educational loan agreement - Canara Bank

educational loan agreement - Canara Bank

educational loan agreement - Canara Bank


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e°ojH$ F$U H$amaZm_m<br />


NF 440 /1 L(25)/2010-02/Saileela<br />

H$ama d gm_m›` _wªVmaZm_m H{$ Í$[ _|<br />

ÒQ>°Â[ bJm`m OmZm MmohE $&<br />

To be stamped as an <strong>agreement</strong> cum general<br />

power of attorney<br />

e°ojH$ F$U H{$ obE `h H$amaZm_m..................................... ÒWmZ [a AmO.......................................... H{$<br />

.......................................................oXZH$m{,<br />

This <strong>agreement</strong> for Educational <strong>loan</strong> made at.....................................................................................................<br />

this..................................................................... day of ........................................................................between<br />

H$) lr/lr_Vr................................................................................................................................(_mVm-o[Vm) [wÃ/[wÃr<br />

................................................................Am`w bJ^J ..................................................gmb, oZdmgr<br />

...................................................................................................................................................................<br />

A) Sri/Smt..................................................(parent) son of/daughter of ......................................................................<br />

..........................aged about .........................years, residing at .............................................................................<br />

...................................................................................................................................................................<br />

I) lr/lr_Vr........................................(od⁄mWu) [wÃ/[wÃr...................................Am`w bJ^J................... gmb, oZdmgr<br />

.............................................................................................oOZH$m ‡oVoZoYÀd o[Vm/Ao^^mdH$ H{$ ¤mam oH$`m Om ahm h° Am°a<br />

oO›h| BgH{$ ]mX ""‡W_ [j'' H{$ CYmaH$Vm© H$hm OmEJm (Ohm± ^r gßX^© H{$ AZwgma E{gm A[{ojV hm{ `m AZw_V hm{, Cg e„X H{$ AßVJ©V CgH{$<br />

dmnag, oZÓ[mXH$, ‡emgH$ Am°a g_ZwX{oeVr ^r Am`|J{) $&<br />

B) Sri/Smt ................................................................................................................. (student) son of/daughter of<br />

................................................aged about ..................... years, residing at ..........................................................<br />

..................................................................................................................................................represented<br />

by father/guardian and hereinafter called the borrowers of the FIRST PART (which term wherever the context so<br />

requires or admits shall also include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns)<br />

Am°a/AND<br />

J) lr/lr_Vr......................................................[wÃ/[wÃr...................................................Am`ww bJ^J<br />

...........................................gmb, oZdmgr.......................................................................oO›h| BgH{$ ]mX o¤Vr` [j H{$<br />

""gh Am^mar'' H$hm OmEJm (oOg e„X H{$ AßVJ©V, Ohm± ^r gßX^© H{$ AZwgma E{gm A[{ojV `m AZw_V hm{, CgH{$ dmnag, oZÓ[mXH$, ‡emgH$ Am°a<br />

g_ZwX{oeVr Am`|J{)<br />

C) Sri/Smt ................................................................................................................. son of/daughter of/wife of<br />

....................................................................................................... aged about ................................... years,<br />

residing at................................................................................................................................... hereinafter<br />

called the co-obligant of the SECOND PART (which term wherever the context so requires or admits shall include his<br />

heirs, executors, administrators and assigns)<br />

Am°a/AND<br />

Xyga{ [j _| H{$Zam ]¢H$ Om{ oH$ ]¢qH$J Hß$[Zr (C[H´$_m| H$m Ao^J´hU VWm AßVaU) AoYoZ`_ 1970 H{$ AYrZ JoR>V oZ`o_V oZH$m` h° oOgH$m<br />

‡YmZ H$m`m©b`, 112, O`Mm_amO|– am{S>, ]|Jbya 560 002 _| pÒWV h°, oOgH$s AZ{H$ emImAm|/H$m`m©b`m| g{{ hm{ EH$............................<br />

_| pÒWV h°, oOgH$m ‡oVoZoYÀd CZH{$ odoYdV oZ`w∫$ EQ>m∞Zu lr/lr_Vr...............................................H$a ah{ h¢, oO›h| BgH{$<br />

]mX ]¢H$ H$hm OmEJm, oOg e„X H{$ AßVJ©V Ohm± ^r gßX^© H{$ AZwgma E{gm A[{ojV `m AZw_V hm{, CgH{$ g_ZwX{oeVr Am°a EQm∞Zu emo_b h¢ $&<br />

<strong>Canara</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>, a body corporate constituted under the <strong>Bank</strong>ing Companies (Acquisition and transfer of undertakings)<br />

Act of 1970 having its Head Office at 112, Jayachamarajendra Road, Bangalore-560002 and having among others, a<br />

Branch Office at.....................................................................................................represented by their duly<br />

constituted attorney Sri./Smt........................................................................... hereinafter called “The <strong>Bank</strong>”, which<br />

term wherever the context so requires or admits shall include its assignees and attorneys of the OTHER PART.

2<br />

My±oH$ CYmaH$Vm© oejm, CÉ oejm, X{e/odX{e _| Omar aIZm MmhVm h°, oOgH$m oddaU ZrM{ oX`m J`m h°, Am°a CgZ{ C∫$ [mR≤>`H´$_ H$m<br />

ewÎH$ oH$Vm]|, b{IZ gm_J´r, hm±ÒQ>b IMm~, dm`w`mZ g{ `mÃm H$m oH$am`m (odX{e _| A‹``Z H{$ _m_b{ _|) Am°a A›` IM~ CR>mZ{ h{Vw F$U<br />

H{$ obE Amd{XZ oH$`m h° $&<br />

WHEREAS the Borrower intends pursuing study/higher study inland/abroad particulars whereof are set out below and has applied for<br />

<strong>loan</strong> for meeting the fees, books, stationery, hostel expenses, air passage (in the case of study abroad) and other expenses of the said<br />

course.<br />

A‹``Z H{$ [mR≤>`H´$_ H$m oddaU /PARTICULARS OF THE COURSE OF STUDY<br />

1. odÌdod⁄mb` / UNIVERSITY<br />

2. H$mb{O `m gßÒWm / COLLEGE OR INSTITUTION<br />

3. [mR≤>`H´$_ / COURSE<br />

4. [mR≤>`H´$_ H$s AdoY / DURATION OF COURSE<br />

Am°a MßyoH$, CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ C∫$ ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam È.................................(È[`{..............................................<br />

...........................................................................................) H$s gr_m VH$ F$U _ßOya oH$`m J`m h° $&<br />

AND WHEREAS a <strong>loan</strong> for the said purpose to the limit of Rs..............................................(Rupees..........................<br />

.......................................................................................................... ) has been sanctioned to Borrower by the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

Am°a BgH{$ [jH$ma gh_V hm{ J`{ h¢ oH$, C∫$ F$U H$s eV~ Bg_| ZrM{ obI{ AZwgma hm|Jr $&<br />

AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have agreed that the terms and conditions of the said <strong>loan</strong> shall be as set out hereunder.<br />

A] dmXm{ß H$m{ ‹`mZ _| aIV{ h˛E VWm ]¢H$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ oZÂZ ‡H$ma g{ È....................................................................<br />

(È[`{..............................................................................) H$s amoe H$m AoJ´_ X{Z{ H$m odMma H$aV{ h˛E $&<br />

