330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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Graphics, AWT, Swing I part<br />

It isn't fully correctly if we are speaking about containers on which they can draw.<br />

Swing is still based on AWT, and even Swing components must have at least one<br />

heavyweight container. In other words, JFrame, JApplet are *not* lightweight.<br />

I need to put in a JtextField characters like cyrilic ...<br />

How can I do this?<br />

Answer: You use the unicode string \u???? corresponding to your character.<br />

A table of codes can be found at www.unicode.org/charts/<br />

by Charles Megnin<br />

Is there any way to accept password from a java application. As it is a password,<br />


Answer: If you are using swing, you can use JPasswordField, and set your<br />

echo character.<br />

by myparu<br />

How can I change the default icon on application window (java cup) to my own?<br />

Answer:<br />

window.setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("image.gif"));<br />

Q: How can I read a Tab delimited text file into a JList?<br />

All I need is the first item in each record. I import each line with a<br />

BufferedReader.Readline() and then look at each char with record.substring(n,n+1).<br />

How can I check if the next char is a Tab?<br />

Answer: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(record, "\t");<br />

while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {<br />

String token = st.nextToken();<br />

// ... do something with the token<br />

}<br />

How do I generate mouse click event but without a real click?<br />

Could you tell me how I can generate an event (like a mouse click) from a <strong>Java</strong><br />

application? (I want generate a mouse click event but without a real click on the<br />

mouse).<br />

Answer: See "simulate keyboard pressing" below: You can use java.awt.Robot"<br />

since java1.3<br />

Q: Why would anyone use AWT and not Swing today?<br />

Answer: There are several handheld devices that do not have a lot of memory or<br />

CPU power available, AWT is more suitable for them (Smaller footprint).<br />

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