MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape


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*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/<br />

/* MSGDD - DDNAME to write messages to */<br />

/* MSGLINES - number of blank lines to put before and after */<br />

/* MESSAGE - Text to write to the MSGDD */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

saydd: module = 'SAYDD'<br />

if wordpos(module,probe) Ø then trace 'r'; else trace 'n'<br />

parse arg sparms<br />

push trace() time('L') module 'From:' sigl 'Parms:' sparms<br />

call modtrace 'START' sigl<br />

parse arg msgdd msglines message<br />

if words(msgdd msglines message) < 3 then<br />

call rcexit 33 'Missing MSGDD or MSGLINES'<br />

if datatype(msglines) 'NUM' then<br />

call rcexit 34 'MSGLINES must be numeric'<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* If this is not background then bypass */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

if tsoenv 'BACK' then<br />

do<br />

pull tracelvl . module . sigl . sparms<br />

call modtrace 'STOP' sigl<br />

interpret 'trace' tracelvl<br />

return<br />

end<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* Confirm the MSGDD exists */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

call ddcheck msgdd<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* If a number is provided, add that number of blank lines before */<br />

/* the message */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

msgb = 1<br />

if msglines > Ø then<br />

do msgb=1 to msglines<br />

msgline.msgb = ' '<br />

end<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* If the linesize is too long break it into multiple lines and */<br />

/* create continuation records */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

msgm = msgb<br />

if length(message) > 6Ø & substr(message,1,2) '@@' then<br />

do<br />

messst = lastpos(' ',message,6Ø)<br />

messseg = substr(message,1,messst)<br />

msgline.msgm = date() time() strip(messseg)<br />

message = strip(delstr(message,1,messst))<br />

do while length(message) > Ø<br />

68 © 2005. Xephon USA telephone (214) 340 5690, fax (214) 341 7081.

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