Now in consideration of the premises and in consideration of the sum of Rs...................... (Rupees ..............................<br />

........................... ............................................................) agreed to be advanced by the <strong>Bank</strong> to the Borrowerinthe<br />

manner herein set forth.<br />

[moQ>©`m| H{$ ]rM H$ama Am°a Km{fUm H$a odb{I oZÂZmZwgma gm˙`mßoH$V oH$`m OmVm h° :-<br />


h_ CYmaH$Vm© Am°a gh Am^mar gß`w∫$ Am°a [•WH$ Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ ‡oV oOÂ_{Xma h°ß<br />

Am°a È...............................(...............................................................È[`{) VWm Cg[a oZÂZmZwgma „`mO H$m{<br />

BgH{$ AmJ{ Xr JB© [’oV H{$ AZwgma MwH$mZ{ H$m CŒmaXmo`Àd b{V{ h° $&<br />

We the Borrower and the Co-obligant do hereby bind ourselves jointly and severally to the <strong>Bank</strong> and undertake to<br />

repay the sum of Rs.............................(Rupees ....................................................................... )<br />

and interest thereon as specified below to be repaid to the <strong>Bank</strong> in the manner hereinafter provided.<br />

[moQ>©`m± `hm± AmJ{ oZÂZmZwZma gh_V hm{Vr h¢ Am°a Km{fUm H$aVr h¢ / The parties hereto further agree and declare as follows:<br />

1. ]¢H$ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ CVZr oH$ÌVm| _| VWm E{g{ g_` [a F$U X{Jm, Om{ dh R>rH$ Am°a CoMV g_P{Jm VWm CYmaH$Vm© H$s agrX YZamoe H$s AXm`Jr H$m<br />

[`m©· ‡_mU hm{Jr VWm dh gh Am^mar [a ^r ]ßYH$ hm{Jr<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> shall advance the <strong>loan</strong> to the Borrower in such instalments and at such times as it deems fit and reasonable<br />

and the receipt of the Borrower shall serve as sufficient proof of the payment of the amount and shall be binding on the<br />

Co-obligant.<br />

2. ]¢H$ D$[a AZwgma _ßOya H$s JB© AoYH$V_ YZamoe AoJ´_ X{Z{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm VWm dh Bg AmYma [a A[Z{ [yU© odd{H$ [a oH$gr ^r g_`<br />

YZamoe X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma H$a gH$Vm h° AWdm Am°a AoJ´_ X{Zm ]ßX H$a gH$Vm h° Bg AmYma [a oH$ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ghm`Vm H{$ A›` gmYZ o_b JE h¢ AWdm<br />

dh oH$gr [arjm _| AZwŒmrU© hm{ J`m h° `m CgH{$ A‹``Z ]ßX H$a oX`m h° `m CgZ{ A[Z{ A‹``Z Am°a ‡JoV H{$ gß]ßY _| gßVm{fOZH$ na[m{Q>© ‡ÒVwV Zht<br />

H$s h° AWdm oH$gr A›` H$maU g{ oOg{ ]¢H$ A[Z{ [yU© Òdodd{H$ [a ›`m`m{oMV Am°a [`m©· g_PVm h° $& Bg ‡H$ma YZamoe H$s AXm`Jr ]ßX H$a oXE<br />

OmZ{ H$s AdÒWm _| Om{ AXm`Jr H$s Om MwH$s hm{Jr, C›h| hr Bg ]ßY [Ã VWm H$ama H{$ AßVJ©V [yU© F$U g_Pm OmEJm VWm dh VXZwgma MwH$m°Vr H{$<br />

obE `m{Ω` hm{Jm $&<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> shall not be bound to advance the maximum amount sanctioned as above and may decline to advance the<br />

amount or discontinue further advances at any time at its absolute discretion on the ground that the Borrower has<br />

found other means of assistance or that he has discontinued his studies or has failed in any examination or has failed to<br />

produce a satisfactory report of his studies and progress or for any other reasons which the <strong>Bank</strong> at its absolute<br />

discretion may consider justified and sufficient. In the event of such discontinuance, the payments already made shall<br />

be deemed to be a completed <strong>loan</strong> under this <strong>agreement</strong> and shall be repayable accordingly.<br />

3. CYmaH$Vm© CgH{$ [V{ _| hm{Z{dmb{ oH$gr ^r [nadV©Z g{ ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV aIZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h° Am°a AJa CYmaH$Vm© CgH$m [mR≤>`H´$_ [yam hm{Z{ H{$ [hb{<br />

AÒWm`r Í$[ g{ ^maV H$m ^´_U H$aVm h° Vm{ dh CgH{$ ^´_U H{$ ]ma{ _| Am°a CgH{$ ^maV _| AßoV_ ]ma bm°Q>Z{ [a ^r ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV H$a{Jm $& O] CYmaH$Vm©<br />

^maV _| bm°Q>Vm h° Vm{ dh VwaßV ]¢H$ g{ gß[H©$ H$a{Jm Am°a ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` aH$_m| H$s MwH$m°Vr H$s Ï`dÒWmAm| H{$ ]ma{ _| gyoMV H$a{Jm $&

3<br />

The Borrower undertakes to keep the <strong>Bank</strong> informed about any change in his/her address and the Borrower shall also<br />

intimate the <strong>Bank</strong> about his/her visits to India in case he/she visits India temporarily before the course is completed<br />

and also about his/her ultimate return to India. The Borrower shall contact the <strong>Bank</strong> as soon as he/she returns to India<br />

and inform the <strong>Bank</strong> about his/her further programmes and the arrangements to repay the dues to the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

4. ]¢H$ oZ`_m| Am°a odX{er _w–m odoZ`_ H{$ AZwgma F$U _ßOya Am°a odVnaV oH$`m Om`{Jm Am°a CYmaH$Vm©, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ `m A›` gß]ßoYV<br />

‡moYH$mna`m| ¤mam oZYm©naV g^r OÍ$aVm| O°g{ oH$ F$U H$s ‡mo· AmgmZ ]ZmZ{ h{Vw odX{er _w–m H{$ ‡{fU H{$ obE OÍ$ar AZw_m{XZ ‡m· H$aZm Am°a AmJ{<br />

CYmaH$Vm© oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ odoZ_` oZ`ßÃU `m A›` odoZ`_m| H{$ [mbZ H$aZ{ _| MyH$ H$aVm h° `m Aßg_W© h° `m ]¢H$ oH$gr d°Y ÈH$mdQ> H{$ H$maU<br />

E{gr µOÍ$aVm| H$m{ [yam H$aZ{ _| Ag_W© h° Vm{, F$U X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma H$aZ{ H{$ obE dh ÒdVßà hm{Jm $&<br />

The <strong>loan</strong> shall be granted and disbursements made subject to the <strong>Bank</strong>’s rules and foreign exchange regulations and the<br />

Borrower shall comply with all the requirements prescribed by the Reserve <strong>Bank</strong> of India or other concerned authorities<br />

such as obtaining of necessary approval for remittance of foreign exchange in order to facilitate the availment of the<br />

<strong>loan</strong>s and the <strong>Bank</strong> shall be at liberty to refuse to grant the <strong>loan</strong>s, if the Borrower fails to or is unable to comply with<br />

the Exchange Control or other Regulations, for any reason whatsoever or if the <strong>Bank</strong> is unable to comply with such<br />

requirements on its part on account of any legal impediments.<br />

5. oH$ C∫$ AoJ´_ Am°a CYmaH$Vm©/CYmaH$Œmm©Am| ¤mam Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AßVJ©V ‡X{` g_ÒV YZamoe`m| H{$ _m_b{ _| Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AßVJ©V oX`{ J`{ AoJ´_m|<br />

