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Pri~a o ~ovjeku vinu i trsu konstanta je koja se<br />

ovdje ponavljala stolje}ima, milenijima sve dok se u<br />

na{e vrijeme nije izmijenila. Za moga oca Jo`a Peru,<br />

kao i za tolike druge te`ake vinograd, trs, gro`|e i<br />

vino bili su ljubav i svetinja. U vinogradima su njegovi<br />

`uljevi, molitve i kletve, posrtanja i usponi. Obrada<br />

vinograda, pravljenje i njegovanje vina bio je njegov<br />

svakodnevni posao. Pri~a je to, kao i gotovo svaka<br />

pri~a na otoku, o upornom trudu i te{kom radu, o<br />

znojnom ~elu i `uljevitim rukama, o filokseri i peronospori,<br />

o {krtoj zemlji, su{i, tu~i, posolici, o strepnjama<br />

i nadanjima, patnjama i radostima.<br />

Loza je bila plemenita dama koja je `ivjela na<br />

kr{evitim lokalitetima otoka s pogledom na blistave<br />

odsjaje povr{ine mora, cijeli dan izlo`ena suncu i njegovoj<br />

toplini isijavanoj s kamena. Tu staru damu trebalo<br />

je nesebi~nom pa`njom njegovati i milovati. A do<br />

tih vinograda moglo se je do}i samo uskim i strmim<br />

stazama dugim pje{a~enjem ili na muli i magarcu.<br />

U kamenjaru je nakon svake ki{e trebalo sakupljati<br />

otplavljenu zemlju, nositi je u vre}i na le|ima ili u<br />

kopanici na ramenu i rukama je stavljati ponovno oko<br />

trsa. Svaka {aka zemlje pod trsom bila je dragocjenost,<br />

a trebalo je i zdenac ili gustirnu za kap vode u<br />

kamenu iskopati. Od zemlje, od kamena, od mora, od<br />

sunca uz pjesmu, sopele, ro`enice, mi{nice, duplice<br />

crpio je ~ovjek ovog podneblja uvijek novu snagu. Za<br />

takav posao, muku i trud trebalo je puno ljubavi. A i<br />

loza je znala uzvratiti na skrb i ljubav, bila je sama<br />

slast. Kruna tog mukotrpnog rada, svih tih `rtvovanja,<br />

darivanja i nesebi~ne ljubavi bila je berba. Berba<br />

je u tim dalekim vinogradima bila muka, sve~anost i<br />

radost. Pamtim uz pjesmu veselo trganje slasnih grozdova<br />

`lahtine i neugodno lijepljenje prstiju od visoka<br />

sladora. Ubrano gro`|e prvo se iz vinograda u Priletima<br />

i Sr{}ici u ov~jim i kozjim mje{inama na mulama<br />

prenosilo do mora i ukrcavalo na barku, a onda bi<br />

jedni barkom krenuli do luke u Vrbniku a drugi bi i{li<br />

kopnom s mulama da bi opet iz barke vozili gro`|e u<br />

konobu.<br />

166<br />

which is made out of it is considered by wine lovers<br />

and connoisseurs the best white wine in this region<br />

and classified among the leading Croatian white<br />

wines. The crystal clarity, refined aroma, the dry and<br />

satin smooth taste, as well as the gold color of the<br />

Vrbni~ka @lahtina justify its name derived from the<br />

Old-Slavonic adjective “`lahten” meaning noble.<br />

Viticulture and winemaking represent both the<br />

written and the unwritten history of our man. The<br />

tale of man, wine and the vine stock is a constant<br />

which has been repeated here for centuries and millennia,<br />

until it changed in our times. To my father Jo`a<br />

Pere, as well as many other peasants, the vineyard,<br />

vine stock, grapes and wine were beloved and sacred.<br />

In the vineyards are his calluses, prayers and curses,<br />

stumbling and rise. The cultivation of the vineyard,<br />

the making and caring for the wine were his everyday<br />

work. This is a tale, just as almost any other tale on<br />

the island, of persistent effort, hard work, sweat-covered<br />

forehead and callous hands, phylloxera and<br />

downy mildew, barren land, drought, hailstorm, salt<br />

from the sea, trepidation and hope, suffering and joy.<br />

The vine was a noble lady who lived on the karst<br />

sections of the island with a view on the shiny reflections<br />

of the surface of the sea, all day exposed to the<br />

sun and its warmth radiating from the rock. This old<br />

lady had to be nursed and caressed with unselfish<br />

care. And the vineyards could have been accessed only<br />

through narrow and steep paths after a long hike or<br />

on a mule or donkey.<br />

After every rain, the washed away soil had to be<br />

recovered from the rocks, carried in a bag on the back<br />

or in the trough on the shoulders and by hand put<br />

back around the vine stock. Each fistful of soil under<br />

the stock was precious, and a well or cistern also had<br />

to be dug in the rock to collect a drop of water. From<br />

the soil, the rock, the sea, and the sun with song,<br />

Istrian long flutes and bagpipes, the man of this land<br />

drew renewed strength. Such work, toil and effort<br />

required much love. The vine knew how to reciprocate<br />

for the care and the love being delicious as it is. The<br />

crown of this painstaking work, of all the sacrifice,<br />

giving and selfless love, was the grape harvesting.<br />

Harvesting in those distant vineyards was pain, celebration<br />

and joy. I recall the merry picking of delicious<br />

clusters of @lahtina accompanied by song and the<br />

unpleasantly sticky fingers due to high levels of sugar.

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