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Krk je srednjoj Europi najbli`i i najdostupniji<br />

mediteranski otok do kojeg se mo`e sti}i cestom, morem<br />

ili zrakom. Danas Krk najvi{e prihoda ostvaruje od<br />

turizma koji ima stogodi{nju tradiciju. Na otoku je<br />

razvijena petrokemijska industrija. Tu je ishodi{te<br />

Jadranskog naftovoda s prekrcajnim terminalom,<br />

zatim je razvijeno graditeljstvo, radi nekoliko manjih<br />

tvornica: za proizvodnju netkanog tekstila, PVC<br />

galanterije, konopa, vi{e brodogradili{ta, marina,<br />

poljoprivrednih zadruga i vinarskih podruma, pogon<br />

za preradu maslina i prozvodnju maslinovog ulja te<br />

niz servisa i manjih obrtni~kih pogona.<br />

Na sjeveroistoku kod Omi{lja, starog frankopanskog<br />

ka{tela, otok se pribli`io kopnu na ne{to vi{e od<br />

600 metara koliko je tu {irok Tihi ili Burni kanal,<br />

prozvan po nepredvidivim }udima o{trih vjetrova i<br />

pogibeljnog mora. Tu je 1980. godine izgra|en i u<br />

slikovit pejza` skladno uklopljen Kr~ki most ukupne<br />

du`ine od 1430 metara koji je povezao otok s kopnom.<br />

Gradnja mosta zapo~ela je 1976., a kao osnovni nosa~<br />

poslu`io je oto~i} Sv. Marko, nekada Almis, u ~ijim je<br />

vodama u 1. stolje}u prije Krista vo|ena bitka za rimsko<br />

prijestolje izme|u flota Pompeja i Cezara. Kr~ki<br />

most, ranije zvan Titov most, sastoji se od dva armiranobetonska<br />

luka; ve}eg izme|u Sv. Marka i kopna<br />

koji je preuzeo primat najdu`eg na svijetu i manjeg<br />

izme|u Krka i Sv. Marka. Most je u potpunosti promijenio<br />

sudbinu `itelja otoka i otvorio velike mogu}nosti<br />

za budu}i razvoj. U neposrednoj blizini mosta<br />

izgra|ena je i zra~na luka koja mo`e prihvatiti zrakoplove<br />

najve}ih kapaciteta u internacionalnim letovima.<br />

Ovakav suvremeni razvoj otoka stvorio je gospodarsku<br />

i demografsku polarizaciju, s koncentracijom<br />

na obali, pa se brojem stanovnika pove}avaju samo<br />

naselja na obali ili neposredno uz obalu. Sre}om,<br />

obala je privla~na i vrlo razvedena, tako da se obalna<br />

crta Krka razvija u du`ini od ~ak 189,3 km. S<br />

najdu`om linijom od gotovo 40 km, naj{irom od 20<br />

km i najmanjom oko 4 km, Krk nalikuje velikom<br />

plove}em trokutu. Me|u tisu}u hrvatskih otoka na<br />

Jadranu u reljefnom, pa i u geolo{kom i pedolo{kom<br />

smislu, Krk je jedan od najzanimljivijih. Njegov je reljef<br />

neobi~no raznolik - penje se od sjeverozapada<br />

prema jugoistoku – od slikovitih pitomih draga i<br />

uvala preko plodnih polja i gustih {uma sa submediteranskom<br />

vegetacijom pa do predjela gologa kr{a i<br />

pravih brdskih pejza`a. Nailazimo i na tri potoka,<br />

dva jezera i pedesetak jama, pe}ina i spilja.<br />

Najvi{i vrh Obzova visok je oko 570 m. U osnovi<br />

pru`anje reljefa ima dinarski smjer (od jugoistoka<br />

prema sjeverozapadu), a izmjenjuju se ulegnu}a i<br />

ispup~enja, uglavnom fli{ne sinklinale i kr{ke antiklinale.<br />

Najizrazitija sredi{nja udolina, pitoma, s<br />

povr{inskim vodama, prostire se od Omi{lja, preko<br />

Dobrinja i Vrbnika do Ba{ke ~iji su potopljeni dijelovi<br />

Ba{}anski i Omi{aljski zaljev. U okviru ove sinklinale<br />

smjestila su se ~etiri idili~na kr~ka polja: Omi{aljsko,<br />

Dobrinjsko, Vrbni~ko i Ba{}ansko.<br />

Prema energiji reljefa, pa i prema naseljenosti, na<br />

otoku Krku se izdvajaju tri specifi~ne cjeline. Sjeverni<br />

Krk je ne{to uzvi{en i bre`uljkast, uglavnom kr{evit.<br />

Obuhva}a najsjeverniji dio otoka izdvojenog<br />

the Equator and the North Pole, the island being<br />