H$s ‡À`{H$ oH$ÒV H$s VmarI g{.............‡oVeV ‡oV df© H$s Xa [a „`mO ‡^mnaV oH$`m OmEJm, ]eŒm~ oH$ D$[a CoÑoIV „`mO g_`-g_` [a<br />

]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` ¤mam „`mO H$s Xam| _| oH$`{ J`{ [nadV©Zm| H{$ AYrZ hm{ $& CYmaH$Œmm© EVX≤¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` ¤mam<br />

g_`-g_` [a O°gm oH$ gßem{oYV hm{ d•o’ gohV „`mO H$s Xa _| [nadV©Z H{$ Zm{oQ>g H$m AoYÀ`mJ H$aVm h°/H$aV{ h¢ $& CYmaH$Œmm© EVX≤¤mam AmJ{ gh_V<br />

h°/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ H{$ [naga _| Zm{oQ>g ]m{S>© _| AoYgyoMV „`mO H$s Xa _| Bg Vah H{$ [nadV©Z H$s gyMZm CZH{$ obE [`m©· Zm{oQ>g h° Am°a$ g_ÒV X{` amoe`m|<br />

H$s MwH$m°Vr hm{Z{ VH$ g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ H{$ Zm{oQ>g ]m{S>© _| AoYgyoMV „`mO H$s Xa H$m{ AXm H$aZ{ h{Vw CYmaH$Œmm© gh_V h°/h¢ $&<br />

That the said advance and all money payable by the Borrower under this <strong>agreement</strong> from the date of every instalment<br />

advanced under this <strong>agreement</strong> shall carry interest at the rate of .........% p.a. provided that the above interest shall<br />

be subject to the changes in interest rates made by Head Office of the <strong>Bank</strong> from time to time. The borrower hereby<br />

specifically waive notice of variation of rate of interest including enhancement from time to time as revised by Head<br />

Office of the <strong>Bank</strong>. The Borrower further agrees that such variation in the rate of interest notified in the Notice Board<br />

in the <strong>Bank</strong> premises shall be sufficient notice to them and that the borrower agrees to pay interest at the rate<br />

notified in the Notice Board of the <strong>Bank</strong> from time to time until all dues are cleared in full.<br />

[wZ^w©JVmZ H$s ewÈAmV VH$ _yb amoe [a H°$b S>a _mogH$/ oV_mhr AßVambm| [a gh_V Xa [a, gm_m›` „`mO ‡^mnaV oH$`m OmZm MmohE$& CgH{$<br />

]mX [wZ^w©JVmZ H$s ewÍ$AmV VH$ gßoMV gm_m›` „`mO gohV _yb amoe, H$m{ [yßOrH•$V oH$`m OmEJm Am°a H°$b S>a _mogH$/ oV_mhr AßVambm|[a<br />

MH´$doY©V AmYma [a, gh_V Xam| [a ^wJVmZ H$s ewÍ$AmV H$s oVoW g{, E{gr [yßOrH•$V amoe [a „`mO ‡^mnaV oH$`m OmEJm$&<br />

Simple Interest is to be charged at the agreed rate at calendar monthly/quarterly intervals on principal amount, till<br />

commencement of repayment. Thereafter the principal amount together with accumulated simple interest till<br />

commencement of repayment will be capitalised and interest on such capitalised amount shall be charged from date of<br />

commencement of repayment at agreed rates on compounded basis at calendar monthly/quarterly rests.<br />

6. CYmaH$Vm© Bg F$U H$s Am°a `oX hm{ Vm{ Bg H{$ [hb{ oX`{ J`{ F$Um| H$s Am°a BgH{$ AmJ{ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ oX`{ OmZ{dmb{ F$Um| H$s Hw$b amoe D$[a H{$<br />

_wVmo]H$ „`mO Am°a ‡mgßoJH$ IMm~ H{$ gmW ZrM{ Ò[Ô> oH$`{ J`{ AZwgma _mogH$/AY©dmof©H$ oH$ÌVm| _| MwH$Vm H$a X{Jm $&<br />

The Borrower shall repay the total amount of this <strong>loan</strong> as well as other <strong>loan</strong>s, if any, already made and of fresh <strong>loan</strong>s<br />

which may hereafter be made or advanced to the borrower together with interest as above and incidental expenses by<br />

such monthly/Half yearly instalments, as detailed herebelow:<br />


A‹``Z AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ Xm{Zm| _yb Am°a „`mO H{$ obE [wZ^w©JVmZ AdH$me ‡m· hm{Jm$&<br />

There shall be repayment holiday for both principal and interest during the study period.<br />

[mR≤>`H´$_ [yam hm{ OmZ{ H{$ ]mX EH$ df© [ÌMmV≤ `m Zm°H$ar/Om∞] o_bZ{ H{$ N>ï _hrZ{ H{$ ]mX MwH$m°Vr ewÍ$ hm{Jr$& [mR≤>`H´$_ [yam hm{V{ hr `m Om∞] AWdm<br />

Zm°H$ar o_bV{ hr CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ CgH$s gyMZm Xr OmE$&<br />

The repayment shall start one year after completion of the course or after six months of getting employment/job<br />

whichever is earlier. The borrower shall inform the <strong>Bank</strong> once the course is completed or a job or employment is<br />

secured.<br />

F$U X{`Vm (AWm©V≤ CYma ob`m J`m _yb YZ + gßoMV „`mO + ^mdr „`mO) H$m ^wJVmZ g_mZ _mogH$ oH$ÌVm| (B©.E_.AmB©)<br />

_| ............_hrZm| _| oH$`m OmZm MmohE$&<br />

The <strong>loan</strong> liability (i.e. Principal amount borrowed + accumulated interest + future interest) is to be paid in Equated<br />

Monthly Instalment (EMI) in ......................... months.<br />

_yb F$U amoe VWm MwH$m°Vr AdH$me AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ gßoMV gab „`mO H$m{ ‹`mZ _| aIV{ h˛E g_mZ _mogH$ oH$ÌVm| H$s amoe H$m oZYm©aU MwH$m°Vr<br />

H{$ ‡maß^ _| hr oH$`m OmEJm$& MwH$m°Vr AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ ð_mogH$ MH´$doY©V ^mdr „`mO ^r B©.E_.AmB©. _| emo_b hm{Jm$& B©.E_.AmB©. H$s amoe ^maVr`<br />

naOd© ]¢H$/]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a oH$E OmZ{dmb{ „`mO Xa _| [nadV©Z [a oZ^©a hm{Jr$&

4<br />

The amount of equated monthly instalment will be fixed at the time of commencement of repayment by taking into<br />

account the principal <strong>loan</strong> amount and simple interest accumulated during repayment holiday period. The EMI also<br />

includes the future interest compounded quarterly for the repayment period. The amount of EMIs may change depending<br />

upon the revision in rate of interest from time to time made by RBI/<strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

AmJ{ MwH$m°Vr AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam AoVX{` oH$ÌVm| H{$ gß]ßY _| H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ _m_b{ _|, `hm± D$[a oZYm©naV „`mO Xa H{$ D$[a CYmaH$Vm©<br />

