330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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General <strong>Java</strong> Questions I<br />

Q: I write java about 2 years, but I still confuse one thing that is why should we<br />

use interface???<br />

If I need to implement an interface and just use its every methods name.<br />

Why shouldn't just write every methods statments in a class, not in interface??<br />

I only can think about that if I extend a class, than can implement another or the<br />

others interface.<br />

As you can saw, I really confuse about this. And I do see many books for the reasons<br />

, but I can't get the answer, please tell me !<br />

Answer: "Interface" is the <strong>Java</strong> way to do multiple inheritance, or a better way to think<br />

of it is as a way to design plug-ins.<br />

For example, let's say we have an application that monitors a network of computers.<br />

Our monitors might check for web pages, or they may check for other ports, or they<br />

may have hooks for hardware checks.<br />

The interface to our main control panel is always the same: We need some means to<br />

poll the monitor object for an answer. This is the "NetworkMonitor" interface and all<br />

network monitors will share this interface, but they may have a class heirarchy that is<br />

very different, for example, port-monitors may all fork a thread that periodically<br />

checks whereas our control panel interface just asks for the most recent answer;<br />

hardware monitors may ask for their data in real-time or over RPC and thus have no<br />

need of inheriting from Thread.<br />

Because they share the same Interface definition, the control panel application does<br />

not need to know if they are polling monitors or real-time monitors because, from the<br />

control panel's point of view, it does not matter<br />

--<br />

...<br />

P.S. by John<br />

Also interfaces make our life (I mean programmers) much easier.<br />

Imagine a big project ( a lot of programmers, many packages, thousands of files): it is<br />

impossible all the time to be aware about particular implementation of some method<br />

in specific class in another package!<br />

Much easier to define interfaces between packages as some kind of bridges or gates<br />

into another package and their functionality, with hidden (for us) implementation. We<br />

just know interface and method names. It is enough to use those methods.<br />

How it is implemented there does no matter... It is working!<br />

Q: Is a static variables value likely to be garbage collected once objects of the<br />

class are no longer pointing to it? Does it destroy itself at any point or must that be<br />

done explicitly?<br />

I have a class with a static variable I create two instances of this class.<br />

In each instance I modify the static variable. Then I destroy the objects(point them to<br />

null), then create another instance of the same class and reference the static<br />

variable.<br />

Answer: No - the static variables are effectively linked to the Class object<br />

rather than any instances; they will only be garbage collected when the<br />

Class is garbage collected. This will only happen if the ClassLoader<br />

which loaded the Class is garbage collected.<br />

--<br />

Jon Skeet<br />

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