330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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General <strong>Java</strong> Questions I<br />

2. override the method clone(), so that it<br />

a. becomes public<br />

b. calls super.clone()<br />

c. if necessary, clones any members, or<br />

d. if a member can't be cloned, creates a new instance.<br />

Simple example:<br />

public MyClass implements Cloneable {<br />

int someNumber;<br />

String someString;<br />

public Object clone() {<br />

// primitives and Strings are no<br />

// problem<br />

return super.clone();<br />

}<br />

}<br />

In this case the method clone() of the class MyClass returns a new instance of<br />

MyClass, where all members have exactly the same value. That means, the object<br />

reference 'someString' points to the same object. This is called a shallow<br />

copy. In many cases this is no problem. Strings are immutable and you do not<br />

need a new copy. But if you need new copies of members, you have to do it in<br />

the clone() method. Here is another simple example:<br />

public class SomeMember implements Cloneable {<br />

long someLong;<br />

}<br />

public Object clone() {<br />

return super.clone();<br />

}<br />

public AnotherClass extends MyClass {<br />

SomeMember someMember;<br />

}<br />

public Object clone() {<br />

AnotherClass ac = (AnotherClass)(super.clone());<br />

if (someMember != null) {<br />

ac.someMember = (SomeMember)(someMember.clone());<br />

}<br />

return ac;<br />

}<br />

Note that the class AnotherClass, that extends MyClass, automatically becomes<br />

Cloneable, because MyClass is Cloneable.<br />

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