......................... % ‡oVdf© H{$ XßS> ÒdÍ$[ „`mO `m ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a oZYm©naV gßem{oYV Xa [a „`mO H{$ ^wJVmZ H{$ obE ]m‹`<br />

hm{Jm/`h ^wJVmZ E{gr MyH$ H$s oVoW g{ b{H$a ImV{ H$m{ oZ`o_V ]ZmZ{/MwH$m°Vr H$aZ{ H$s oVoW VH$ hm{Jm$&<br />

Further in the event of default committed by the Borrower during the repayment period, on the overdue instalments,<br />

the Borrowers are liable to pay penal interest at .............% p.a. or at such other enhanced or revised rate which the<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> may specify from time to time, over and above the interest rate stipulated hereinabove from the date of such<br />

default till regularising/clearing the account.<br />

7. oH$gr ^r [napÒWoV `m AdÒWm _|, Mmh| CYma b{Z{ dmb{ H$s Am_XZr oH$VZr ^r hm{ AoJ´_ Xr JB© gmar YZamoe H$m „`mO Am°a ‡^mam| H{$ gmW oOg VmarI H$m{ ]¢H$ ¤mam<br />

[hbr oH$ÌV Xr OmEJr Cgg{................. AdoY H{$ AßXa [yU© [wZ^w©JVmZ hm{ OmZm MmohE &<br />

In any event under any circumstance, irrespective of the earnings of the borrower the entire amount advanced with<br />

interest and incidental charges shall be fully repaid within a period of ............................... from the date on which<br />

the first instalment is advanced by the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

8. o[N>b{ I S> -6 Am°a 7 _| oH$gr ]mV H{$ hm{V{ h˛E ^r ]¢H$ H$m{ Bg ]mV H$s ÒdVßÃVm hm{Jr oH$ dh BZ H$maUm| g{ oH$, CYmaH$Vm© Z{ A[Zm A‹``Z ]ßX<br />

H$a oX`m h° `m dh oH$ÌVm| ¤mam AXm`Jr oH$E OmZ{ H{$ bm^ H$m C[`m{J oH$E o]Zm gmar YZamoe H$s AXm`Jr H$aZ{ H$s pÒWoV _| h° AWdm oH$gr A›`<br />

H$maU g{ ]¢H$ A[Z{ [yU© Òdodd{H$ [a `oX dh R>rH$ Am°a [`m©· g_PVm h° Vm{ D$[a oZYm©naV oH$ÌVm| H{$ oZX}eZ H{$ o]Zm Bg ]ßY [Ã AWdm H$ama H{$<br />

AYrZ `m BgH{$ [naUm_ ÒdÍ$[ X{` gmar YZamoe H$s EH$ _wÌV dgybr [mZ{ H{$ obE Xmdm H$a gH$Vm h° AWdm H$m{B© na`m`V `m AZwJ´h ‡XmZ H$a gH$Vm<br />

h° [aßVw ‡XmZ H$s JB© g_` H$s d•o’ `m na`m`V AWdm AZwJ´h g{ oH$gr ^r Vah g{ gh-Am^ma X{`Vm [a ‡^md Zht [S>{Jm, dh H$_ Zht hm{Jr AWdm<br />

Xmo`Àd _w∫$ Zht hm{Jr $&<br />

Not withstanding anything contained in the last preceding clauses 6&7the<strong>Bank</strong> shall have the liberty to claim<br />

repayment of the whole amount payable under or by virtue of this <strong>agreement</strong> in one lumpsum without reference to the<br />

instalments fixed above for the reasons either that the Borrower has discontinued his studies or is in a position to repay<br />

the entire amount without availing himself/herself of the benefit of repayment of instalments or for any other reason<br />

which the <strong>Bank</strong> may at its absolute discretion consider good and sufficient. The <strong>Bank</strong> may likewise extend the time for<br />

payment of instalments or grant any concession or indulgence but no such extension of time or concession or<br />

indulgence granted shall in any manner affect, abridge or discharge the liability of the Co-obligant.<br />

9. od⁄mWu H{$ [mR≤>`H´$_ H{$ Mmby e°ojH$ df© H{$ Am°a AmJ{ H{$ ha e°ojH$ df© H$s g_mo· H{$ ]mX, CYmaH$Vm© Cg{ ghm`Vm Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE, Z`m Amd{XZ<br />

[Ã, ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gm Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE odoZoX©Ô> oH$`{ OmZ{ H$s pÒWoV H$m{ N>m{∂S>H$a Am°a E{gm Amd{XZ [Ã ]¢H$ ¤mam ÒdrH$m`© h° Vm{,‡ÒVwV H$a{Jm/H$a{Jr$&<br />

On the expiration of the current academic year and of each subsequent academic years of the <strong>educational</strong> course of<br />

the scholar the borrower shall, unless otherwise specified by the <strong>Bank</strong>, make a fresh application for continuing the<br />

assistance to him/her and on such application being accepted by the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

10. AJa CYmaH$Vm© Z{ ^maV _| CÉ oejm b{Zr ewÈ H$s h° Am°a AmJ{ H$s oejm H{$ obE `m Zm°H$ar H$aZ{ H{$ obE dh odX{e OmZm MmhVm h°, Vm{ dh ]¢H$ H$m{<br />

VwaßV gyoMV H$a{Jm Am°a CgH{$ ]mX ]¢H$ `h oZU©` b{ gH$Vm h° oH$ ∑`m od⁄mWu H{$ X{e N>m{∂S>Z{ H{$ [hb{ F$U H$m [wZ^w©JVmZ oH$`m OmZm h° `m oH$ F$U<br />

H$m{ gßem{oYV eVm~ Am°a AZw]ßYm| [a Omar aIm OmZm h° $&<br />

In case the Borrower has undertaken the higher studies in India and intends to go abroad for further studies or for<br />

taking up a job, he shall intimate to the <strong>Bank</strong> immediately and thereupon the <strong>Bank</strong> may decide whether the <strong>loan</strong> has to<br />

be repaid in full before the student leaves the country or whether to allow the <strong>loan</strong> to be continued on revised terms<br />

and conditions.<br />

11. CYmaH$Vm©, CgH{$ Amd{XZ [Ã _| ]Vm`{ J`{ CgH{$ A‹``Z H{$ [mR≤>`H´$_, A‹``Z H{$ ÒWmZ `m gßÒWm _| H$m{B© ^r [nadV©Z ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV H$a{Jm $&<br />

The borrower shall inform the <strong>Bank</strong> of any change in the course of his/her studies, place of study or the institution as<br />

stated in his/her application.<br />

12. CYmaH$Vm©, F$U H$s AdoY Xm°amZ, ]¢H$ H$s [yd© AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm, H$m{B© ^r AmoW©H$ Xmo`Àd `m odŒmr` X{`Vm Zht b{Jm $&<br />

The Borrower shall not enter into any pecuniary obligation of financial liability during the currency of the <strong>loan</strong> without<br />

the prior permission of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

13. AJa, ]¢H$ H{$ odŒmr` ghm`Vm H{$ obE oX`{ J`{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Amd{XZ [Ã _| ]VmB© JB© CgH$s odŒmr` pÒWoV _| H$m{B© [nadV©Z hm{, Om{ odŒm Omar aIZ{ H{$<br />

