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148 8. Unlimited promiscuity of multipartite Gaussian entanglement We prove that multimode Gaussian states exist, that can possess simultaneously arbitrarily large pairwise bipartite entanglement between some pairs of modes and arbitrarily large genuine multipartite entanglement among all modes without violating the monogamy inequality (6.17) on entanglement sharing. The class of states exhibiting such unconstrained simultaneous distribution of quantum correlations are producible with standard optical means (as we will detail in Sec. 10.2), the achievable amount of entanglement being technologically limited only by the attainable degree of squeezing. This unexpected feature of entanglement sheds new light on the role of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics in curtailing the distribution of information. On a more applicative ground, it serves as a prelude to implementations of quantum information processing in the infinite-dimensional scenario that cannot be achieved with qubit resources. To illustrate the existence of such phenomenon, we consider the simplest nontrivial instance of a family of four-mode Gaussian states, endowed with a partial symmetry under mode exchange. 8.2. Entanglement in partially symmetric four-mode Gaussian states 8.2.1. State definition We start with an uncorrelated state of four modes, each one initially in the vacuum of the respective Fock space, whose corresponding CM is the identity. We apply a two-mode squeezing transformation S2,3(s), Eq. (2.24), with squeezing s to modes 2 and 3, then two further two-mode squeezing transformations S1,2(a) and S3,4(a), with squeezing a, to the pairs of modes {1, 2} and {3, 4}. The two last transformations serve the purpose of redistributing the original bipartite entanglement, created between modes 2 and 3 by the first two-mode squeezing operations, among all the four modes. For any value of the parameters s and a, the output is a pure four-mode Gaussian state with CM σ, σ = S3,4(a)S1,2(a)S2,3(s)S T 2,3(s)S T 1,2(a)S T 3,4(a) . (8.1) Explicitly, σ is of the form Eq. (2.20) where σ1 = σ4 = [cosh 2 (a) + cosh(2s) sinh 2 (a)]2 , σ2 = σ3 = [cosh(2s) cosh 2 (a) + sinh 2 (a)]2 , ε1,2 = ε3,4 = [cosh 2 (s) sinh(2a)]Z2 , ε1,3 = ε2,4 = [cosh(a) sinh(a) sinh(2s)]2 , ε1,4 = [sinh 2 (a) sinh(2s)]Z2 , ε2,3 = [cosh 2 (a) sinh(2s)]Z2 , with Z2 = 1 0 0 −1 . It is immediate to see that a state of this form is invariant under the double exchange of modes 1 ↔ 4 and 2 ↔ 3, as Si,j = Sj,i and operations on disjoint pairs of modes commute. Therefore, there is only a partial symmetry under mode permutations, not a full one like in the case of the three-mode GHZ/W states and in general the states of Sec. 2.4.3. 8.2.2. Structure of bipartite entanglement Let us recall that in a pure four-mode Gaussian state and in its reductions, bipartite entanglement is equivalent to negativity of the partially transposed CM, obtained

8.2. Entanglement in partially symmetric four-mode Gaussian states 149 by reversing time in the subspace of any chosen single subsystem [218, 265] (PPT criterion, see Sec. 3.1.1). This inseparability condition is readily verified for the family of states in Eq. (8.1) yielding that, for all nonzero values of the squeezings s and a, σ is entangled with respect to any global bipartition of the modes. This follows from the global purity of the state, together with the observation that the determinant of each reduced one- and two-mode CM obtainable from Eq. (8.1) is strictly bigger than 1 for any nonzero squeezings. The state is thus said to be fully inseparable [111], i.e. it contains genuine four-partite entanglement. Following our previous studies on CV entanglement sharing (see Chapters 6 and 7) we choose to measure bipartite entanglement by means of the Gaussian contangle Gτ , an entanglement monotone under Gaussian LOCC, computable according to Eq. (6.13). In the four-mode state with CM σ, we can evaluate the bipartite Gaussian contangle in closed form for all pairwise reduced (mixed) states of two modes i and j, described by a CM σ i|j. By applying again PPT criterion (see Sec. 3.1.1), one finds that the two-mode states indexed by the partitions 1|3, 2|4, and 1|4, are separable. For the remaining two-mode states the computation is possible thanks to the results of Sec. 4.5.2. Namely, the reduced state of modes 2 and 3, σ23, belongs to the class of GMEMS (defined in Sec.; for it Eq. (4.76) yields 21 m 2|3 = −1+2 cosh 2 (2a) cosh 2 s+3 cosh(2s)−4 sinh 2 a sinh(2s) 4[cosh 2 a+e 2s sinh 2 a] , a < arcsinh[ √ tanh s] ; 1, otherwise. (8.2) On the other hand, the states σ 1|2 and σ 3|4 are GMEMMS (defined in Sec. 4.3.2), i.e. simultaneous GMEMS and GLEMS, for which either Eq. (4.74) or Eq. (4.76) give m 1|2 = m 3|4 = cosh 2a . (8.3) Accordingly, one can compute the pure-state entanglements between one probe mode and the remaining three modes. In this case one has simply m i|(jkl) = Det σi. One finds from Eq. (8.1), m 1|(234) = m 4|(123) = cosh 2 a + cosh(2s) sinh 2 a , m 2|(134) = m 3|(124) = sinh 2 a + cosh(2s) cosh 2 a . (8.4) Concerning the structure of bipartite entanglement, Eqs. (6.13, 8.3) imply that the Gaussian contangle in the mixed two-mode states σ1|2 and σ3|4 is 4a2 , irrespective of the value of s. This quantity is exactly equal to the degree of entanglement in a pure two-mode squeezed state Si,j(a)S T i,j (a) of modes i and j generated with the same squeezing a. In fact, the two-mode mixed state σ 1|2 (and, equivalently, σ 3|4) serves as a proper resource for CV teleportation [39, 89], realizing a perfect transfer (unit fidelity 22 ) in the limit of infinite squeezing a. 21 We refer to the notation of Eq. (6.13) and write, for each partition i|j, the corresponding parameter m i|j involved in the optimization problem which defines the Gaussian contangle. 22 The fidelity F ≡ 〈ψ in |ϱ out |ψ in 〉 (“in” and “out” being input and output state, respectively) quantifies the teleportation success, as detailed in Chapter 12. For single-mode coherent input states and σ 1|2 or σ 3|4 employed as entangled resources, F = (1+e −2a cosh 2 s) −1 . It reaches unity for a ≫ 0 even in presence of high interpair entanglement (s ≫ 0), provided that a approaches infinity much faster than s.

