Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble


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Nacogdoches <strong>Scrabble</strong> Club<br />

www.oldtownscrabble.com<br />

(property of BPM Consulting LLC)<br />

<strong>Top</strong> <strong>5000</strong> <strong>7s</strong><br />

(Sorted by <strong>Prob</strong>ability)<br />

471 LAITIES AEIILST LAITY, the nonclerical membership of a religious faith [n] */*<br />

472 ALIENEE AEEEILN one to whom property is transferred [n ‐S] */s<br />

473 SANTERA AAENRST a priestess of santeria [n ‐S] */s<br />

474 INDITER‐ DEIINRT one that indites (to write or compose) [n ‐S] */s<br />

475 NITRIDE‐ DEIINRT to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) [v ‐TRIDED, ‐TRIDING, ‐TRIDES] */ds<br />

476 LINTIER EIILNRT LINTY, covered with lint [adj] fg/*<br />

477 NITRILE‐ EIILNRT a chemical compound [n ‐S] */s<br />

478 TEENIER EEEINRT TEENY, tiny (very small) [adj] */*<br />

479 LOADERS‐ ADELORS LOADER, one that loads (to place in or on a means of conveyance) [n] */*<br />

480 ORDEALS‐ ADELORS ORDEAL, a severely difficult or painful experience [n] */*<br />

481 RELOADS‐ ADELORS RELOAD, LOAD, to place in or on a means of conveyance [v] p/*<br />

482 ROULADE ADELORU a musical embellishment [n ‐S] */s<br />

483 SOLATED‐ ADELOST SOLATE, to change to a fluid colloidal system [v] i/*<br />

484 OUTLEAD ADELOTU to surpass in leading [v ‐LED, ‐LEADING, ‐LEADS] */s<br />

485 ‐AROUSED‐ ADEORSU AROUSE, to stimulate [v] c/*<br />

486 INDOLES‐ DEILNOS INDOLE, a chemical compound [n] */*<br />

487 UNOILED DEILNOU OIL, to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [adj] */*<br />

488 SOLDIER DEILORS to perform military service [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */sy<br />

489 SOLIDER DEILORS SOLID, having definite shape and volume [adj] */*<br />

490 TOLUIDE‐ DEILOTU an amide (a type of chemical compound) [n ‐S] */s<br />

491 OUTSIDE DEIOSTU the outer side, surface, or part [n ‐S] */rs<br />

492 TEDIOUS DEIOSTU causing weariness [adj] */*<br />

493 ELUSION EILNOSU the act of eluding (to evade (to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit)) [n ‐S] d/s<br />

494 LOUSIER EILORSU LOUSY, mean or contemptible [adj] b/*<br />

495 SOILURE EILORSU a stain or smudge [n ‐S] */s<br />

496 OUTLIES‐ EILOSTU OUTLIE, to lie beyond [v] */*<br />

497 ALATION AAILNOT the state of having wings [n ‐S] h/s<br />

498 ATONIAS‐ AAINOST ATONIA, atony (muscular weakness) [n] */*<br />

499 RODENTS‐ DENORST RODENT, a gnawing mammal [n] */*<br />

500 SNORTED DENORST SNORT, to exhale noisily through the nostrils [v] */*<br />

501 TENOURS‐ ENORSTU TENOUR, tenor (a high male singing voice) [n] */*<br />

502 TONSURE ENORSTU to shave the head of [v ‐SURED, ‐SURING, ‐SURES] */ds<br />

503 GOATEED‐ ADEEGOT GOATEE, a small pointed beard [adj] */*<br />

504 AEROGEL AEEGLOR a highly porous solid [n ‐S] */s<br />

505 GOATEES‐ AEEGOST GOATEE, a small pointed beard [n] */*<br />

506 GENOISE EEGINOS a rich spongecake [n ‐S] */s<br />

507 SOIGNEE‐ EEGINOS soigne (carefully done) [adj] */*<br />

508 NARDINE ADEINNR NARD, a fragrant ointment [adj] */*<br />

509 DRAINER ADEINRR one that drains (to draw off a liquid) [n ‐S] */s<br />

510 RANDIER ADEINRR RANDY, lustful (marked by excessive sexual desire) [adj] */*<br />

511 TAINTED ADEINTT TAINT, to touch or affect slightly with something bad [v] */*<br />

512 TARDIER ADEIRRT TARDY, late (coming or occurring after the expected time) [adj] */*<br />

513 TARRIED ADEIRRT TARRY, to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v] */*<br />

514 ATTIRED‐ ADEIRTT ATTIRE, to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v] */*<br />

515 RETRIAL AEILRRT a second trial [n ‐S] p/s<br />

516 ‐TRAILER AEILRRT to transport by means of a trailer (a vehicle drawn by another) [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

517 TERTIAL AEILRTT a flight feather of a bird's wing [n ‐S] */s<br />

518 INSANER‐ AEINNRS INSANE, mentally unsound [adj] */*<br />

519 INSNARE AEINNRS to ensnare (to trap (to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals))) [v ‐SNARED, ‐<br />

520 ANEURIN AEINNRU thiamine (a B vitamin) [n ‐S] */s<br />

521 INANEST‐ AEINNST INANE, nonsensical [adj] */*<br />

522 STANINE AEINNST one of the nine classes into which a set of scores are divided [n ‐S] */s<br />

523 SIERRAN‐ AEINRRS SIERRA, a mountain range [adj] */*<br />

524 INSTATE AEINSTT to place in office [v ‐STATED, ‐STATING, ‐STATES] */ds<br />

525 SATINET AEINSTT a thin satin [n ‐S] */s<br />

526 ARTSIER AEIRRST ARTSY, arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj] */*<br />

527 TARRIES AEIRRST TARRY, to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v] */t<br />

528 TARSIER AEIRRST a nocturnal primate [n ‐S] */s<br />

529 ARTIEST AEIRSTT ARTY, showily or pretentiously artistic [adj] tw/*<br />

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