Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Alpha - Old Town Scrabble


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Nacogdoches <strong>Scrabble</strong> Club<br />

www.oldtownscrabble.com<br />

(property of BPM Consulting LLC)<br />

<strong>Top</strong> <strong>5000</strong> <strong>7s</strong><br />

by Probability<br />

(Sorted <strong>Alpha</strong>betically)<br />

144 LEOTARD ADELORT a close‐fitting garment [n ‐S] */s<br />

1910 LEPORID DEILOPR a gnawing mammal [n ‐RIDS or ‐RIDAE] */s<br />

4616 LEPROSE EELOPRS leprous (affected with leprosy) [adj] */*<br />

3150 LEPTINS‐ EILNPST LEPTIN, a hormone released by fat cells [n] */*<br />

3751 LEPTONS‐ ELNOPST LEPTON, a subatomic particle [n] */*<br />

1390 LESBIAN ABEILNS a female homosexual [n ‐S] */s<br />

3420 LESIONS‐ EILNOSS LESION, to cause an abnormal change in the structure of an organ [v] */*<br />

3705 LETDOWN DELNOTW a decrease [n ‐S] */s<br />

2106 LETHEAN AEEHLNT LETHE, forgetfulness [adj] */*<br />

4253 LETTING EGILNTT LET, to hinder (to impede (to obstruct the progress of)) [v] */*<br />

3942 LEUCINE‐ CEEILNU an amino acid [n ‐S] */s<br />

3945 LEUCITE CEEILTU a mineral [n ‐S] : LEUCITIC [adj] */s<br />

3032 LEVANTS‐ AELNSTV LEVANT, to avoid a debt [v] */*<br />

880 LEVATOR AELORTV a muscle that raises an organ or part [n ‐ES or ‐S] e/s<br />

3999 LEVIERS‐ EEILRSV LEVIER, one that levies (to impose or collect by legal authority) [n] */*<br />

1205 LIAISED‐ ADEIILS LIAISE, to establish liaison [v] */*<br />

1248 LIAISON AIILNOS a means for maintaining communication [n ‐S] */s<br />

1247 LIANOID ADIILNO pertaining to a liana (a tropical vine) [adj] */*<br />

587 LIBRATE ABEILRT to move from side to side [v ‐BRATED, ‐BRATING, ‐BRATES] */ds<br />

3939 LICENSE CEEILNS to issue or grant authoritative permission to [v ‐CENSED, ‐CENSING, ‐CENSES] */ders<br />

2140 LICENTE CEEILNT SENTE, a monetary unit of Lesotho [n] */*<br />

3988 LIEFEST EEFILST LIEF, willing (inclined or favorably disposed in mind) [adj] */*<br />

575 LIERNES‐ EEILNRS LIERNE, a connecting part in Gothic vaulting [n] */*<br />

4005 LIEVEST EEILSTV LIEVE, gladly (in a glad manner) [adv] */*<br />

3135 LIFTERS‐ EFILRST LIFTER, one that lifts (to move to a higher position) [n] */*<br />

718 LIGATED‐ ADEGILT LIGATE, to bind (to tie or secure) [v] */*<br />

729 LIGATES‐ AEGILST LIGATE, to bind (to tie or secure) [v] */*<br />

4542 LIGHTEN EGHILNT to reduce the weight of [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

4543 LIGHTER EGHILRT to convey in a type of barge [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] bps/s<br />

2051 ‐LIGNITE EGIILNT a type of coal [n ‐S] : LIGNITIC [adj] */s<br />

4056 LIGROIN GIILNOR a flammable liquid [n ‐S] */es<br />

3325 LIGURES‐ EGILRSU LIGURE, a precious stone [n] */*<br />

4112 LIMBATE ABEILMT having an edge of a different color [adj] */*<br />

2019 LIMEADE ADEEILM a beverage (a liquid for drinking) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3480 LIMITER EIILMRT one that limits (to restrict (to keep within certain boundaries)) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3145 LIMNERS‐ EILMNRS LIMNER, one that limns (to depict by painting or drawing) [n] */*<br />

722 LINAGES‐ AEGILNS LINAGE, the number of lines of printed material [n] */*<br />

1271 LINDANE ADEILNN an insecticide [n ‐S] */s<br />

4969 LINDENS‐ DEILNNS LINDEN, a tall forest tree [n] */*<br />

2561 ‐LINDIES DEIILNS LINDY, a lively dance [n] */*<br />

430 LINEAGE AEEGILN direct descent from an ancestor [n ‐S] */s<br />

51 LINEATE AEEILNT marked with lines [adj] */d<br />

3086 LINECUT CEILNTU a type of printing plate [n ‐S] */s<br />

3635 LINEMAN AEILMNN one who installs or repairs telephone wires [n LINEMEN] */*<br />

1656 LINGERS‐ EGILNRS LINGER, to delay leaving [v] cfs/*<br />

2050 LINGIER EGIILNR LINGY, covered with heaths [adj] c/*<br />

1057 LINGOES EGILNOS LINGO, strange or incomprehensible language [n] */*<br />

724 LINGUAE‐ AEGILNU LINGUA, the tongue or a tonguelike part [n] */*<br />

1229 LINIEST EIILNST LINEY, liny (resembling a line) [adj] */*<br />

4978 LINKAGE AEGIKLN the act of linking (to connect (to join together)) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2725 LINNETS‐ EILNNST LINNET, a European songbird [n] */*<br />

1314 LINSEED DEEILNS flaxseed (the seed of flax) [n ‐S] */s<br />

426 ‐LINTERS‐ EILNRST LINTER, a machine for removing fibers from cotton seeds [n] */*<br />

476 LINTIER EIILNRT LINTY, covered with lint [adj] fg/*<br />

3421 LIONESS EILNOSS a female lion (a large, carnivorous feline mammal) [n ‐ES] */*<br />

703 ‐LIONISE EIILNOS to lionize (to treat or regard as a celebrity) [v ‐ISED, ‐ISING, ‐ISES] */drs<br />

4479 ‐LIONIZE EIILNOZ to treat or regard as a celebrity [v ‐IZED, ‐IZING, ‐IZES] */drs<br />

1433 LIPREAD ADEILPR to understand spoken words by interpreting the lip movements of a speaker [v ‐READ, ‐READING,<br />

‐READS] */s<br />

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