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Danas to kamenje prkosi prolaznosti, produbljuje i<br />

oboga}uje na{u svijest, misli i znanje o minulim vremenima<br />

poput bogo{tovnih knjiga u kojima su tim<br />

istim slovima ispisane vje~ne mudrosti gu{~jim perom<br />

i crnilom na pergameni - janje}oj ko`ici. Glagoljicom<br />

stvorio je Kr~anin vjerodostojan i trajan znak djela i<br />

duha, svoj autenti~ni kulturni izraz u europskom svijetu<br />

na razme|i civilizacije Istoka i Zapada.<br />

Gotovo cijelo jedno tisu}lje}e na{ pu~anin, te`ak,<br />

pastir, ribar, moreplovac, brodograditelj, notar, pop<br />

glagolja{, opat i fratar svoju kroniku `ivota pisao je<br />

uporno gu{}jim perom i crnilom na listinama<br />

pergamene ili je bilje`io dlijetom u tvrde kamene plo~e<br />

septuma, pluteja, nadvratnika ~esto oboga}ene motivima<br />

stare hrvatske pleterne ornamentike.<br />

Zahvaljuju}i dlijetu, kamenu, peru i pergameni<br />

ovjekovje~ene su autenti~ne vijesti o proteklim zbivanjima.<br />

U duhovnom obzorju Mediterana Kr~ani su<br />

ljubavlju i otporno{}u narodnoga bi}a uspjeli sa~uvati<br />

vje~nu svetinju upiru}i prstom na Evan|elje i svoja<br />

ste~ena prava s istovremenim osje}ajem za umije}e<br />

dosjetljivosti, va`nosti kompromisa i vje{tine diplomatiziranja,<br />

snala`enja izme|u snaga u sukobu.<br />

Usprkos svim nasrtajima i povijesnim isku{enjima,<br />

hrvatski duh uspio je sa~uvati svoju stvarala~ku<br />

izvornost i nadahnu}e. U sveobuhvatnoj ekumeni univerzalnog<br />

latiniteta u slobodnoj prirodi jadranskih<br />

krajobraza na europskoj kulturnoj sceni bljesnula je<br />

slavenska - starohrvatska rije~ ispisana, pismenima<br />

sv. Jeronima odnosno ilirskim ili hrvatskim pismom<br />

kojeg danas zovemo samo glagoljica. Glagoljska kultura<br />

u liturgiji, bogoslu`je na crkvenoslavenskom<br />

jeziku i bogo{tovne knjige na glagoljskom pismu, o<br />

~ijem po~etku postoje brojne teorije, razvilo se na ovim<br />

obalama u tipi~no hrvatsko pismo, po ~emu smo bili<br />

jedinstveni u zapadnom katoli~kom svijetu. U<br />

duhovnom umjetni~kom pokretu renesanse, Hrvati<br />

me|u prvima u Europi iz du{e, razuma, misli i plemenita<br />

~uvstva stvarali su vlastitim potencijalom,<br />

svojim pismom glagoljicom na svojem jeziku svoje<br />

zakone, statute i liturgijske knjige, odr`avali svoje<br />

crkvene sabore, pribli`avali Istok i Zapad, isticali<br />

jedinstvo Crkve, stvarali vlastitu autenti~nu kulturu i<br />

dali zna~ajan doprinos cjelokupnoj europskoj i svjetskoj<br />

kulturi. Prou~avaju}i glagoljicu i glagoljsku<br />

ba{tinu, otkrivamo svoje korijene, svoju povijest, svoju<br />

samosvijest. Glagoljica je Hrvatima omogu}ila pismenost,<br />

kulturni identitet i kr{}ansku religioznost. Po<br />

glagoljici i prvim knjigama pisanim glagoljicom<br />

hrvatska, odnosno, slavenska ekumena u{la je na velika<br />

vrata u Europu. Uvrije`enost glagoljice posvjedo~uju<br />

brojni uvjerljivi i autenti~ni rukopisni izvori. S<br />

otoka je i znameniti rukopis Klo~ev glagolja{ iz 11.<br />

stolje}a. Iz 12. stolje}a potje~u Vrbni~ki Gr{kovi}ev<br />

apostol, Ba{}anski ostri{ci, Vrbni~ki odlomci i isprava<br />

slavnog Dragoslava, Omi{aljski odlomak apostola je<br />

iz 12/13. stolje}a, a Vrbni~ki odnosno Kr~ki statut je<br />

iz 1388. Postoji i cijeli niz misala i brevijara od 14.<br />

stolje}a nadalje, inkunabula, mati~nih i drugih spisa<br />

koje je otok Krk dao svjetskoj kulturnoj riznici. Iz<br />

vrbni~koga skriptorija u 15. stolje}u izrastao je i prvi<br />

poznati tiskar u Hrvata - Bla` Baroni}.<br />