]¢H$ H{$ oZU©` H$m{ ‡^modV H$aVm hm{, Vm{ dh ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV oH$`m OmEJm Am°a CgH{$ ]mX, ]¢H$ BgH{$ ]ma{ _| oZU©` H$a{Jm oH$ F$U Ï`dÒWm Omar aIZr<br />

h° `m Zht Am°a AJa h° Vm{ oH$g _mÃm VH$ $&<br />

Should there be any change in the Borrower’s financial condition from what was stated in his application to the <strong>Bank</strong><br />

for financial assistance which is likely to affect the <strong>Bank</strong>’s decision to continue the finance, the same shall be notified<br />

to the <strong>Bank</strong> and thereupon the <strong>Bank</strong> may decide whether to continue the <strong>loan</strong> arrangement and if so, to what extent<br />

thereof.<br />

14. Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AßVJ©V X{` g^r aH$_m| H$m, ]¢H$ ¤mam Mmhr JB© emIm _| ^wJVmZ oH$`m OmEJm $&<br />

All the amounts payable under this <strong>agreement</strong> shall be paid at the branch as required by the <strong>Bank</strong>.

5<br />

15. CYmaH$Vm© H$s X{`Vm H{$ ‡MbZ H{$ Xm°amZ, gh-Am^mar H$s _•À`w H$s pÒWoV _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]¢H$ oOgH{$ obE gh_V hm{Vm h° E{gm H$m{B© A›` Ï`o∫$<br />

gh-Am^mar H{$ È[ _| X{Jm, Am°a E{gm gh-Am^mar H$m{ ]¢H$ H{$ ÒdrH$maZ{ [a, C∫$ gh-Am^mar ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| EH$ AbJ H$amaZm_m oZÓ[moXV H$a{Jm,<br />

]eV~ oH$ Z`{ H$ama H$m oZÓ[mXZ gh-Am^mar H{$ _yb YZ, „`mO Am°a C∫$ H{$ AZwgma A›` H$m{B© YZ, Om{ [hb{ hr X{` h˛Am h°, Am°a CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam<br />

]¢H$ H$m{ X{` h°, H{$ ^wJVmZ H$m oH$gr ^r X{`Vm [a ‡^md Zht [S>{Jm $&<br />

In the event of the death of the co-obligant during the subsistence of the liability of the borrower, the borrower offers<br />

such other persons as co-obligant as the <strong>Bank</strong> may agree and on the <strong>Bank</strong> agreeing to such acceptance of the coobligant<br />

the said co-obligant shall execute a separate <strong>agreement</strong> in favour of the <strong>Bank</strong> provided that the execution of<br />

the fresh <strong>agreement</strong> shall not affect any liability of the co-obligant for payment of the principal sum, interest, and<br />

other monies payable as aforesaid and which have already become due and payable by the Borrower to the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

16. CYmaH$Vm© F$U ‡mo· H$s [yar AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ ‡À`{H$ e°ojH$ gà H{$ AßV _| oOg_| dh A‹``Z H$a ahm h°, Cg gßÒWm H{$ ‡_wI g{, ‡_mU [à `m na[m{Q>©<br />

oOZ_| Q>o_©Zb `m dmof©H$ [arjmAm| H{$, O°gm ^r _m_bm hm{, o[aUm_ gpÂ_obV hm|J{, C∫$ gßÒWm _| CgH{$ AmMaU Am°a C[pÒWoV H{$ ]ma{ _| EH$ ‡_mU<br />

[Ã `m na[m{Q>©, ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡ÒVwV H$a{Jm $&<br />

Throughout the period during which Borrower is receiving the <strong>loan</strong>, he shall at the end of each academic term submit<br />

to the <strong>Bank</strong> certificates or reports of his progress including results of the terminal or annual examination as the case<br />

may be from the Head of the Institution where he is studying together with a certificate or report about his conduct<br />

and attendance at the said institution.<br />

17. CYmaH$Vm© H$m `h H$V©Ï` hm{Jm oH$, O°g{ hr Cg{ Zm°H$ar o_b{, dh Cg Zm°H$ar H{$ ]ma{ _| ]¢H$ H$m{ g_` - g_` [a na[m{Q>© ^{O|, oOg_| Cg Zm°H$ar H$m ÒdÍ$[<br />

VWm d{VZ Am°a Cgg{ OwS>r [nabp„Y`m| g_{V [yam oddaU oX`m J`m hm{ VWm `oX CgH{$ [V{ _| H$m{B© [nadV©Z hm{ Vm{ CgH{$ ]ma{ _| ^r ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV H$a|$&<br />

After completion of the course of study, it shall be the duty of the Borrower from time to time to report to the <strong>Bank</strong><br />

as soon as he secures employment giving full particulars of such employment including its nature and the salary and<br />

emoluments attaching thereto, and also report to the <strong>Bank</strong> any change in his/her address.<br />

18. H$) CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam odf`JV F$U H{$ gßX^© _| CgH{$ ¤mam X{` MwH$m°Vr H{$ obE, CgH{$ oZ`m{OZ g{ ^odÓ` _| ‡m· hm{Z{dmbr Am` H$m{ ‡oV^yoV H{$<br />

Í$[ _| hÒVmßVnaV H$aVm h°$&<br />

a) That the Borrower hereby assigns future income to be derived by way of employment as security to the <strong>Bank</strong> for<br />

due repayment by the Borrower in respect of the subject <strong>loan</strong>.<br />

I) CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam A[Z{ oZ`m{OH$ H$m{ E{g{ oZ`m{OH$ Om{ H$m{B© ^r hm{$ F$U oH$ÌVm| H$s MwH$m°Vr h{Vw CgH{$ d{VZ g{ Hw$N> oZoX©Ô> aH$_ (]¢H$ H{$<br />

oZU©`mZwgma) AXm H$aZ{ H{$ obE AodH$Î[r AoYX{e X{Vm h°$&<br />

b) That the Borrower hereby irrevocably mandates his employer (whosoever such employer) to pay certain sum of<br />

money (to be decided by the <strong>Bank</strong>) out of his salary to the <strong>Bank</strong> for due repayment of <strong>loan</strong> instalments.<br />

J) `h H$s C∫$ AoYH$mam| H{$ gß]ßY _| oH$gr [ydm©J´h H{$ o]Zm CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Om{oIV [a Am°a `oX AmdÌ`H$ hm{ Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ obE CgH{$ [j _| CgH{$<br />

Zm_ [a `m A›`Wm O°gm ^r ]¢H$ CoMV g_P| (CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ CgH{$ AQ>mZu H{$ Í$[ _| oZ`w∫$ H$aVm h°), ]¢H$ H$m{ `h AoYH$ma hm{Jm<br />

H$s CYmaH$Vm© H{$ oZ`m{∫$ ¤mam Cg{ X{` d{VZ H$m{ ]¢H$ ‡m· H$a| Am°a CgH{$ oZ`m{∫$m VWm Vrga{ [j H$m{ oOg_| CgH{$ X{` X{ZXma ^r eo_b h° H$m{<br />

