330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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Graphics, AWT, Swing I part<br />

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Graphics, AWT, Swing<br />

How can I minimise "Flicker" in animation? Solution 1:<br />

Answer: Solution 1:<br />

Visit us here and you will find<br />

much more tips!<br />

Override update() : Flickering in animation occurs because default update() method<br />

clears the screen of any existing contents and then calls paint(). To reduce flickering,<br />

therefore, override update(). Here is how just add the following code to your applet:<br />

public void update(Graphics g) {<br />

paint(g);<br />

}<br />

What the update is now doing is just calling paint() and not clearing it, a further<br />

refinement to the above will be to override update() method and painting only the<br />

region where the changes are taking place. Here is how:<br />

public void update(Graphics g) {<br />

g.clipRect(x, y, w, h);<br />

paint(g);<br />

}<br />

Solution 2 will be described tomorrow<br />

How can I minimise "Flicker" in animation? Solution 2:<br />

Solution 1 was described in our tip yesterday<br />

Solution 2:<br />

Use double-buffering : double buffering is the process of doing all your drawing to an<br />

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