330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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General <strong>Java</strong> Questions II<br />

http://www.patterndepot.com/put/8/<strong>Java</strong>Patterns.htm<br />

Q: Whats the difference between the two: System.err. and System.out? When<br />

should we use System.err?<br />

Answer1: System.out leads the output to the standard output stream (normally<br />

mapped to your console screen), System.err leads the output to the standard error<br />

stream (by default the console, too). the standard output should be used for regular<br />

program output, the standard error for errormessages. If you start your console<br />

program regularly both message types will appear on your screen.<br />

But you may redirect both streams to different destinations (e.g. files), e.g. if you want<br />

to create an error log file where you don't want to be the regualr output in.<br />

On an UNIX you may redirect the output as follows:<br />

java yourprog.class >output.log 2>error.log<br />

this causes your regular output (using System.out) to be stored in output.log and your<br />

error messages (using System.err) to be stored in error.log<br />

Answer2: System.err is a "special" pipe that usually is directed to the standard<br />

consolle. You can redirect the System.out with the normal pipe control (| or >), but<br />

System.err no. If you want to put both the "normal" output and the "error" output to a<br />

file you must use the special redirect 2>.<br />

This allow you to send normal messages into a file or in the /null black hole, but still<br />

receive the error messages on the console.<br />

What is the essential difference between an abstract class and an interface?<br />

What dictates the choice of one over the other?<br />

Answer: You can only extend one class (abstract or not) whereas you can always<br />

implement one or more interfaces. Interfaces are <strong>Java</strong>'s way to support multiple<br />

inheritance.<br />

Does anyone know how could I get the size of an Enumeration object? The API<br />

for Enumeration only contains getNext() and next().<br />

Answer 1: You can't. Theoretically, some classes that implement Enumeration may<br />

also provide some way to get a size, but you'd have to know about the more specific<br />

run-time type and cast to it... and none of the standard java.util Collections classes<br />

nor Vector or such provide these methods in their Enumeration implementations.<br />

Answer2:<br />

you can make your own class like this:<br />

import java.util.*;<br />

public class MyEnumeration{<br />

int size;<br />

int index = 0;<br />

Enumeration e;<br />

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