Zm{oQ>g X{ VWm _mßJ H$a|, Xmdm H$a|, dgyb H$a|, ‡m· H$a| VWm [naUm_ ÒdÍ$[ agrX| ‡XmZ H$a| Edß CgH$m C›_m{MZ H$a| Am°a g^r Am` H$m{ AßVnaV,<br />

g_ZwX{oeV H$aZ{, gw[wX© H$aZ{ `m CgH$m A›`Wm, oZ[Q>mZ H$aZ{ `m oZ[Q>mZ{ Am°a oddmMZ H$m{ hdmbm X{Z{ g_{V oH$gr ^r VarH{$ g{ Am` H$m{ ‡doV©V<br />

H$aZ{, amoe ‡m· H$aZ{, oZ[Q>mZ `m g_Pm°V{ H$m AoYH$ma/VWm/`m g^r Am` H{$ gmW oH$gr ^r VarH{$ g{ oZ[Q>mZ{ d Cgg{ gß]ßoYV H$m{B© ^r<br />

Ï`dhma H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma ]¢H$ H$m{ hm{Jm$&<br />

c) That the <strong>Bank</strong> shall without prejudice to the foregoing powers, be also entitled at the borrower's risk and expenses<br />

and if necessary either as attorney for and on behalf and in the name of the borrower or otherwise as the bank<br />

may deem fit (the borrower hereby appointing the <strong>Bank</strong> to be his/her attorney) to receive salary payable to him by<br />

his employer and to give notices and demands to his employer and third parties including his/her debtors liable<br />

therefor and to demand, sue for, recover, receive, realise and give effectual receipts and discharges for the same<br />

and to transfer, assign, deliver or otherwise dispose of or deal with all or any of income and to enforce, realise,<br />

settle and compromise in any manner whatsoever including by reference to arbitration/and/or deal in any manner<br />

with all incomes and to complete any engagement relating thereto.<br />

K) `h oH$ CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ (A[Z{ EO|Q>m| VWm Zmo_oV`m| H{$ OnaE) AQ>mZu ]ZZ{ `m CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AQm>Zu H{$ Í$[ _| CZH{$ Zm_ [a CZH$s Am{a g{ E{g{ g^r<br />

H$m`©, oH´$`mH$bm[, Ï`dhma H$aZ{ H{$ obE VWm E{g{ g^r XÒVmd{Om| H{$ oZÓ[mXZ, AßVaU, g_ZwX{eZ H{$ obE AodH$Î[r Í$[ g{ oZ`w∫$ H$aZm h°$& Bg Vah oX`m<br />

J`m ‡moYH$ma ohV g_{V EO|gr H{$ Í$[ _| g_Pm OmEJm VWm Cg{ H{$db ]¢H$ H{$ odH$Î[ [a hr dm[g ]wbm`m OmEJm$&<br />

d) That the borrower hereby irrevocably appoints the <strong>Bank</strong> (through their agents and nominees) to be attorneys and<br />

attorney of and for and in the name of the borrower to do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such<br />

documents, transfers, assignments. The authority so given shall be construed as an agency coupled with interest<br />

and can be revoked only at option of the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

19. Bg H$ama H{$ AßVJ©V F$U H$s MwH$m°Vr H$aZ{ _| gh Am^mar H$m Xmo`Àd CYma b{Z{dmb{ H{$ Xmo`Àd H{$ gmW gh-odÒV•V hm{Jm VWm `h gwoZpÌMV H$aZm<br />

^r gh-Am^mar H$m H$V©Ï` hm{Jm oH$, Bg H$ama ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© [a Om{ H$V©Ï` Am°a Xmo`Àd oX`{ JE h°, CZH$m dh [yU©V`m VWm oZapple>m[yd©H$ [mbZ H$a|<br />

VWm C›h| oZ^mEß $&<br />

The liability of the Co-obligant to repay the <strong>loan</strong> under this Agreement shall be co-extensive with that of the borrower<br />

and it shall be the further duty of the Co-obligant to ensure that the borrower fully and faithfully performs and<br />

observes all the duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement.

6<br />

20. CYmaH$Vm© Am°a gh-Am^mar gh_V hm{ J`m h° Am°a dMZ X{Vm h¢ oH$, Bg F$U H{$ [wZ^©JVmZ `m gr_m ]MmZ{ H{$ odoeÔ> H$maU g{ ]¢H$ ¤mam AmdÌ`H$<br />

Bg F$U H$s ÒdrH•$oV H{$ _m_b{ _| CYmaH$Vm© `m gh - Am^mar oH$gr ^r EH$ ¤mam H$s J`r [wZ^©wJVmZ `m Xr JB© ÒdrH•$oV CYmaH$Vm© Am°a gh-Am^mar<br />

Xm{Zm| [a gß`w∫$ È[ g{ Am°a/`m [•WH$ Í$[ g{ ]ßYZH$maH$ hm{Jr VWm CYmaH$Vm© `m gh-Am^mar ¤mam H$s J`r E{gr C∫$ [wZ^w©JVmZ `m Xr JB© E{gr C∫$<br />

ÒdrH•$oV, [nagr_Z H{$ H$mZyZ H{$ obE, Xm{Zm| H{$ odÈ’ gß`w∫$ Am°a/`m [•WH$ Í$[ g{ [nagr_Z H$m{ N>m{S>H$a Am°a CYmaH$Vm© Am°a gh-Am^mar F$U H$s<br />

ÒdrH•$oV oZÓ[moXV H$aZ{ H{$ obE EH$ Xyga{ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aV{ h¢ $&<br />

It is hereby expressly agreed and undertaken by the borrower and the co-obligant that in the matter of making<br />

repayments towards this debt or acknowledging this debt when required by the <strong>Bank</strong> for the specific purpose of saving<br />

limitation, the repayment or acknowledgement made or given either by the borrower or by the co-obligant shall be<br />

binding on both borrower and co-obligant jointly and/or severally and the said repayment and acknowledgement so<br />

made or given either by the borrower or by the co-obligant shall save limitation against both of them jointly and/or<br />

severally for the purpose of law of limitation and the borrower and the co-obligant hereby mutually authorise each<br />

other to execute acknowledgement of debt.<br />

21. CYmaH$Vm© `m gh-Am^mar ¤mam oXE JE oH$›hr A›` AZwX{em| H{$ hm{V{ hwE ^r ]¢H$ H$m{ CZ_| g{ oH$gr H{$ ¤mam F$U H{$ ‡oV AXm H$s JB© YZamoe H$m{ Cg<br />

‡H$ma g{ odoZ`m{OZ H$aZ{ H$s ÒdVßÃVm hm{Jr, O°gm oH$ dh R>rH$ Am°a AmdÌ`H$ g_P{Jm $&<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> shall notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary given by the borrower or co-obligant be at liberty to<br />

appropriate any amount paid by any of them towards the <strong>loan</strong> in such manner as the <strong>Bank</strong> may deem fit and necessary.<br />

22. CYmaH$Vm© `h H$ama ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| A[Zr VWm A[Z{ Zm]mobJ [wÃ/[wÃr...................................................................<br />

......................................................H{$ o[Vm/Ao^^mdH$ Xm{Zm| H$s j_Vm _| oZÓ[moXV H$a ahm h° $&<br />

The borrower is executing this Agreement in favour of the <strong>Bank</strong>, both in his own capacity and on behalf of the minor<br />

son/daughter ............................................................................................... as father/guardian.<br />

23. CYmaH$Vm© Km{fUm H$aVm h° oH $ dh Bg H$ama H{$ AßVJ©V gßodVnaV F$U amoe H{$db A[Z{ Zm]mobJ [wÃ/[wÃr...................<br />

