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7.4. Promiscuous entanglement versus noise and asymmetry 139<br />

evolution of the residual Gaussian contangle as a measure of tripartite correlations.<br />

The results here obtained will be recovered in Sec. 12.2.4, and applied to the study<br />

of the effect of decoherence on multiparty protocols of CV quantum communication<br />

with the classes of states we are addressing, thus completing the present analysis<br />

by investigating its precise operational consequences.<br />

In the most customary and relevant instances, the bath interacting with a set of<br />

N modes can be modeled by N independent continua of oscillators, coupled to the<br />

bath through a quadratic Hamiltonian Hint in the rotating wave approximation,<br />

reading<br />

N<br />

<br />

Hint = vi(ω)[a †<br />

i bi(ω) + aib †<br />

i (ω)] dω , (7.46)<br />

i=1<br />

where bi(ω) stands for the annihilation operator of the i-th continuum’s mode<br />

labeled by the frequency ω, whereas vi(ω) represents the coupling of such a mode<br />

to the mode i of the system (assumed, for simplicity, to be real). The state of the<br />

bath is assumed to be stationary. Under the Born-Markov approximation, 19 the<br />

Hamiltonian Hint leads, upon partial tracing over the bath, to the following master<br />

equation for the N modes of the system (in interaction picture) [47]<br />

˙ϱ =<br />

N<br />

i=1<br />

<br />

γi<br />

ni L[a<br />

2<br />

†<br />

i ]ϱ + (ni<br />

<br />

+ 1) L[ai]ϱ , (7.47)<br />

where the dot stands for time-derivative, the Lindblad superoperators are defined<br />

as L[ô]ϱ ≡ 2ôϱô † − ô † ôϱ − ϱô † ô, the couplings are γi = 2πv 2 i (ωi), whereas the<br />

coefficients ni are defined in terms of the correlation functions 〈b †<br />

i (ωi)bi(ωi)〉 = ni,<br />

where averages are computed over the state of the bath and ωi is the frequency of<br />

mode i. Notice that ni is the number of thermal photons present in the reservoir<br />

associated to mode i, related to the temperature Ti of the reservoir by the Bose<br />

statistics at null chemical potential:<br />

1<br />

ni =<br />

exp( ωi . (7.48)<br />

) − 1 kTi<br />

In the derivation, we have also assumed 〈bi(ωi)bi(ωi)〉 = 0, holding for a bath at<br />

thermal equilibrium. We will henceforth refer to a “homogeneous” bath in the case<br />

ni = n and γi = γ for all i.<br />

Now, the master equation (7.47) admits a simple and physically transparent<br />

representation as a diffusion equation for the time-dependent characteristic function<br />

of the system χ(ξ, t) [47],<br />

N<br />

<br />

γi ∂xi<br />

˙χ(ξ, t) = − (xi pi) + (xi pi)ω<br />

2 ∂pi<br />

T <br />

xi<br />

σi∞ω<br />

pi<br />

<br />

χ(ξ, t) , (7.49)<br />

i=1<br />

where ξ ≡ (x1, p1, . . . , xN , pN ) is a phase-space vector and σi∞ = diag (2ni +<br />

1, 2ni + 1) (for a homogeneous bath), while ω is the symplectic form, Eq. (2.8).<br />

The right hand side of the previous equation contains a deterministic drift term,<br />

which has the effect of damping the first moments to zero on a time scale of γ/2,<br />

and a diffusion term with diffusion matrix σ∞ ≡ ⊕ N i=1 σi∞. The essential point<br />

19 Let us recall that such an approximation requires small couplings (so that the effect of<br />

Hint can be truncated to the first order in the Dyson series) and no memory effects, in that the<br />

‘future state’ of the system depends only on its ‘present state’.

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