Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble


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Nacogdoches <strong>Scrabble</strong> Club<br />

www.oldtownscrabble.com<br />

(property of BPM Consulting LLC)<br />

<strong>Top</strong> <strong>5000</strong> <strong>7s</strong><br />

(Sorted by <strong>Prob</strong>ability)<br />

3117 MINDSET DEIMNST a fixed mental attitude [n ‐S] */s<br />

3118 MISTEND DEIMNST to tend to improperly [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

3119 MINUTED‐ DEIMNTU MINUTE, to make a brief note of [v] */*<br />

3120 MUTINED‐ DEIMNTU MUTINE, to mutiny (to revolt against constituted authority) [v] */*<br />

3121 UNTIMED DEIMNTU TIME, to determine the speed or duration of [adj] */*<br />

3122 PINDERS‐ DEINPRS PINDER, an official who formerly impounded stray animals [n] */*<br />

3123 DIPNETS‐ DEINPST DIPNET, to scoop fish with a type of net [v] */*<br />

3124 STIPEND DEINPST a fixed sum of money paid periodically [n ‐S] */s<br />

3125 VERDINS‐ DEINRSV VERDIN, a small bird [n] */*<br />

3126 REWINDS‐ DEINRSW REWIND, WIND, to pass around an object or fixed center [v] */*<br />

3127 WINDERS‐ DEINRSW WINDER, one that winds (to pass around an object or fixed center) [n] */*<br />

3128 DENSITY DEINSTY the state of being dense (compact (closely and firmly united)) [n ‐TIES] */*<br />

3129 DESTINY DEINSTY the fate or fortune to which one is destined [n ‐NIES] */*<br />

3130 SPIRTED DEIPRST SPIRT, to spurt (to gush forth) [v] */*<br />

3131 STRIPED‐ DEIPRST STRIPE, to mark with stripes (long, distinct bands) [v] */*<br />

3132 DIVERTS‐ DEIRSTV DIVERT, to turn aside [v] */*<br />

3133 STRIVED‐ DEIRSTV STRIVE, to exert much effort or energy [v] */*<br />

3134 FILTERS‐ EFILRST FILTER, to pass through a filter (a device for removing suspended matter) [v] */*<br />

3135 LIFTERS‐ EFILRST LIFTER, one that lifts (to move to a higher position) [n] */*<br />

3136 STIFLER‐ EFILRST one that stifles (to smother (to prevent from breathing)) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3137 ‐TRIFLES‐ EFILRST TRIFLE, to waste time [v] */*<br />

3138 FLUTIER EFILRTU FLUTY, resembling a flute in sound [adj] */*<br />

3139 INFUSER‐ EFINRSU one that infuses (to permeate with something) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3140 FUSTIER EFIRSTU FUSTY, musty (having a stale odor) [adj] */*<br />

3141 SURFEIT EFIRSTU to supply to excess [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

3142 ‐SLITHER EHILRST to slide from side to side [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */sy<br />

3143 LUTHIER EHILRTU one who makes stringed instruments [n ‐S] */s<br />

3144 HIRSUTE EHIRSTU hairy (covered with hair) [adj] */*<br />

3145 LIMNERS‐ EILMNRS LIMNER, one that limns (to depict by painting or drawing) [n] */*<br />

3146 MERLINS‐ EILMNRS MERLIN, a European falcon [n] */*<br />

3147 MILTERS‐ EILMRST MILTER, a male fish at breeding time [n] */*<br />

3148 PILSNER EILNPRS a light beer [n ‐S] */s<br />

3149 PURLINE‐ EILNPRU purlin (a horizontal supporting timber) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3150 LEPTINS‐ EILNPST LEPTIN, a hormone released by fat cells [n] */*<br />

3151 PINTLES‐ EILNPST PINTLE, a pin on which something turns [n] */*<br />

3152 PLENIST EILNPST an advocate of plenism (the doctrine that space is fully occupied by matter) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3153 SILVERN‐ EILNRSV silvery (resembling silver) [adj] */*<br />

3154 WINTLES‐ EILNSTW WINTLE, to stagger (to walk or stand unsteadily) [v] */*<br />

3155 RESPLIT EILPRST SPLIT, to separate lengthwise [v ‐SPLIT, ‐SPLITTING, ‐SPLITS] p/s<br />

3156 TRIPLES‐ EILPRST TRIPLE, to make three times as great [v] */*<br />

3157 RIVULET EILRTUV a small stream [n ‐S] */s<br />

3158 MUREINS‐ EIMNRSU MUREIN, a type of polymer (a complex chemical compound) [n] */*<br />

3159 ‐MURINES‐ EIMNRSU MURINE, any of a family of small rodents [n] */*<br />

3160 MINUETS‐ EIMNSTU MINUET, a slow, stately dance [n] */*<br />

3161 MINUTES‐ EIMNSTU MINUTE, to make a brief note of [v] */t<br />

3162 MISTUNE EIMNSTU to tune incorrectly [v ‐TUNED, ‐TUNING, ‐TUNES] */ds<br />

3163 MUTINES‐ EIMNSTU MUTINE, to mutiny (to revolt against constituted authority) [v] */*<br />

3164 MUSTIER EIMRSTU MUSTY, having a stale odor [adj] */*<br />

3165 ‐PURINES‐ EINPRSU PURINE, a chemical compound [n] */*<br />

3166 UPRISEN‐ EINPRSU UPRISE, to rise up [v] */*<br />

3167 PUNIEST EINPSTU PUNY, of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj] */*<br />

3168 ‐PUNTIES EINPSTU PUNTY, an iron rod used in glassmaking [n] */*<br />

3169 UNWISER‐ EINRSUW UNWISE, WISE, having wisdom [adj] */*<br />

3170 PERITUS EIPRSTU an expert theologian [n ‐TI] */*<br />

3171 REVUIST EIRSTUV a writer of revues [n ‐S] */s<br />

3172 STUIVER EIRSTUV stiver (a former Dutch coin) [n ‐S] */s<br />

3173 VIRTUES‐ EIRSTUV VIRTUE, moral excellence [n] */*<br />

3174 ORGONES‐ EGNOORS ORGONE, a postulated energy pervading the universe [n] */*<br />

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