..................................................oOgH$s Am{a g{ CYmaH$Vm© Z{ `h H$ama oH$`m h°, oH$ e°ojH$ CX≤X{Ì`m| H{$ obE hr ‡`m{J H$a{Jm<br />

VWm dh Bg [yU© F$U amoe H$s MwH$m°Vr H$m Xmo`Àd A[Z{ Zm]mobJ [wÃ/[wÃr H{$ ]mobJ hm{Z{ H{$ gmW gß`w∫$ Í$[ g{ ÒdrH$ma H$aVm h° $& Zm]mobJ [wÃ/<br />

[wÃr....................................................]mobJ hm{Z{ [a Bg Ame` H$m EH$ Km{fUm [Ã X|J{ oH$ oX`m J`m F$U CZ [a ]m‹`H$mar<br />

h° Am°a d{ Bg X{`Vm VWm Bg H$ama _| oZYm©naV eVm~ H{$ AZwgma bJZ{ dmb{ „`mO H$m{ AXm H$a|J{ $&<br />

The Borrower undertakes to utilise the <strong>loan</strong> amount disbursed under this <strong>agreement</strong> exclusively for the <strong>educational</strong><br />

purpose of the minor son/daughter ..................................................................................... on whose behalf the<br />

borrower has entered into an <strong>agreement</strong> and takes the burden of repayment of the entire <strong>loan</strong> amount jointly, with the<br />

minor son/daughter ................................................................................................ on attaining majority. The<br />

Minor son/daughter............................................................on attaining majority shall furnish a declaration that the<br />

<strong>loan</strong> advanced is binding on him and shall undertake to discharge the liability with interest in accordance with the<br />

terms and conditions stipulated in this <strong>agreement</strong>.<br />

24. CYmaH$Vm© Km{fUm H$aVm h° oH$ dh Bg amoe H$m{ Cgr CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE ‡`m{J _| bmEJm oOgH{$ obE `h _ßOya H$s JB© h° VWm Bg amoe `m BgH{$ oH$gr Aße<br />

H$m ‡`m{J oH$gr E{g{ CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE Zht H$a{Jm oOgH{$ obE `h _ßOya Zht H$s JB© h° $& AmJ{, CYmaH$Vm© gh_V h° oH$ `oX ]¢H$ H$m{ eH$ hm{ `m Cg{ E{gm<br />

odÌdmg H$aZ{ H$m H$m{B© H$maU ZOa AmE oH$ CYmaH$Vm© Z{ H$oWV Km{fUm H$m CÑßKZ oH$`m h° `m H$a ahm h° Vm{ ]¢H$ VwaßV hr [yar F$U amoe `m CgH$m<br />

H$m{B© Aße dm[g b{ gH$Vm h° ]mdOyX BgH{$ oH$ Bg H$ama `m A›` oH$gr H$ama _| BgH{$ ‡oVHy$b Hw$N> H$hm J`m h° $&<br />

The borrower hereby undertakes that he/she shall use the amount only for the purpose for which it is sanctioned and<br />

shall not use the amount or any part thereof for any purpose other than for which it is sanctioned. Further, the<br />

Borrower agrees that if the <strong>Bank</strong> suspects or has reason to believe that the borrower has violated or is violating this<br />

undertaking, the <strong>Bank</strong> may recall <strong>loan</strong> amount or any part thereof at once notwithstanding, anything to the contrary,<br />

contained in this <strong>agreement</strong> or any other <strong>agreement</strong>.<br />

25. CYmaH$Vm© Am°a gh Am^mar gh_V h° Am°a g_PV{ h¢ oH$ Ohm± ^r gßX^© H{$ AZwgma A[{ojV hm{ EH$ dMZ _| ]h˛dMZ Am°a ]hwdMZ _| EH$dMZ emo_b hm{Jm $&<br />

The Borrower and co-obligant agree and understand that wherever the context requires, singular term shall include<br />

plural and plural term shall include singular.<br />

26. (i) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam<br />

br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ^r<br />

gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&<br />

(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h° VWm `h gh_oV X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï<br />

(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{<br />

(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm<br />

(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$<br />

(iii) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&<br />

(iv) _¢/h_ dMZ X{V h±ˇ/X{V{ h¢<br />

(H$) H´{$oS>Q> Bß\$a_{eZ „`yam{ (BßoS>`m) obo_. VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam `m{Ω`<br />

g_P{ JE VarH{$ g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&

7<br />

(I) H´{$oS>Q> Bß\$a_{eZ „`yam{ (BßoS>`m) obo_. VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b<br />

H$m{ odMmamW© ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _|<br />

‡ÒVwV H$a gH$Vm h°$&<br />

(i) I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the <strong>loan</strong>s/advances/other non-fund based credit<br />

facilities to me/us, the <strong>Canara</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the <strong>Bank</strong> of information and<br />

data relating to me/us, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed,<br />

by me/us, in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.<br />

(ii) Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the <strong>Canara</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> of all or any such :<br />

(a) Information and data relating to me/us<br />

(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and<br />

(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.<br />

(iii) I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the <strong>Canara</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> are true and correct.<br />

(iv) I/We, undertake that :<br />

(a) the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said<br />

information and data disclosed by the <strong>Bank</strong> in the manner as deemed fit by them; and<br />

(b) the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration,<br />

the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions<br />

and other credit granters or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve <strong>Bank</strong> in this behalf.<br />

AmJ{, _¢/h_ EVX≤Xûmam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© ]r AmB© Eb/A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE/OmZ{dmbrgyMZm/„`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _| _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX<br />

‡ÒVwV Zht H$Íß$J/H$a{ßJ{ Am°a `h _wP/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&<br />

Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details<br />

furnished/to be furnished to CIBIL/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.<br />

27. “Bg H$amaZm_m| H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aV{ h¢, CgH{$ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{<br />

AZw_oV X{V{ h¢$&<br />

_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_| H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg<br />

H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/<br />

„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&<br />

_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE<br />

gh_V h¢$& Bg gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢, Vm{<br />

E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ X|J{$&”<br />

`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| - _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm<br />

J`m AmdÌ`H$ ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{<br />

‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&<br />

“In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this <strong>agreement</strong>. I/We agree and authorise the <strong>Bank</strong>, access<br />

to my/our auditors.<br />

As per the authorisation given by me/us to the <strong>Bank</strong>, the <strong>Bank</strong> can at its desire and requirement, at any point during<br />

the subsistence of this <strong>agreement</strong> call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/<br />

details regarding the usage of the funds borrowed under this <strong>agreement</strong>, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.<br />

I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the <strong>Bank</strong> for obtaining the<br />

certificate within a reasonable time stipulated by the <strong>Bank</strong>. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/our<br />

auditors to the <strong>Bank</strong>. If I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the <strong>Bank</strong> immediately.<br />

If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/<br />

ourselves refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is some<br />

manipulation in the certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the <strong>Bank</strong> has full<br />

discretion to recall the <strong>loan</strong>.”<br />

28. oZÂZoboIV H{$ gß]ßY _| ]¢H$ A[Z{ odd{H$ AoYH$ma H$m C[`m{J H$a gH$Vm h° $&<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> shall have the right to exercise discretion with respect to the following :<br />

i. ]¢H$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$ F$U ImV{ g{ amoe AmhnaV H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaVm© H$m{ AZw_oV X{Zm $&<br />

