Bone Imaging

Bone Imaging Bone Imaging

<strong>Bone</strong> <strong>Imaging</strong><br />


• Diaphysis<br />

• Metaphysis<br />

Anatomy – long bones<br />

• Zone of provisional<br />

calcification<br />

• Epiphyseal growth<br />

plate<br />

• Epiphysis

Anatomy – long bones<br />

epiphysis<br />

metaphysis<br />

diaphysis<br />

growth<br />

(epiphyseal)<br />

plate<br />

zone of provisional<br />


Epiphysis<br />

Epiphysis x Apophysis<br />

•articulates with adjacent bone<br />

Apophysis<br />

•doesn´t articulate with<br />

adjacent bone<br />

Epiphyseal or apophyseal plate should not be mistaken as fracture lines

• focal decalcination<br />

decreased attenuation<br />

lucency (dark bone)<br />

• marginal osteolysis<br />

usuration, erosion<br />


• focally increased<br />

attenuation<br />

(white bone)<br />

Osteosclerosis<br />

chron. OM osteopetrosis

• less dense bone<br />

• loss of organic and<br />

anorganic bone<br />

• darker, lucent bone<br />

• compact, cortical bone<br />

thinner<br />

• white rim around bone<br />


Osteomalacia<br />

• reduced anorganic portion<br />

• darker bone<br />

• loss of cortical compact<br />

bone<br />

• Ill defined, hazy contours<br />


periosteum is not<br />

normally seen<br />

1) Spiculoid<br />

2) Lamellar<br />

3) Codman´s<br />

triangle<br />

Periostal reaction

Developmental dysplasia of the hip<br />

• orthopaedic examination<br />

and ultrasound<br />

• pathological finding is<br />

indication for X-ray<br />

investigation<br />

1) osification of femoral head<br />

2) course of the acetabulum<br />

3) position of the hip joint

Developmental dysplasia of the hip US<br />

Ultrasound<br />

alpha angle<br />

• the slope of the superior<br />

aspect of the bony acetabulum<br />

(normal greater than 60º)<br />

beta angle<br />

• depicts the cartilaginous<br />

component of the acetabulum<br />

(normal if less than 55º)<br />

evidence is insufficient to recommend routine screening for dev.<br />

dyspl. of the hip in infants as a means to prevent adverse outcome<br />

(U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2006)

