Volume 94, Issue 3 - My High School Journalism

Volume 94, Issue 3 - My High School Journalism

Volume 94, Issue 3 - My High School Journalism


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Nov. 5, 2010<br />

Sports sure do teach you a lot. Whether it’s learning<br />

how to tackle, hit a ball, or perfect a stroke, the coaches<br />

in your certain sport drill the fundamentals into your<br />

head until mastery is achieved.<br />

But as time passes your form will become sloppy,<br />

techniques will eventually be forgotten, and the only<br />

lessons that remain are ones that deal with life.<br />

With each grueling practice you learn how to persevere.<br />

You may not like everything your coach makes<br />

you do, but you shut your mouth and do it. Why? You<br />

want to get better at that stroke or shot.<br />

With every obstacle, be it a game or an injury, etc, you<br />

gain confidence in yourself and in teammates who help<br />

you overcome those obstacles.<br />

You could sit and think for hours of life skills gained<br />

because of sports, but, to me there is one lesson that<br />

sticks out. You have to care.<br />

<strong>My</strong> sport is football, and my high school career ended<br />

on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 and on this day is<br />

when I learned the key to life (as I know it). The more<br />

you care about something, the less you care.<br />

Let me explain.<br />

The more feelings you have for something or someone, the less you will<br />

care about every negative that goes along with that certain something or<br />

someone.<br />

Case and point. I care a great deal about the sport of football, but even<br />

more about my football teammates. I didn’t want to let them down this<br />

year so I worked my butt off in the off-season.<br />

Every day I would lift weights after school until exhaustion (thanks to<br />

Coach Timmermann). Yes, I would be sore as heck the next day, but I<br />

drug myself back into the weight room every day, knowing that if I took<br />

even one day off I’d be letting my teammates down.<br />

The winter passed but my work did not. I continued to lift during the<br />

spring and summer and went to camps to work on my technique.<br />

Little Dodger, Fort Dodge Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

www.littledodger.net<br />

Opinion 6<br />

Keep your tongue in your own mouth<br />

For the past four years, it has become obvious to me<br />

that the rule “keep your hands and feet to yourself”<br />

hasn’t fully sunk into the minds of the adolescents at<br />

Fort Dodge Senior <strong>High</strong>. Well I’m here to remind you<br />

of that concept.<br />

From now on, I do not want to see touching, kissing,<br />

hugging, holding hands, putting your tongue down<br />

someone else’s throat and basically having sex in the<br />

halls. It is disgusting, repulsive and unbearable.<br />

If you have the urge to put your arm around your<br />

boyfriend or girlfriend, fight it. You can’t bear to be<br />

separated from your significant other? Too bad. For<br />

eight hours five days a week, I hope you can control<br />

yourself. If you cannot, switch schools immediately.<br />

I can name you most of the couples who chose to<br />

abid by the rules and show affection. If I would ask<br />

the school who are the most outrageous couples, I bet<br />

each student would describe the same students. Now<br />

Cortney Wolter<br />

I am not going to name those people, but I hope you<br />

know who you are and are deciding to change your<br />

disturbing ways.<br />

A class period is less than an hour and a half and it is pathetic that couples<br />

will stand outside their classroom’s doorway making-out excessively<br />

or share long, awkward hugs. You’re going to text them throughout the<br />

class anyways and see them soon enough. Leave your romantic happenings<br />

in the bedroom. A school is no place for them.<br />

I have had to scream at the top of my lungs at couples with their arms<br />

around each other and their lips glued together. I really don’t care at this<br />

point if you are offended. I really do not feel bad if I hurt your feelings.<br />

I have seen enough of these disturbing public displays of affection. You<br />

shouldn’t have to be told to control your sexual urges.<br />

This is a place for learning; not for sex. If I wanted to<br />

see that, I would watch a porno.<br />

For the record, most of you couples will not last past<br />

college or even high school. Most of you have mistaken<br />

lust for love. I know that you think you are “in love” and<br />

“life is heart-breaking without your significant other,”<br />

but I promise you life goes on when you are not all over<br />

each other.<br />

These relationships in high school are to prepare you<br />

for marriage in the future.<br />

This idea goes hand-in-hand with respect. I believe<br />

that if you chose to make-out with your girlfriend or<br />

boyfriend in the hallways, you are not respecting the<br />

people around you.<br />

If someone takes offense to my raging comments,<br />

Editor why should it matter? They are not showing respect to<br />

me, themselves or their boyfriend or girlfriend. Why<br />

should I show them any?<br />

I don’t make-out with my boyfriend in the halls and<br />

do not want to either. We barely even walk together; I feel as if that would<br />

be disrrespectful to him and myself if we acted this way around school. I<br />

respect everyone in this school who also shows me respect in return. You<br />

stop making-out, I’ll stop being rude.<br />

I know this opinion is cliché but someone needs to step up and say<br />

something. The school needs to make a policy for public displays of affection.<br />

All teachers and students need to step up and stop this nonsense. It<br />

has gotten out of hand. I’m tired of being one of the few to stand up and<br />

say something.<br />

Let’s stop showing PDA in the hallways and come to school for learning.<br />

Sports teach us more about life than games<br />

Colin Hendricks<br />

Then practice started. At that point all of the work I<br />

did shifted from individual effort into a collective team<br />

effort. Enough of the team cared about each other at<br />

the beginning of the season to not care about all of the<br />

sweat filled days of endless practice and conditioning.<br />

Sure, we complained now and again, but when Coach<br />

Miller told us to do another sprint we did it.<br />

Feelings grew stronger and over the course of the year<br />

we, as a team, grew numb to the sacrifices we had to<br />

make to be a good team. We didn’t always like what we<br />

had to give up but we did it, because we couldn’t stand<br />

seeing our teammates in pain.<br />

As you all know, the varsity football team had a great<br />

year. We finished with a record of 8-2 and were the outright<br />

CIML Iowa conference champions. I truly believe the<br />

reason we had so much success was being the amount of<br />

love for one another we had. We weren’t always the fastest<br />

or the strongest but when we set foot out on the field<br />

one thing was for sure: we cared more for each other<br />

than any other team.<br />

So, even though I’m not happy the way the season ended,<br />

i’m glad the pain of defeat lead me to this discovery. I think this is going<br />

to make me a better person in the future, which really is the point of high<br />

school athletics.<br />

The wins and losses won’t be remembered (and if they are, chances are<br />

they won’t be remembered accurately) but the life lessons will stick with<br />

you.<br />

I learned that the key to success, for me anyway, is the ability to care. The<br />

more I care, the easier it is to make sacrifices for that cause. Whenever I start<br />

to complain in the future I will be able to reflect back and see just how much<br />

I care about the problem. If I don’t care about it, I won’t fret, but if I do care,<br />

I’ll give whatever it takes to achieve my goal.<br />

But don’t take my word for it, go out and try a sport (or challenging activity)<br />

and see what life lessons you learn.<br />

Sports Editor

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