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CHAPTER 5<br />

Multimode entanglement under symmetry<br />

In quantum information and computation science, it is of particular relevance to<br />

provide theoretical methods to determine the entanglement of systems susceptible<br />

to encompass many parties. Such an interest does not stem only from pure<br />

intellectual curiosity, but also from practical needs in the implementations of realistic<br />

information protocols. This is especially true as soon as one needs to encode<br />

two-party information in a multipartite structure in order to minimize possible errors<br />

and decoherence effects [163, 111]. The study of the structure of multipartite<br />

entanglement poses many formidable challenges, concerning both its qualification<br />

and quantification, and so far little progress has been achieved for multi-qubit systems<br />

and in general for multi-party systems in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.<br />

However, the situation looks somehow more promising in the arena of CV systems,<br />

where some aspects of genuine multipartite entanglement can be, to begin with,<br />

qualitatively understood studying the entanglement of multimode bipartitions.<br />

In the present Chapter, based on Refs. [GA4, GA5] we analyze in detail the<br />

entanglement properties of multimode Gaussian states endowed with particular<br />

symmetry constraints under mode permutations. Their usefulness arises in contexts<br />

like quantum error correction [36], where some redundancy is required for a<br />

fault-tolerant encoding of information. Bisymmetric and, as a special case, fully<br />

symmetric Gaussian states have been introduced in Sec. 2.4.3. An analysis of the<br />

symplectic spectra of (M + N)-mode Gaussian states has revealed that, with respect<br />

to the bipartition across which they exhibit the local permutation invariance<br />

(any bipartition is valid for fully symmetric states), local symplectic diagonalizations<br />

of the M-mode and the N-mode blocks result in a complete reduction of the<br />

multimode state to an equivalent two-mode state, tensor M + N − 2 uncorrelated<br />

thermal single-mode states. The equivalent two-mode state encodes all the information<br />

of the original bisymmetric multimode state for what concerns entropy and<br />

entanglement. As a consequence, the validity of the PPT criterion as a necessary<br />

and sufficient condition for separability has been extended to bisymmetric Gaussian<br />

states in Sec. 3.1.1.<br />

Here, equipped with the powerful theoretical tools for the analysis of two-mode<br />

entanglement in Gaussian states, demonstrated in the previous Chapter, we perform<br />

a close analysis of the multimode entanglement in symmetric and bisymmetric<br />

Gaussian states. In particular, we will investigate how the block entanglement<br />

scales with the number of modes, hinting at the presence of genuine multipartite<br />

entanglement arising among all the modes as their total number increases, at a given<br />

squeezing degree. Motivated by this analysis, in the next Part of this Dissertation<br />

we will face full-force the problem of quantifying the crucial and hideous property<br />

of genuine multipartite CV entanglement in Gaussian states.<br />


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