MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape

MVS Jan 2005.p65 - CBT Tape


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CNOP Ø,4<br />

*=================================================================*<br />

* Trap program : *<br />

* Display GRØ,1,2 and PSW contents *<br />

* If R2 =2 it updates the PSW pointed instruction (so BCT ) *<br />

* with a PR to end program. *<br />

* *<br />

* Chaining : *<br />

* TCB->STCB->DUCT=> DUCT+X'44' => Trap Control Block Addr(TRCB) *<br />

* TCRB+X'ØC' => Trap Save Area addr(TRSA) *<br />

* TRSA+X'1Ø' => PSW 128bits *<br />

* Instruction to after TRAP *<br />

* TRSA+X'2Ø' => GRØØ-15 *<br />

* Resume Program: *<br />

* RP parmlist layout Ø-12 *<br />

* X'13'Bit P => Specify PSW size Ø=8 1=16 *<br />

* X 14'Bit R => if Ø, GR field is 4bytes *<br />

* => if 1 and Bit15=Ø GR field is *<br />

* 8bytes *<br />

* => if 1 and Bit15=1 in both *<br />

* GR field and field 2. *<br />

* X'15'Bit D => see above *<br />

* X'1Ø'Offset to psw fld *<br />

* X'2Ø'Offset to AR fld *<br />

* X'3Ø'Offset to GR fld *<br />

* X'4Ø'Offset to GR fld additional (see b15) *<br />

*=================================================================*<br />

PGM EQU *<br />


L R1,PSATOLD-PSA(,Ø) Current TCB<br />

L R1,TCBSTCB-TCB(,R1) Get STCB<br />

L R5,STCBDUCV-STCB(,R1) Get DUCT in R5<br />

L R5,44(,R5) Get TRAP2 CB<br />

BCTR R5,Ø Align on DW<br />

L R4,12(,R5) Get TRAP2 TRSA<br />

CLC X'28'(4,R4),=F'2' If R2=2 instr at<br />

BNE NOUPDT PSW (BCT) is overw<br />

L R3,X'1C'(R4) ritten with (PR) to<br />

MVC Ø(2,R3),=XL2'Ø1Ø1' end main loop<br />

MVC MSGGRØØ(16),=CL16'chg instr at psw'<br />

NOUPDT EQU *<br />

* Edit GRs and PSW<br />

UNPK MSGGR+4(9),X'2Ø'(5,R4) Unpk RØ<br />

TR MSGGR+4(8),TAB Edit RØ<br />

MVI MSGGR+12,X'4Ø' Clear<br />

UNPK MSGGR+13(9),X'24'(5,R4) Unpk R1<br />

TR MSGGR+13(8),TAB Edit R1<br />

MVI MSGGR+21,X'4Ø' Clear<br />

UNPK MSGGR+22(9),X'28'(5,R4) Unpk R2<br />

TR MSGGR+22(8),TAB Edit R2<br />

© 2005. Reproduction prohibited. Please inform Xephon of any infringement.<br />


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