2 〉 + 〈(ˆptot) 2 〉, where the variances have been computed in Eq. (12.22). Minimizing ˜ν loc − with respect to d means finding the optimal set of local unitary operations (unaffecting multipartite entanglement) to be applied to the original multimode mixed resource described by {n1,2, ¯r, d}; minimizing then ˜ν loc − with respect to gN means finding the optimal set of momentum detections to be performed on the transformed state in order to localize the highest entanglement on a pair of modes. From Eq. (12.22), the optimizations are readily of Eqs. (12.23,12.24). solved and yield the same optimal g opt N and dopt N 31 This localization procedure, based on measurements, is different from the unitary localization which can be performed on bisymmetric Gaussian states, as discussed in Chapter 5.

12.2. Equivalence between entanglement and optimal teleportation fidelity 205 Figure 12.4. Localizable entanglement in the sense of [248]. By optimal local measurements on N − 2 subsystems in a N-party system, a highly entangled two-mode state is (probabilistically, in principle) obtained between the two non-measuring parties. For Gaussian states and measurements the localization process in indeed deterministic, as the entanglement properties of the resulting states are independent of the measurement outcomes. The resulting optimal two-mode state σ loc contains a localized entanglement which is exactly quantified by the quantity ˜ν loc − ≡ ˜ν (N) − . It is now clear that ˜ν (N) − of Eq. (12.25) is a proper symplectic eigenvalue, being the smallest one of the partial transpose ˜σ loc of the optimal two-mode state σloc that can be extracted from a N-party entangled resource by local measurements on the remaining modes (see Fig. 12.4). Eq. (12.25) thus provides a bright connection between two operative aspects of multipartite entanglement in CV systems: the maximal fidelity achievable in a multi-user teleportation network [236], and the CV localizable entanglement [248]. This results yield quite naturally a direct operative way to quantify multipartite entanglement in N-mode (mixed) symmetric Gaussian states, in terms of the socalled Entanglement of Teleportation, defined as the normalized optimal fidelity [GA9] E (N) T ≡ max 0, F opt N − Fcl 1 − Fcl = max 0, 1 − ˜ν(N) − 1 + ˜ν (N) , (12.26) − and thus ranging from 0 (separable states) to 1 (CV generalized GHZ state). The localizable entanglement of formation Eloc F of N-mode symmetric Gaussian states σ of the form Eq. (2.60) is a monotonically increasing function of E (N) T , namely: E loc 1 − E F (σ) = h (N) T 1 + E (N) , (12.27) T with h(x) given by Eq. (4.18). For N = 2 the state is already localized and E loc F ≡ EF , Eq. (12.16) In the next subsection we will see how the entanglement of teleportation relates, for three-mode states, to the residual Gaussian contangle introduced in Sec. 7.2.2.

204 12. Multiparty quantum communication with Gaussian resources<br />

➢ Equivalence between entanglement and optimal fidelity of continuous<br />

variable teleportation. A nonclassical optimal fidelity is necessary and sufficient<br />

for the presence of multipartite entanglement in any multimode symmetric<br />

Gaussian state, shared as a resource for CV teleportation networks.<br />

This equivalence silences the embarrassing question that entanglement might<br />

not be an actual physical resource, as protocols based on some entangled states<br />

might behave worse than their classical counterparts in processing quantum information.<br />

On the opposite side, the worst preparation scheme of the multimode resource<br />

states, even retaining the optimal protocol (gN = g opt<br />

N ), is obtained setting r1 = 0 if<br />

n1 > 2n2e 2¯r /(Ne 2¯r + 2 − N), and r2 = 0 otherwise. For equal noises (n1 = n2), the<br />

case r1 = 0 is always the worst one, with asymptotic fidelities (in the limit ¯r → ∞)<br />

equal to 1/ 1 + Nn1,2/2, and so rapidly dropping with N at given noise.<br /> Entanglement of teleportation and localizable entanglement. The meaning<br />

of ˜ν (N)<br />

− , Eq. (12.25), crucial for the quantification of the multipartite entanglement,<br />

stems from the following argument. The teleportation network [236] is realized<br />

in two steps: first, the N − 2 cooperating parties perform local measurements<br />

on their modes, then Alice and Bob exploit their resulting highly entangled twomode<br />

state to accomplish teleportation. Stopping at the first stage, the protocol<br />

describes a concentration, or localization of the original N-partite entanglement,<br />

into a bipartite two-mode entanglement [236, 235]. The maximum entanglement<br />

that can be concentrated on a pair of parties by locally measuring the others, is<br />

known as the localizable entanglement31 of a multiparty system [248], as depicted<br />

in Fig. 12.4.<br />

Here, the localizable entanglement is the maximal entanglement concentrable<br />

onto two modes, by unitary operations and nonunitary momentum detections performed<br />

locally on the other N − 2 modes. The two-mode entanglement of the<br />

resulting state (described by a CM σloc ) is quantified in general in terms of the<br />

symplectic eigenvalue ˜ν loc<br />

− of its partial transpose. Due to the symmetry of both<br />

the original state and the teleportation protocol (the gain is the same for every<br />

mode), the localized two-mode state σloc will be symmetric too. We have shown in<br />

Sec. 4.2.3 that, for two-mode symmetric Gaussian states, the symplectic eigenvalue<br />

˜ν− is related to the EPR correlations by the expression [GA3]<br />

4˜ν− = 〈(ˆq1 − ˆq2) 2 〉 + 〈(ˆp1 + ˆp2) 2 〉 .<br />

For the state σ loc , this means 4˜ν loc<br />

− = 〈(ˆqrel) 2 〉 + 〈(ˆptot) 2 〉, where the variances have<br />

been computed in Eq. (12.22). Minimizing ˜ν loc<br />

− with respect to d means finding<br />

the optimal set of local unitary operations (unaffecting multipartite entanglement)<br />

to be applied to the original multimode mixed resource described by {n1,2, ¯r, d};<br />

minimizing then ˜ν loc<br />

− with respect to gN means finding the optimal set of momentum<br />

detections to be performed on the transformed state in order to localize the highest<br />

entanglement on a pair of modes. From Eq. (12.22), the optimizations are readily<br />

of Eqs. (12.23,12.24).<br />

solved and yield the same optimal g opt<br />

N<br />

and dopt<br />

N<br />

31 This localization procedure, based on measurements, is different from the unitary localization<br />

which can be performed on bisymmetric Gaussian states, as discussed in Chapter 5.

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