148 8. Unlimited promiscuity of multipartite Gaussian entanglement<br />

We prove that multimode Gaussian states exist, that can possess simultaneously<br />

arbitrarily large pairwise bipartite entanglement between some pairs of modes and<br />

arbitrarily large genuine multipartite entanglement among all modes without violating<br />

the monogamy inequality (6.17) on entanglement sharing. The class of<br />

states exhibiting such unconstrained simultaneous distribution of quantum correlations<br />

are producible with standard optical means (as we will detail in Sec. 10.2),<br />

the achievable amount of entanglement being technologically limited only by the<br />

attainable degree of squeezing. This unexpected feature of entanglement sheds new<br />

light on the role of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics in curtailing the<br />

distribution of information. On a more applicative ground, it serves as a prelude<br />

to implementations of quantum information processing in the infinite-dimensional<br />

scenario that cannot be achieved with qubit resources.<br />

To illustrate the existence of such phenomenon, we consider the simplest nontrivial<br />

instance of a family of four-mode Gaussian states, endowed with a partial<br />

symmetry under mode exchange.<br />

8.2. Entanglement in partially symmetric four-mode Gaussian states<br />

8.2.1. State definition<br />

We start with an uncorrelated state of four modes, each one initially in the vacuum<br />

of the respective Fock space, whose corresponding CM is the identity. We apply a<br />

two-mode squeezing transformation S2,3(s), Eq. (2.24), with squeezing s to modes<br />

2 and 3, then two further two-mode squeezing transformations S1,2(a) and S3,4(a),<br />

with squeezing a, to the pairs of modes {1, 2} and {3, 4}. The two last transformations<br />

serve the purpose of redistributing the original bipartite entanglement,<br />

created between modes 2 and 3 by the first two-mode squeezing operations, among<br />

all the four modes. For any value of the parameters s and a, the output is a pure<br />

four-mode Gaussian state with CM σ,<br />

σ = S3,4(a)S1,2(a)S2,3(s)S T 2,3(s)S T 1,2(a)S T 3,4(a) . (8.1)<br />

Explicitly, σ is of the form Eq. (2.20) where<br />

σ1 = σ4 = [cosh 2 (a) + cosh(2s) sinh 2 (a)]2 ,<br />

σ2 = σ3 = [cosh(2s) cosh 2 (a) + sinh 2 (a)]2 ,<br />

ε1,2 = ε3,4 = [cosh 2 (s) sinh(2a)]Z2 ,<br />

ε1,3 = ε2,4 = [cosh(a) sinh(a) sinh(2s)]2 ,<br />

ε1,4 = [sinh 2 (a) sinh(2s)]Z2 ,<br />

ε2,3 = [cosh 2 (a) sinh(2s)]Z2 ,<br />

with Z2 = 1 0<br />

0 −1 . It is immediate to see that a state of this form is invariant under<br />

the double exchange of modes 1 ↔ 4 and 2 ↔ 3, as Si,j = Sj,i and operations on<br />

disjoint pairs of modes commute. Therefore, there is only a partial symmetry under<br />

mode permutations, not a full one like in the case of the three-mode GHZ/W states<br />

and in general the states of Sec. 2.4.3.<br />

8.2.2. Structure of bipartite entanglement<br />

Let us recall that in a pure four-mode Gaussian state and in its reductions, bipartite<br />

entanglement is equivalent to negativity of the partially transposed CM, obtained

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