Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble


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Nacogdoches <strong>Scrabble</strong> Club<br />

www.oldtownscrabble.com<br />

(property of BPM Consulting LLC)<br />

<strong>Top</strong> <strong>5000</strong> <strong>7s</strong><br />

by Probability<br />

(Sorted <strong>Alpha</strong>betically)<br />

2009 MARINER‐ AEIMNRR a sailor (a member of a ship's crew) [n ‐S] */s<br />

657 MARINES‐ AEIMNRS MARINE, a soldier trained for service at sea and on land [n] */*<br />

3637 MARLIER AEILMRR MARLY, abounding with marl [adj] */*<br />

640 MARLINE‐ AEILMNR a rope used on a ship [n ‐S] */s<br />

4755 MARLINS‐ AILMNRS MARLIN, a marine game fish [n] */*<br />

645 MARLITE AEILMRT a type of marl [n ‐S] : MARLITIC [adj] */s<br />

3625 MARRIED ADEIMRR one who has entered into marriage [n ‐S] */s<br />

3639 MARRIES AEIMRRS MARRY, to enter into marriage [v] */*<br />

1528 MARTENS‐ AEMNRST MARTEN, a carnivorous mammal [n] s/*<br />

2904 MARTIAN AAIMNRT a supposed inhabitant of the planet Mars [n ‐S] */s<br />

4051 MARTING‐ AGIMNRT MART, to market (to offer for sale) [v] s/*<br />

2908 MARTINI‐ AIIMNRT an alcoholic beverage [n ‐S] */s<br />

2589 MARTINS‐ AIMNRST MARTIN, a small bird [n] */*<br />

1860 MASONED ADEMNOS MASON, to build with stone or brick [v] */*<br />

3206 MASTOID ADIMOST the rear portion of the temporal bone [n ‐S] */s<br />

4415 MATELOT AELMOTT sailor (a member of a ship's crew) [n ‐S] */es<br />

3641 MATIEST AEIMSTT MATEY, companionable [adj] */*<br />

352 MATINEE AEEIMNT a daytime performance [n ‐S] */s<br />

3261 MATRONS‐ AMNORST MATRON, a married woman of established social position [n] */*<br />

2985 MATURED‐ ADEMRTU MATURE, to make or become mature [v] */*<br />

3048 MATURES‐ AEMRSTU MATURE, to make or become mature [v] */t<br />

2979 MAUNDER ADEMNRU to talk incoherently [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

1004 MEALIER‐ AEEILMR MEALY, soft, dry, and friable [adj] */*<br />

2021 MEALIES‐ AEEILMS MEALIE, an ear of corn [n] */t<br />

2086 MEANDER ADEEMNR to wander (to move about with no destination or purpose) [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

2120 MEANERS‐ AEEMNRS MEANER, one that means (to intend (to have as a specific aim or purpose)) [n] */*<br />

2122 MEANEST AEEMNST MEAN, inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj] */*<br />

1011 MEANIES‐ AEEIMNS MEANIE, a nasty person [n] */*<br />

3929 MEASURE AEEMRSU to ascertain the dimensions, quantity, or capacity of [v ‐SURED, ‐SURING, ‐SURES] */drs<br />

355 MEATIER AEEIMRT MEATY, full of meat [adj] */*<br />

4210 MEATILY AEILMTY in a meaty manner [adv] */*<br />

2882 MEDIALS‐ ADEILMS MEDIAL, a sound, syllable, or letter in the middle of a word [n] */*<br />

1440 MEDIANS‐ ADEIMNS MEDIAN, a central part [n] */*<br />

614 MEDIANT‐ ADEIMNT a type of musical tone [n ‐S] */s<br />

997 MEDIATE ADEEIMT to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [v ‐ATED, ‐ATING, ‐ATES]<br />

*/ds<br />

1441 MEDINAS‐ ADEIMNS MEDINA, the native quarter of a North African city [n] */*<br />

3233 MEETING EEGIMNT an assembly for a common purpose [n ‐S] */s<br />

1352 MEGARON AEGMNOR the great central hall of an ancient Greek house [n ‐ARA] */*<br />

1354 MEGATON AEGMNOT a unit of explosive force [n ‐S] */s<br />

4379 MEINIES‐ EEIIMNS MEINIE, meiny (a retinue (a group of attendants)) [n] */*<br />

2182 MEISTER EEIMRST one who is knowledgeable about something specified [n ‐S] */s<br />

4142 MELANIC ACEILMN one who is affected with melanism [n ‐S] */s<br />

3636 MELANIN AEILMNN a dark pigment [n ‐S] */s<br />

3910 MELENAS‐ AEELMNS MELENA, a condition marked by black tarry stool [n] */*<br />

816 MELODIA ADEILMO a type of organ stop [n ‐S] */s<br />

3576 MELOIDS‐ DEILMOS MELOID, a type of beetle [n] */*<br />

4551 MELTING EGILMNT MELT, to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat [v] s/*<br />

3746 MELTONS‐ ELMNOST MELTON, a heavy woolen fabric [n] */*<br />

2842 MENDIGO DEGIMNO a freshwater fish [n ‐GOS] */s<br />

1472 MENIALS‐ AEILMNS MENIAL, a domestic servant [n] */*<br />

2615 MENORAH AEHMNOR a candleholder used in Jewish worship [n ‐S] */s<br />

2478 MENTION EIMNNOT to refer to in a casual manner [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

1984 MENTORS‐ EMNORST MENTOR, to serve as a friend and teacher to [v] */*<br />

2853 MEOUING EGIMNOU MEOU, meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v] */*<br />

944 MERINOS‐ EIMNORS MERINO, a fine wool [n] */*<br />

2157 MERITED DEEIMRT MERIT, to earn (to gain or deserve for one's labor or service) [v] */*<br />

3146 MERLINS‐ EILMNRS MERLIN, a European falcon [n] */*<br />

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