330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server

330 Java Tips.pdf - FTP Server


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Applets<br />

}<br />

Foo applet = new Foo();<br />

applet.start();<br />

add(applet, "Center");<br />

//...<br />

main()is function of course, not constructor<br />

--<br />

Alex<br />

Q: Is it possible to run a java applet in a dos window (win98 se)?<br />

Answer: No. A dos window is a character device. You can use the applet viewer program that comes<br />

with the JDK though.<br />

--<br />

Mike<br />

Q: Is there a simple way to tell if a PC online or not from within an applet?<br />

Answer: Not without either server-side support or signing the applet, since applets are not allowed to<br />

connect to other hosts than the one they are downloaded from. Best approach, I suppose, would be to<br />

ping the target from the server.<br />

However, this is not quite full proof because of firewalling: my pc, for example, will not answer to<br />

pings.<br />

--<br />

Michiel<br />

Q: Is it possible to close browser from applet?<br />

Answer: Yes, use this (tested):<br />

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

import java.applet.Applet;<br />

import java.awt.*;<br />

import java.awt.event.*;<br />

import netscape.javascript.JSObject;<br />

class CloseApplet extends Applet<br />

implements ActionListener{<br />

protected Button closeButton = null;<br />

protected JSObject win = null;<br />

public void init(){<br />

this.win = JSObject.getWindow(this);<br />

this.closeButton = new Button("Close Browser Window");<br />

this.add(this.closeButton);<br />

this.closeButton.addActionListener(this);<br />

} // ends init(void)<br />

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){<br />

this.win.eval("self.close();");<br />

}<br />

} // ends class CloseApplet<br />

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