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U svom neumornom povijesnom hodu i rastu Krk<br />

stoji i traje od pradavnih vremena na izabranome<br />

mjestu i svjedo~i stalni demografski rast. Grad Krk je<br />

najbrojnije naselje otoka. Odnjegovan u kolijevci civilizacije<br />

Krk nije grad opijen oholo{}u i gizdavo{}u<br />

pro{losti, poput one venecijanske {to je stolje}ima<br />

nakon Frankopana upravljala ovim gradom i otokom,<br />

nego osobnim porivom napretka, vjere i kulture. Krk je<br />

izvori{te civiliziranog i kulturnog iskustva, grad natalo`enog<br />

znanja i stvaranja, grad odrastanja i {kolovanja,<br />

grad duhovnosti, kulturno, zdravstveno i religiozno<br />

sredi{te otoka.<br />

Oboga}en misaono{}u i mudro{}u tisu}lje}a, u suglasju<br />

s potrebama, namjerama i htijenjima svojih<br />

`itelja, Krk je postajao noviji, ve}i, moderniji dokazuju}i<br />

da je to drevni, ali i `ivi grad. Poduzetni~ki duh i<br />

dinami~ni turisti~ki, trgova~ki, upravni, kulturnoprosvjetni<br />

i zdravstvenosocijalni razvoj uvjetovao je<br />

{irenje grada izvan stare gradske jezgre - na nove prostore<br />

i s novim sadr`ajima. Zato Krk i danas<br />

promi{lja namjere svog rasta i napretka oplemenjivanjem<br />

ambijenta i duhovnih vrijednosti nastoje}i korespondirati<br />

sa svijetom kao prepoznatljiv gradi} s<br />

du{om po mjeri ~ovjeka - njegova gra|ana i dragoga<br />

gosta. Svojom tradicijom, vitalnom i dinami~nom<br />

sada{njo{}u, pun nade, energije i upornosti u suo~avanju<br />

s izazovima suvremenosti, Krk nudi i<br />

omogu}uje duhovni razvitak za iskrenije tra`enje<br />

~ovje~nosti, svjesnije i odgovornije `ivljenje za ve}i i<br />

br`i gospodarski napredak, europsku usmjerenost.<br />

Pri~a o budu}nosti jednako je sadr`ajna koliko i<br />

poniranje u pro{lost. Krk je riznica `ivotnih posebnosti<br />

prepun {arma, tajni i neodoljivosti o ~emu svjedo~e<br />

dokumenti, umjetni~ka djela, arhivi, zbirke, crkve,<br />

utvrde, ulice, trgovi… Ovdje `ivot pulsira u vi{e slika<br />

{to se stapaju u {arolik mizanscen kozmopolitske<br />

mase; doma}i i gosti, ponuda i potra`nja, prostodu{na<br />

gostoljubivost i profesionalna uslu`nost. Krk nudi<br />

budu}nost i daruje produhovljen izazov pro{losti,<br />

bogato inspirira duhovno i tjelesno. Na Krku se<br />

pronalazi ne{to iskonsko, ono prirodno, ono zaista<br />

ljudsko.<br />

Panorama Krka<br />

The panorama of Krk<br />

86<br />

Krk is the source of a civilized and cultural experience,<br />

a town of accumulated knowledge and creation,<br />

a town of growing up and schooling, a town of spirituality,<br />

the cultural, health and religious center of the<br />

island.<br />

Enriched by the thoughtfulness and wisdom of the<br />

millennia, in harmony with need, intentions and<br />

desires of its resident, Krk became newer, larger and<br />

more modern, thus proving that it is an ancient but<br />

also a live town. The entrepreneurial spirit and the<br />

dynamic tourist, commercial, administrative, cultural,<br />

educational, health and social development have<br />

resulted in the town’s expansion outside the old urban<br />

core, into new spaces and with new offerings. For this<br />

reason Krk even nowadays contemplates the intentions<br />

of its own growth and progress through the improvement<br />

of the space and spiritual values attempting to<br />

correspond with the world as a recognizable little<br />

town with a soul to the measure of man – its resident<br />

and dear guest. With its tradition, vital and dynamic<br />

present, full of hope, energy and persistence in facing<br />

the challenges of modernity, Krk offers and makes possible<br />

a spiritual development for a more sincere quest<br />

for humanity, a more conscious and responsible living,<br />

a larger and faster economic development and European<br />

orientation.<br />

The story of the future is equally substantial as is<br />

plunging into the past. Krk is a treasury of life’s particularities,<br />

full of charm, secrets and irresistibility<br />

which is proven by documents, works of art, archives,<br />

collections, churches, forts, streets and squares… The<br />

life pulsates in several images which merge into a colorful<br />

mise en scène of a cosmopolitan mass; the locals<br />

and the foreigners, demand and supply, sincere hospitality<br />

and professional helpfulness. Krk offers a future<br />

and gives the gift of a refined challenge of the past,<br />

and richly inspires spiritually and bodily. On Krk one<br />

can find something genuine, natural, truly human.<br />

Beneath the solid walls of the Frankopan Castle<br />

roars the sea in the evening. The evening mass goes on<br />

in the comfortable freshness of the cathedral. The dusk<br />

descends slowly, the lights come on. In the warm summer<br />

evening the<br />

hosts and the<br />

guests come out to<br />

the fresh air. Some<br />

remain in front of<br />

the houses, others<br />

seek a romantic atmosphere<br />

on the<br />

waterfront or in the<br />

shops. Among the<br />

old edifices covered<br />

with a centuries-old<br />

patina, the crowd<br />

mingles on the worn<br />

stone streets. This is<br />

where the people<br />

pass by and meet,<br />

talk and wait, buy<br />

and sell, refresh<br />

and enjoy.

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