Read Skywalk Construction Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2009 (PDF)

Read Skywalk Construction Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2009 (PDF)

Read Skywalk Construction Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2009 (PDF)


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Project Budget. The committee discussed the need for GCSD to disclose its<br />

construction budget. R. Majenty instructed C. Daines to add this item to the list of project<br />

deliverables.<br />

. <strong>Construction</strong> Work-5ite Liabilties, The committee reviewed the problem of visitors<br />

entenng the Skywlk construction site without wearing hard hats. A solution was<br />

discussed that would include a waiver of liability on the <strong>Skywalk</strong> entry ticket.<br />

Follow Un;<br />

~~¡ib:",'-';~:PROJEçTtiMPRoVEMENTsrj¡:OLLOWUP~<br />

Issue: Actn ftem:<br />

GCSD Faux Rock Panels Coordinate constrcton of faux rock repreenttie panels.<br />

C. Daines Hualapai Fire Marshal Meet wit Fire Marshal to discuss conditonal approval of fire delivery system.<br />

Fire Marshal's offce to issue a letter specing conditonal approal of the fire<br />

derivery sym, wt the explic understanding that a remmendation for the<br />

issuance of a Certcate of Ocpancy wil be wiheld until as-buils are<br />

drawn and forwarded to Are Marshal's offce for review, a site inspecton wil<br />

be conduct and a punchlist generate outlinIng modffcatlons to the flre<br />

delIvery system, and all punch list itms to be completed to Fire Marshal's<br />

satifacton.<br />

GCSD, ECM, C. DaInes Gant Chart Revise Gantt chart for TIs based on conditonal approl of fire delivery<br />

sYStem.<br />

GCRCiSNW, GCSD Liabilit Form Examine use of waiver of liabilit included in the Skyalk entr tiet as a<br />

means of addreinl' constcton zone hard hat Isue.<br />

GCSD Skylk. Project Budget GCSD to ident constcton cots for (a) Phase 1- Glass Bridge<br />

Constrcton. GCSD to disdose constrcton budget for (b) Phase 11- Base<br />

Shall constrcton, and (el Phase Jl- Tenant Improements for MaIn Floor<br />

and Ground Floor ADA acc.<br />


A. <strong>Construction</strong> Inspection.<br />

. Code Compliance, P&D Consultants stated that the building has been built to code.<br />

Applicable codes include International Building Code (IBC) 2000, Uniform Plumbing Code<br />

(UPC) 2000, Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) 2000, and National Electric Code (NEC)<br />

2002.<br />

7. CHECKLIST<br />

A. Project Deliverables, GCSD is responsible for the following construction-related deliverables:<br />

a) ALTAiACSM Survey (To be completed with the Eagle PoInt (EP) Master Plan.)<br />

. ALTA stands for American Land Title Association. ACSM stands for Amercian Congress on<br />

Surveying and Mapping. An ALTAiACSM survey shows improvements, easements, nghts-of-way,<br />

and other elements impacting the commercial use of land. Standards for an ALTAiACSM Survey<br />

may be found at: http://w.acsm.netlalta.html)<br />

b) Legal Description of Staging Lodge Propert (To be completed with the EP Master Plan.)<br />

. To include formal propert location, dimensions, and boundaries. Typically boundanes are<br />

described in a running prose style, working around the parcel of the land in sequence, from a point<br />

of beginning, retuming back to the same point.<br />

c) Utility Plan (To be completed with the EP Master Plan.)<br />

. Accrding to Section 2.2(j)(pgs. 10-11) of the Agreement, the "design and construction of the<br />

Project Improvements" specifcally includes "bringing adeauate sanitary and storm sewers,<br />

water lines, and other utilities to the Project Improvements, and any tap In, connection,<br />

annexation, hook.up or sImilar fees or charges relatlng to utilities" see Agreement, Section<br />

2.2(j)(v), as well as the "pumps required to Increase water presure to meet requirements of<br />

the sprinkler system or domestic water in the Project Improvements" - see Agreement,<br />

Section 2.2(j)(vii).<br />

. Aricle 1.1 of the Agreement defines "Project" as "Project Improvements, the Site, all Fumiture and<br />

Equipment, the inventones, and all other Items of real or personal propert used in connection with<br />

the development, management, and operation of the Project: Additionally, .Project Improvements<br />

means the Glass Bndge and adjacent building providing secunty and structural support for the<br />

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GCSD010445<br />

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