Developmental dysplasia of the hip X-rays<br />

X-rays<br />

1) osification of femoral head<br />

2) course of the acetabulum<br />

3) position of the hip joint

Craniosynostosis<br />

• premature closure of the<br />

cranial sutures<br />

• involved suture is narrow<br />

or is not visible<br />

• lacunar skull (expressive<br />

impresiones of brain gyri<br />

on the inner table of skull)<br />

Scaphocephalia<br />

brachicephalia<br />


Osteogenesis imperfecta<br />

• congenital fragilitas<br />

ossium<br />

• deficient formation of<br />

bone matrix and collagen<br />

• repeated fractures of<br />

different age<br />

• bizare deformities<br />

• bowed bones, extremities<br />

shorter, cortex thin

Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schonberg)<br />

• failure of normal resorption<br />

of calcified chondral tissue<br />

• osteosclerosis<br />

• bottle-shaped metaphyses<br />

• sandwich vertebra<br />

• pathological fractures

Mucopolysacharidosis<br />

Gargoylismus (Hurler´s type )<br />

palm-leaf-shaped ribs<br />

maldevelopment of upper half of<br />

vertebral body (upside down parrot<br />

beak shaped )<br />

coxa valga

M. Perthes<br />

• most frequent aseptic necrosis<br />

• etiology unknown<br />

• head and neck of the femur<br />

• 5 th -10 th year of age<br />

• X ray signs delayed 6 weeks after<br />

clinical symptoms<br />

• bones shorter, unhomogeneous<br />

with foci osteosclerosis and<br />

osteoporosis<br />

• later fragmentation and deformity

Other aseptic necrosis<br />

• Osgood-Schlatter<br />

(tuberositas of tibia)<br />

• Blount<br />

(med. condyle<br />

-tibia vara)<br />

• Koehler I<br />

(naviculare pedis)<br />

• Koehler II<br />

(head of MTT II)<br />

• Haglund<br />

(calcaneus)<br />

• Kienbock<br />


Scheuermann´s disease<br />

(juvenile vertebral epiphysitis )<br />

etiology unknown<br />

around puberty<br />

Th spine<br />

• expressive kyphosis<br />

• wedge- shaped<br />

vertebral body<br />

• irregular margin of<br />

the vertebral body<br />

• Schmorl´s nodules

• acute x chronic<br />

• specific x unspecific<br />

Osteomyelitis acute<br />

• X-ray changes delayed<br />

10 to 20 days<br />

• soft tissue swelling<br />

• bone destruction<br />

• erosion

Osteomyelitis chronic<br />

• periosteal reaction<br />

• irregular sclerotisation<br />

• sequestration, involucrum<br />

Brodie´s abscess<br />

• metaphysis of the long<br />

bones (most frequent<br />

femur)<br />

• circumscribed osteolytic<br />

area with sclerotic margin<br />

Osteomyelitis sclerotisans Garré<br />

• unpyogenic<br />

• osteosclerosis<br />

• spindle-like diaphyseal<br />


Tuberculous spondylodiscitis<br />

• specific<br />

• early destruction of disc<br />

(lower intervertebral space)<br />

• later infection crosses<br />

vertebral endplates<br />

(higher intervertebral space)<br />

• complications<br />

paravertebral/epidural<br />


Congenital syphylis ( lues )<br />

• diaphysitis<br />

• metaphysitis (Wegener´s<br />

zone )<br />

• periostitis<br />

Wimberger´s sign:<br />

erosions at the medial<br />

portion of the proximal<br />


Rachitis (rickets) avitaminosis D<br />

Osteomalacia ( bone<br />

substituted by osteoid)<br />

• unsharp margins<br />

• tumbler-like deformity of<br />

metaphyses<br />

• rachitic rosary on the ribs<br />

Healing:<br />

• periostosis<br />

• doubled zone of the<br />

provisional calcification

Scorbut (scurvy) avitaminosis C<br />

• Subperiosteal hematomas<br />

• Multiple epifyzeolysis<br />

Pelkan´s sign :<br />

sharp metaphyseal margins<br />

Winberger´s sign :<br />

sclerotic rim around porotic<br />


Degeneration 1 st grade<br />

• most common bone involvement<br />

• sharper margins of articular surface

• osteophytes<br />

Degeneration 2 nd grade

Degeneration 3 rd grade<br />

• subchondral sclerosis<br />

• subchondral pseudocysts<br />

• narrow articular space<br />

• periarticular calcifications

• bone necrosis<br />

• (sub)luxation<br />

Degeneration 4 th grade

Bekhterev´s disease (spondylitis ankylosans)<br />

1.Sacroiliac joints<br />

• subchondral osteoporosis<br />

• subchondral erosions (rosary<br />

sign)<br />

• ankylosis

Bekhterev´s disease (spondylitis ankylosans)<br />

2. spine thoracic<br />

• rigid<br />

• marked kyphosis<br />

• bamboo stick

Paget´s disease (osteitis deformans)<br />

• enlargement of the bone<br />

• deformity (bone is bowed)<br />

• pathological fractures<br />

• osteosclerosis and osteoporosis<br />

• malignant degeneration is a<br />

serious, but infrequent<br />


<strong>Bone</strong> cyst<br />

• lucent focus within bone with<br />

an expansion effect<br />

• cortex can be thin

• in metaphyses<br />

Non-osifying fibroma<br />

• eccentrical subcortical<br />

• occasionally multilocular

Osteochondroma (cortical exostosis)<br />

• bone exostosis<br />

• always from<br />

metaphysis toward<br />

diaphysis<br />

• cartilaginous cup<br />

not visible

• bone only<br />

• round shaped shadow<br />

• sharp margins<br />

• paranasal sinuses<br />


Enchondroma<br />

• from chondral tissue (cartilage X ray lucent, invisible<br />

• defect in bone, often expansion effect, thin and perforated<br />

cortical contour<br />

• m. Ollier multiple chondromatosis of the bones

Osteoid osteoma<br />

• diaphysis lower limbs<br />

• osteoplastic changes<br />

• nidus ( detectable CT ) round<br />

osteolytic lesion with small<br />


Histiocytosis from Langerhans cells<br />

• Eosinophilic granuloma<br />

sharp demarcated osteolytic<br />

defect<br />

• Hand-Schuller-<br />

Christian - map skull

• osteolytic/ osteoplastic<br />

• periostal reaction<br />

laminated, onion-skin<br />

spicular (Sharpey ligg.)<br />

Codman´s triangle<br />


Osteosarcoma MRI<br />

• soft tissue part of the tumor - regression after<br />

chemo/radio therapy

Ewing sarcoma

• The next four tumors<br />

comprise 80% of all<br />

metastases to bone<br />

– Breast (70% of bone<br />

mets in women)<br />

– Prostate (60% of all<br />

bone mets in men)<br />

– Kidney<br />

– Lung<br />

• osteolytic (kidney, lung)<br />

• osteoplastic (prostate)<br />

• mixed (breast)<br />


• most common malignant bone<br />

tumors<br />

• most involve axial skeleton<br />

(skull, spine and pelvis)<br />

where red bone marrow is found<br />

• 90% of skeletal mets are<br />

multiple<br />

• Spinal mets destroy posterior<br />

vertebral body including pedicle<br />


Skull<br />

diploe<br />

Metastases neuroblastoma

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