MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape


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dsnnum = Ø<br />

ddname = '$DDNAME$'<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* Parse out the DDNAMEs, locate the target DD and concatentate DSNs */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

do ddd=1 to lines.Ø<br />

select<br />

when words(lines.ddd) = 1 & targdd = ddname &,<br />

lines.ddd 'KEEP' then<br />

dddsns = dddsns strip(lines.ddd)<br />

when words(lines.ddd) = 1 & strip(lines.ddd),<br />

'KEEP' then<br />

dddsn.ddd = strip(lines.ddd)<br />

when words(lines.ddd) = 2 then<br />

do<br />

parse upper var lines.ddd ddname .<br />

if targdd = ddname then<br />

do<br />

fdsn = ddd - 1<br />

dddsns = lines.fdsn<br />

end<br />

end<br />

otherwise iterate<br />

end<br />

end<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* Get the last DD */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

ddnum = ddlist()<br />

lastdd = word(ddlist,ddnum)<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* Remove the last DSN from the list if not the last DD or SYSEXEC */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

if targdd 'SYSEXEC' & targdd lastdd then<br />

do<br />

dsnnum = words(dddsns) - 1<br />

dddsns = subword(dddsns,1,dsnnum)<br />

end<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

/* Return the number of DSNs in the DD */<br />

/*********************************************************************/<br />

pull tracelvl . module . sigl . sparms<br />

call modtrace 'STOP' sigl<br />

interpret 'trace' tracelvl<br />

return dsnnum<br />

/*********** @REFRESH END DDDSNS 2ØØ2/Ø9/11 ØØ:37:36 *************/<br />

/*********** @REFRESH BEGIN QDSN 2ØØ2/Ø9/11 Ø1:15:23 *************/<br />

/* QDSN - Make sure there are only one set of quotes */<br />

/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/<br />

/* QDSN - The DSN */<br />

© 2005. Reproduction prohibited. Please inform Xephon of any infringement.<br />


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