Allowing the borrower to withdraw amount from the <strong>loan</strong> account over and above the limit sanctioned to it by the<br />


8<br />

ii. CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam Vrgar [mQ>u H{$ [j _| F$U ImV{ [a AmhnaV M{H$m| H$m ^wJVmZ oH$E o]Zm bm°QZm, `oX ]¢H$ H$m{ Bg ]mV [a odÌdmg H$aZ{ H{$ obE o_bV{<br />

h¢ oH$ oOg CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ‡XmZ oH$`m J`m Wm, CgH{$ ]Xb{ _{ A›` ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam M{H$ Omar oH$E JE h¢ $&<br />

Returning the cheques drawn on the <strong>loan</strong> account by the borrower in favour of third parties as unpaid, if the <strong>Bank</strong> has<br />

reasons to believe that such cheques have been issued by the borrower for purposes other than which the <strong>loan</strong> has<br />

been sanctioned by the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

iii. CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$mam{]ma _{ d•o’ VWm odH$mg H$aZ{ H$s AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H$s [yoV© h{Vw, CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam F$U ImV{ g{ ]S>r _mÃm _| ZH$X AmhaU H$aZm,<br />

AZw_V Z oH$`m OmZm, H$) `oX E{g{ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H{$ obE ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoXH$ hm{ Vm{, (I) `oX E{g{ AoYH$ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam _ßOya<br />

Z oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{, (J) `oX CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ _ßOya F$U gwodYmAm| H$m{ oH$gr ^r H$maU, [wZZ©drH$aU Z oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{, Am°a (K) `oX ]¢H$ Bg ]mV<br />

odÌdmg H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` hm{Vm h° oH$ oOg CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ‡XmZ oH$`m J`m Wm, CgH{$ ]Xb{ _{ A›` ‡`m{OZ h{Vw CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam E{g{ AmhaU<br />

oH$E JE h° $&<br />

Disallowing large cash withdrawals by the borrowers from the <strong>loan</strong> account, for meeting the requirements of further<br />

growth and development of the business of the borrower, (a) if such withdrawals are over and above the limits sanctioned<br />

to the borrower by the <strong>Bank</strong>, (b) if such overdrawals have not been sanctioned by the <strong>Bank</strong>, (c) if the <strong>loan</strong> facilities<br />

sanctioned to the borrower have not been renewed for any reason whatsoever, and (d) if the <strong>Bank</strong> has reason to<br />

believe that such withdrawals are being made for purposes other than which the <strong>loan</strong> facility has been sanctioned by<br />

the <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

iv. ]¢H$ H$m{, CgH{$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡XmZ H$s J`r F$U gwodYmAm| g{ oZÂZmßoH$V H$maUm| H{$ obE AmhaU AZw_V Z H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma h° $&<br />

(i) `oX ]¢H$ H$s ]oh`m| _| CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ImV{ H$m{ AZw[`m{¡` AmpÒV`m| H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH•$V oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{,<br />

(ii) `oX CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam CgH$m{ ‡XŒm gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| Bg F$U H$amaZm_{ _| CoÑoIV eVm~ H$m AZw[mbZ Zht oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> shall also have the discretion and right to refuse further withdrawals by the borrower from the <strong>loan</strong> facilities<br />

granted to it for the following reasons.<br />

(i) If the account of the borrower has been classified as a non performing asset by the <strong>Bank</strong> in its books.<br />

(ii) If the borrower has not complied with the terms of this <strong>loan</strong> <strong>agreement</strong> referred and the other terms which the<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> may specify from time to time with respect to the <strong>loan</strong> facility granted by it to the borrower.<br />

v. ]¢H$ ¤mam C[am{∫$mZwgma ‡`w∫$ odd{H$moYH$ma dmÒVodH$ Am°a o]Zm eV© H$m h°, Am°a CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam oH$gr ^r g_` [a CgH{$ ]ma{ _| gdmb Zht oH$`m<br />

OmVm `m H$m{B© oddmX Zht CR>m`m OmVm h° .<br />

The discretion exercised by the <strong>Bank</strong> as stated above shall be absolute and unconditional, and the borrower shall not<br />

question or raise any dispute about the same at any point of time whatsoever.<br />

29. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam gh_oV X{Vm/X{Vr h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ CgH{$/CZH{$ ¤mam F$U H$m AdoY [yd© ^wJVmZ/ F$U ImVm ]ßX oH$`m OmVm h°, `m _ßOyar H{$ g_`<br />

[a oZYm©naV F$U MwH$m°Vr AdoY H{$ [hb{ A›` ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| _| F$U ImVm| H{$ AßVaU h{Vw AZwam{Y oH$`m OmVm h° V], CgH{$ /CZH{$ ¤mam<br />

A›` ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| _| AßVaU h{Vw AdoY[yd© ^wJVmZ/AdoY[yd© ]ßX oH$E OmZ{ H{$ Xm°amZ ]H$m`m X{`Vm [a........... % ‡ d H$s Xa [yd©<br />

^yJVmZ XßS> ewÎH$ AXm oH$`m OmEJm$&<br />

The borrower/s hereby agree/s that in case he/she/they pre- pay/s the <strong>loan</strong>/close the <strong>loan</strong> account or request for<br />

transfer of <strong>loan</strong> accounts to other banks/FIs before the <strong>loan</strong> repayment period stipulated at the time of sanction, he/<br />

she/they shall be liable to pay a pre-payment penalty at the rate of ...........% p.a. on the outstanding liability at the<br />

time of pre-payment or pre-closure by transfer to other banks/FIs.<br />

30. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h° /X{V{ h¢ oH$ dh/d{, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© g{ gß]ßoYV oXemoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| Ao^oZYm©naV<br />

EH$ Hß$[Zr /\$_© H{$ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _| oZX}eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| H$m`©aV oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ Zrhß b{Jm /b|J{ Am°a E{g{ _m_b{ _| Ohm± E{g{ oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm©<br />

Hß$[Zr H{$ oZX}eH$ _ßS>b _| gmP{Xma /oZX{eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| [m`m J`m Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© E{g{ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ A[Z{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b /gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ hQ>mZ{ H{$ obE VwaßV<br />

Ed_≤ ‡^mdr H$X_ CR>mEJm /CR>mEßJ{ $&<br />

The borrower/s hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is a Director on the Board of the<br />

company/partner in a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per the guidelines for classification<br />

as wilful defaulter and in case such a person is found to be a Partner/Director on the Board of to borrower company<br />

the borrower/s would take expeditious and effective steps for removal of such persons from its Board/Partnership<br />

Firms.<br />

BgH{$ gm˙` ÒdÍ$[ CYmaH$Vm©, gh-Am^mar Am°a ]¢H$ Z{ df© 20.................H{$ 20..................._hrZ{ H$s 20.............<br />

VmarI H$m{ A[Z{ hÒVmja oH$E h° $&<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE BORROWERS, the co-obligant and the <strong>Bank</strong> have hereunto set their respective hands<br />

on the ....................................... day of .................................................. 20 ....................<br />

CYmaH$Vm©/BORROWER gh-Am^mar/CO-OBLIGANT/S<br />

Zm{Q> : Ohm± od⁄mWu ]mobJ Zht h° dhm± I ∂S>-22 Am°a 23 H$mQ> XroOE $&<br />

NOTE: Delete Clause 22 and 23 where the student is NOT a minor.<br />


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