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198 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [Bull. 103 The pygmy being or beings of Creek and Chickasaw mythology appear again in that of the Choctaw. Halbert says The Choctaws in Mississippi say that there is a little man, about two feet high, that dwells in the thick woods and is solitary iu his habits. This little sprite or hobgoblin is called by the Choctaws Bohpoli, or Kuwi anukasha, both names being used indifferently or synonymously. The translation of Bohpoli is the " Thrower." The translation of Kowi anukasha is. " The one who stays in the woods," or, to give a more concise translation, " Forest-dweller." Boh- poli is represented as being somewhat sportive and mischievous but not malicious in his nature. The Choctaws say that he often playfully throws sticks and stones at the people. Every mysterious noise heard in the woods, whether by day or night, they ascribe to Bohpoli. He takes special pleasure, they say, in striking the pine trees. A young Indian once told me tliat one night, whilst camped in the woods, he was awakened out of a deep sleep by a loud noise made on a pine tree by Bohpoli. Bohpoli, or Kowi anukasha, is never seen by the common Choctaws. The Choctaw prophets and doctors, however, claim the power of seeing him and of holding communication with him. The Indian doctors say that Bohpoli assists them in the manufacture of their medicines. Most Choctaws say or think that there is but one Bohpoli, In the opinion of others there may be more than one."* Bushnell was told that this spirit occasionally captured a child and imparted to him secrets which enabled him to become a doctor. In the stories collected by the last-mentioned writer appear some other supernatural beings, as Kashehotapalo, a combination of man and deer who delights in frightening hunters, OkAva Naholo [or Oka Nahullo], " white people of the water," who dwell in deep pools and have light skins like the skins of trout and sometimes capture human beings w hom they convert into beings like themselves ; Hoklo- note'she, a bad spirit who can assume any shape he desires and is able to read men's thoughts ; Nalusa Falaya, " the Long Black Being," which resembles a man, but has small eyes and long, pointed ears and sometimes frightens hunters or even communicates its own power of doing harm ; and Hashok Okwa Hui'ga, " grass Avater drop," which seems to have some connection with the will-o'-the- wisp. Its heart only is visible and that only at night, and if one looks at it he is led astray. Ishkitini, the horned owl, was believed to prowl about at night killing men and animals. This sinister character was undoubtedly due to witchcraft. the association of the bird with Simpson Tubby claimed that the jack-o'-lantern was called " nightmare " by the Indians and was believed to plait up the tails of horses during the night and to ride them about until they could hardly be used next day and many died from the effects. They also upset a horse's stomach so that an Indian doctor had to be called in to treat him. H. S. Halbert, "The Choctaw Robin Goodfellow," iu American Antiquarian, vol. xvii, p. 157.

SWANTON] CHOCTAW SOCIAL AND CEREMONIAL LIFE 199 He said that when the horned owl (ishkitini) screeched it meant a sudden death, such as a murder. If the screech owl (ofunlo) was heard, it was a sign that a child under seven among the connections of that family was going to die, because in size this is a baby owl. If a common owl (opa) alighted on a barn or on trees near the house and hooted, it foreboded death among the near relatives. The sapsucker (biskinik) is the " news bird." He brings news both bad and good. If he lights on a tree in your lot early in the morning, some " hasty " news will come before noon. If he does this late at night, the news will come before morning. They believed that the chicken had been put into their yards to give them a friendly warning of danger. If a chicken crows outside of its usual time, it is because it foresees bad weather. If one comes up to the doorstep or into the gallery and crows, it means hasty news. If a chicken flies up on the roost and crows after reaching it, there will be trouble in the family. If a hen crows, that means that the women of the neighborhood are going to fall out. The old Choctaw claimed that the male eel acted also as the male of catfish and fish of other kinds. If one had intercourse with a female eel, the offspring would naturally be eels; if with a mud catfish, the offspring would be blue catfish ; if with any scale fish, the young would be channel catfish. It was claimed the different species of fish were made by intermarriages. They claimed that though the blacksnake would not harm anyone, it would try to scare a person. The coachwhip snake would wrap itself around a person and whip him with its tail, and if a hawk tried to carry one of these serpents off, it would whip him until the feathers flew and make him let it go. The word "NahuUo" (something supernatural or sacred), which appears above, was probably a generic term applied to spirits that had never existed as human beings, although Cushman speaks of them as a race of gigantic hunters who lived in western Tennessee and the northern parts of Alabama and Mississippi at the period of the Choctaw immigration." Later the term was applied to the white people, probably on account of the lightness of their skins. Cushman also speaks of certain huge animals to which the Choctaw attributed the origin of the prairies along the western banks of the Tombigbee Kiver. Some of these native conceptions owed their origin, or at least their confirmation, to the discovery of mastodon bones. He speaks again of "a strange and ancient tradition among the Choctaw and Chickasaw hunters, before their exodus to their present place of abode, that, as soon as the horns dropped off, the buck [deer] ^ Cushman, Hist. Inds., p. 207.


He said that when the horned owl (ishkitini) screeched it meant a<br />

sudden death, such as a murder. If the screech owl (ofunlo) was<br />

heard, it was a sign that a child under seven among the connections<br />

of that family was going to die, because in size this is a baby owl.<br />

If a common owl (opa) alighted on a barn or on trees near the house<br />

and hooted, it foreboded death among the near relatives.<br />

The sapsucker (biskinik) is the " news bird." He brings news both<br />

bad and good. If he lights on a tree in your lot early in the morning,<br />

some " hasty " news will come before noon. If he does this late at<br />

night, the news will come before morning.<br />

They believed that the chicken had been put into their yards to<br />

give them a friendly warning of danger. If a chicken crows outside<br />

of its usual time, it is because it foresees bad weather. If one comes<br />

up to the doorstep or into the gallery and crows, it means hasty<br />

news. If a chicken flies up on the roost and crows after reaching it,<br />

there will be trouble in the family. If a hen crows, that means that<br />

the women of the neighborhood are going to fall out.<br />

The old Choctaw claimed that the male eel acted also as the male<br />

of catfish and fish of other kinds. If one had intercourse with a<br />

female eel, the offspring would naturally be eels; if with a mud<br />

catfish, the offspring would be blue catfish ; if with any scale fish, the<br />

young would be channel catfish. It was claimed the different species<br />

of fish were made by intermarriages.<br />

They claimed that though the blacksnake would not harm anyone,<br />

it would try to scare a person. The coachwhip snake would wrap<br />

itself around a person and whip him with its tail, and if a hawk<br />

tried to carry one of these serpents off, it would whip him until the<br />

feathers flew and make him let it go.<br />

The word "NahuUo" (something supernatural or sacred), which<br />

appears above, was probably a generic term applied to spirits that<br />

had never existed as human beings, although Cushman speaks of<br />

them as a race of gigantic hunters who lived in western Tennessee<br />

and the northern parts of Alabama and Mississippi at the period of<br />

the Choctaw immigration." Later the term was applied to the white<br />

people, probably on account of the lightness of their skins.<br />

Cushman also speaks of certain huge animals to which the Choctaw<br />

attributed the origin of the prairies along the western banks of the<br />

Tombigbee Kiver. Some of these native conceptions owed their<br />

origin, or at least their confirmation, to the discovery of mastodon<br />

bones.<br />

He speaks again of "a strange and ancient tradition among the<br />

Choctaw and Chickasaw hunters, before their exodus to their present<br />

place of abode, that, as soon as the horns dropped off, the buck [deer]<br />

^ Cushman, Hist. Inds., p. 207.

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