Nov 2012 - Nassau Journals

Nov 2012 - Nassau Journals

Nov 2012 - Nassau Journals


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12 THE JOURNAL NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong><br />


By Pravin J. Philip, Biz4NJ<br />

Dave Cook, Cranbury’s mayor, and Jay Taylor, incumbent<br />

township committee member, are hoping the voters will reelect<br />

them to another term on the Cranbury Township<br />

Committee.<br />

Cook was elected to the mayor position unanimously by his<br />

Democratic and Republican peers. Jay Taylor was first elected as a Republican<br />

and now stands for re-election on the Democratic ticket.<br />

Over the last term, he has served as liaison to a variety of departments,<br />

which, according to him, accounted for 33 percent of Cranbury’s<br />

budget. Jay recently had to retire as the township’s liaison to the Fire<br />

Department after joining the Fire Department.<br />

Mayor Cook: <strong>2012</strong> Version<br />

A financial advisor by trade, Cook had a baptism by fire, when<br />

first elected to the township committee in 2009. In his first year as<br />

mayor, Cranbury’s ratable had shrunk by a sixth. The $300 million in<br />

reduced ratable that fell off the town’s books was a rude awakening.<br />

Given these difficult circumstances and the need for bipartisan<br />

management, Mayor Cook says that he “created an environment for<br />

decision making” that shaved $500,000 off Cranbury’s operating expenses<br />

in three years. He said he did this by looking at fiscal policy,<br />

capital projects, as well as expanding the town’s commercial zones,<br />

and diversifying beyond warehouses, within the framework of Cranbury’s<br />

Master Plan as last updated in 2010. The township committee<br />

he led was also able to preserve 250 acres of open space. The mayor<br />

points out that “open space reduces the need for infrastructure” even<br />

as it “improves quality of life.”<br />

His advice to Cranburians was to “attend budget meetings” even<br />

if it seems like “watching paint dry.” While presiding over two consecutive<br />

budgets that gradually raised taxes, the mayor was, in his words,<br />

Re-elect DAVE COOK<br />

and JAY TAYLOR<br />

Cranbury Township Committee<br />

Success and Experience<br />

• 247 acres of farmland preserved with the<br />

town paying only 17.6 % of the purchase<br />

price<br />

• Decreased budget by half a million dollars<br />

since 2009<br />

• $2 million in debt reduction since 2009<br />

• Sponsored purchase of traffic safety<br />

equipment providing additional driver<br />

and pedestrian safety for residents<br />

Paid for by the Cranbury Democratic Committee<br />

We Will Never Forget<br />

forced to look at the “sacred cows,” looking for savings through attrition<br />

in the Police Department as well as reductions in the Municipal<br />

Alliance budget.<br />

In response to charges that taxes were still too high, Cook points<br />

out, “our job is not to come in with a machete and start hacking.”<br />

Jay Taylor Looks to the Political Middle<br />

Like David Cook, Jay Taylor grew up in Cranbury. Unlike the<br />

mayor, however, Jay was elected to township committee on the Republican<br />

ticket. Jay soon developed a bi-partisan view that prompted<br />

him to change party alliances.<br />

“I had some philosophical differences with the Republican Party,”<br />

recounted Jay. “They moved away from me,” not the other way<br />

around. Moving across the aisle, in Jay’s words, was not easy, as his<br />

family had been traditionally Republican. Jay’s father served in the<br />

90’s served on Cranbury’s Township Committee as a Republican.<br />

Cook and Taylor cite other measures they’ve taken to reduce<br />

costs, like merging the positions of Township Administrator and<br />

CFO, renegotiating police contracts, and putting together a 911 contract<br />

with Hightstown that purportedly saved $80,000 per year. Jay<br />

and David also assert that they have achieved even more savings by<br />

reducing an employee in the construction department, removing<br />

medical benefits for future township employees who retire, and consolidating<br />

suppliers.<br />

Both men have taken heat for approving the construction of a<br />

shed, budgeted at over $300,000, to house Public Works Department<br />

vehicles. This is making it harder for future administrations to merge<br />

PWD functions with nearby townships or outsource them to for-profit<br />

providers. Their defense is that the shed will extend the life of expensive<br />

vehicles and allow the township to purchase and store supplies<br />

in greater bulk. It is worth noting that the decision to construct the<br />

shed was opposed by township committee member Dan Mulligan, a<br />

Republican.<br />

Unlike their challengers, both Democratic candidates are not in<br />

favor of outsourcing any more functions of the Public Works Department.<br />

They point out that two Public Works employees currently volunteer<br />

with the Fire Department for an extra dollar per hour added to<br />

their wages. This is especially useful because the township is, according<br />

to them, saving an estimated $125,000 for each employee they would<br />

need to hire to address a recurrent shortage of Fire Department volunteers.<br />

Candidates on both sides have paid lip service to the need to<br />

encourage residents to stay on after their children are educated. The<br />

Republicans talk about reducing costs, and the Democrats have<br />

talked about finding ways to provide more services to seniors. Township<br />

Committee Member Glenn Johnson and Dan Mulligan, the<br />

township committee’s liaison to the Human Services Commission,<br />

are into adding some of the administrative services needed by seniors<br />

to the Recreation Department, which has a part-time employee<br />

who can help.<br />

The inexplicable disconnect here is that while it is the older more<br />

long-term citizens of Cranbury who vote in higher numbers, the township<br />

seems to spend far more of its resources on a school system that<br />

increasingly serves a younger, more transient population. One step in<br />

the right direction is an emerging effort by Cranbury School to engage<br />

more seniors as mentors.<br />

The people of Cranbury, the School Board, and both parties need<br />

to find ways to incentivize families who have benefited from Cranbury’s<br />

schools to put down deeper roots despite the higher taxes.<br />

As Mayor David Cook said, “at the end of the day we’re all Cranburians.”

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