330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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File Systems I<br />

}<br />

}<br />

myObject = (Object)test;<br />

s.saveMyObject("myfile", myObject);<br />

If you open myfile you will see that this object includes our string "test"<br />

In the same manner you can read this object from file...<br />

Q: Can anyone write me a short method that lets me know what files are in a<br />

particular directory?<br />

For example, I want to know that directory, d:/temp/aaa, has files a.txt, b.java,<br />

b.class.<br />

Also related to this, how do I find out what folders I have?<br />

Thanks in advance.<br />

Answer: use our program as a base and add checking for the files and directories<br />

you need to find!<br />

here it is:<br />

import java.io.File;<br />

public class Save{<br />

public void showDirectoryList() {<br />

File dir = new File("d:/temp/aaa");<br />

File[] list = dir.listFiles();<br />

for (int i=0; i

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