shaped landscape, the Glagolitic alphabet and the<br />

groma~as has preserved them for eternity.<br />

Throughout history in the fateful inevitability of<br />

the rock, the hammer and the chisel have for centuries<br />

merrily echoed, patiently and solemnly carving in the<br />

stone the mysterious signs – Glagolitic letters and<br />

words – so that they may persistently and eternally<br />

witness and speak.<br />

Today, these rocks defy the transience, deepen and<br />

enrich our conscience, thoughts and knowledge of the<br />

times passed, as do the religious books in which eternal<br />

wisdoms have been written in these same letters,<br />

with a goose feather on parchment – sheepskin. With<br />

the Glagolitic the man of Krk has created a credible<br />

and lasting sign of creativity and spirit, an authentic<br />

expression of culture in the European world on the<br />

boundary of the Eastern and the Western civilizations.<br />

For nearly an entire century our man of the people,<br />

the peasant, shepherd, fishermen, seafarer, shipbuilder,<br />

notary, Glagolitic priest, abbot and friar has<br />

persistently written his chronicle of life with a goose<br />

feather and ink on sheets of parchment or recorded it<br />

with chisel on hard stone tablets of the partition<br />

walls, plutei and door posts often decorated with<br />

motifs of the early Croatian interlacing ribbon ornamentation.<br />

Thanks to the chisel, the rock, the feather and the<br />

parchment, authentic news of the past events has been<br />

immortalized. On the spiritual horizon of the Mediterranean<br />

the people of Krk have succeeded with love and<br />

resistance of the national being to preserve the eternal<br />

sacredness pointing the finger to the Gospel and their<br />

acquired rights with a simultaneous feel for the art of<br />

ingenuity, the importance of compromise and the skill<br />

of diplomacy, the coping with the parties in conflict.<br />

In spite of all the assaults and historic temptations,<br />

the Croatian spirit has managed to preserve its creative<br />

originality and inspiration. In the overall world<br />

of the universal Latinity in the unrestrained Adriatic<br />

landscapes on the European cultural scene shone the<br />

Slavic-early Croatian word written in the letters of St.<br />

Jerome which was the Illyrian or the Croatian alphabet<br />

today called simply the Glagolitic. The Glagolitic<br />

culture in the liturgy, the service in the Church-<br />

Slavonic language and religious books in Glagolitic,<br />

the origin of which is discussed by numerous theories,<br />

developed on these shores into a typical Croatian<br />

alphabet which made us unique in the western<br />

Catholic world. In the spiritual and artistic movement<br />

of the Renaissance, the Croats were among the first<br />

ones in Europe with their own potential, soul, mind,<br />

thoughts and noble sentiments, to develop their own<br />

Glagolitic alphabet, in their own language, their own<br />

laws, statutes and liturgical books, hold their own<br />

church councils, bring closer the East and the West,<br />

emphasize the unity of the Church, create their<br />

authentic culture and give a significant contribution<br />

to overall European and world culture.<br />

Studying the Glagolitic and its legacy we discover<br />

our roots, our history and our self-confidence. The<br />

Glagolitic made it possible for the Croats to achieve literacy,<br />

the cultural identity and Christian religiousness<br />


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