crossed by the 45 th parallel. At the very gateway to<br />

western Europe, at the crossing of the alpine-central<br />

European and the Dinaric-Mediterranean spaces, this<br />

island with amazingly attractive landscapes, idyllic<br />

settlements and renowned tourist resorts is only a few<br />

hours away by car from the heart of Europe. Krk is the<br />

closest and the most accessible island to central<br />

Europe and it can be reached by road, sea or air.<br />

Today, Krk earns most of its revenues from tourism,<br />

whose tradition is a century old. The oil and chemical<br />

industry have developed on the island. It is the departing<br />

point of the Adriatic oil pipeline with a loading<br />

terminal. The construction industry has also evolved.<br />

Several smaller factories are operational, producing<br />

unwoven textiles, PVC items and rope. Additionally,<br />

several shipyards, marinas, farming cooperatives,<br />

wine cellars, olive processing and olive oil production<br />

plants abound along with many craftsmen’s shops<br />

and smaller plants.<br />

In the northeast by Omi{alj, the old Frankopan<br />

castle, the island came close to the mainland to some<br />

600 meters, which is the length of the Tihi or Burni<br />

Channel, named after the unpredictable disposition of<br />

the strong winds and the deadly sea. In 1980, this<br />

was the site of the construction of the Krk Bridge<br />

which fit harmoniously into the picturesque scenery<br />

connecting the island with the mainland. The construction<br />

of the 1,430 m long bridge commenced in<br />

1976, with the islet of St. Mark serving as the central<br />

prop. Once called Almis, the waters surrounding this<br />

islet saw the battle for the Roman throne conducted<br />

between the fleets of Pompeii and Caesar in the 1 st century<br />

BCE. The Krk Bridge, originally named the Tito<br />

Bridge, consists of two arches of reinforced concrete,<br />

the larger one between St. Mark and the mainland<br />

which had taken the lead as the longest in the world,<br />

and the smaller one between Krk and St. Mark. The<br />

bridge has entirely changed the fate of the residents of<br />

the island, and opened up great possibilities for future<br />

development. An airport equipped to accept the largest<br />

international airplanes was constructed in the close<br />

proximity of the bridge. Such modern development of<br />

the island created an economic and demographic<br />

polarization with a concentration on the coast so<br />

growth was experienced only by those settlements<br />

located on the coast or in its proximity. Fortunately,<br />

however, the coast is attractive and very indented<br />

which makes the coastline of Krk 189.3 km long. Its<br />

longest line reaching 40 km, the widest 20 km and the<br />

shortest four km, Krk resembles a large floating triangle.<br />

Among the thousand Croatian islands, Krk is one<br />

of the most interesting for its relief, geological and<br />

pedological characteristics. Its relief is unusually<br />

diverse, rising from the northwest to the southeast,<br />

ranging from the picturesque gentle coves and bays,<br />

and fertile fields and dense forests with a sub-<br />

Mediterranean vegetation, to the barren karst and true<br />

mountainous landscapes. There are three creeks, two<br />

lakes and some four dozen pits and caves.Obzova is<br />

the highest peak of some 570 m. Basically, the layout<br />

of the relief follows the Dinaric direction, from the<br />


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