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siOBX; - Smithsonian Institution


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page 153. It may have been formed under Creek influence or<br />

may have been a late sporadic growth, yet it is possible that it per-<br />

petuates something more ancient.<br />

Clans and Local Groups<br />

There are only the faintest traces of groups with truly totemic<br />

designations, the animal and plant names which occur seeming not<br />

to have had a totemic connotation. The most important apparent<br />

exception is furnished by Adam Hodgson, who traversed the terri-<br />

tory of most of the large southeastern tribes on a missionary journey<br />

in the year 1820. On the banks of the Yalobusha Kiver " he reached<br />

the dwelling of a half-breed Choctaw, whose wife was a Chickasaw,<br />

and whose hut was on the frontier of the two nations." This man,<br />

who " spoke English very well," told him among other matters " that<br />

there were tribes or families among the Indians, somewhat similar<br />

to the Scottish clans ; such as, the Panther family, the Bird family,<br />

the Raccoon family, the Wolf family : he belonged to the Raccoon<br />

family, but his children to the family of his wife." All of these<br />

totemic groups except the Wolf are known with certainty to have<br />

been present among the Chickasaw, and the Wolf occurs in Morgan's<br />

list. It is possible, therefore, that this Choctaw, on marrying into<br />

the Chickasaw tribe, had been assigned a totemic group, or that some<br />

northern Choctaw had adopted the Chickasaw system. Claiborne<br />

states that six clans. Wind, Bear, Deer, Wolf, Panther, and Holly<br />

Leaf, extended throughout the Choctaw, Cherokee, and Creek tribes,<br />

but his information was evidently derived from the Creeks, it is<br />

only partially true of the Cherokee, and otherwise not to be relied<br />

upon.^^ Aside from these questionable statements there seems to<br />

be nothing to warrant the assumption that totemic groups existed<br />

among the Choctaw. There is every reason to believe that the<br />

Crawfish people, the only division of any size bearing an animal<br />

name, w^ere descended from the originally independent tribe of that<br />

name (the Chokchiuma) living between the Choctaw and Chickasaw.<br />

But even though there were no totemic iksa, it is quite possible<br />

that there were nontotemic divisions corresponding to the Chickasaw<br />

totemic clans and differentiated in some manner from the smaller<br />

geographical bands. If there were such, the eight " gentes " enumer-<br />

ated by Morgan on the authority of Cyrus Byington and the six<br />

mentioned by the Rev. Alfred Wright would fall into this category.<br />

The former are, in the moiety of the Beloved People, the Chu-fanik'-sii,<br />

Is-ku-la'-ni, Chi'-to, and Shak-clmk'-la, and, in the moiety<br />

of the Divided People, the Kush-ik'sii,^'' Law-ok'lu, Lu-lak Ik'-sii,<br />

"> Claiborne, Miss., i, p. 493.<br />

'• Cushman says that the full form of this Is " Kunsba-a-he " (ku''shak ahe), "reed-<br />

potato." P. 297. He states that Apushmataha belonged to it.

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