Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble

Top 5000 7s Prob - Old Town Scrabble


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Nacogdoches <strong>Scrabble</strong> Club<br />

www.oldtownscrabble.com<br />

(property of BPM Consulting LLC)<br />

<strong>Top</strong> <strong>5000</strong> <strong>7s</strong><br />

(Sorted by <strong>Prob</strong>ability)<br />

2487 ‐OEDEMAS‐ ADEEMOS OEDEMA, edema (an excessive accumulation of serous fluid) [n] */*<br />

2488 OBELISE BEEILOS to obelize (to mark with an obelus) [v ‐LISED, ‐LISING, ‐LISES] */ds<br />

2489 DIOCESE CDEEIOS an ecclesiastical district [n ‐S] */s<br />

2490 EPISODE DEEIOPS an incident in the course of a continuous experience [n ‐S] : EPISODIC [adj] */s<br />

2491 IONIZER‐ EIINORZ one that ionizes (to convert into ions) [n ‐S] l/s<br />

2492 IRONIZE EIINORZ to mix with nutritional iron [v ‐NIZED, ‐NIZING, ‐NIZES] */ds<br />

2493 ENGRAFT AEFGNRT to graft for propagation [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

2494 GARMENT AEGMNRT to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

2495 ‐MARGENT AEGMNRT to margin (to provide with a margin (a border)) [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

2496 TREPANG‐ AEGNPRT a marine animal [n ‐S] */s<br />

2497 TWANGER AEGNRTW one that twangs (to make a sharp, vibrating sound) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2498 ‐AGENTRY AEGNRTY the office or duties of an agent [n ‐RIES] */*<br />

2499 METRING EGIMNRT METRE, to meter (to measure by mechanical means) [v] */*<br />

2500 TERMING EGIMNRT TERM, to give a name to [v] */*<br />

2501 RETYING EGINRTY RETIE, TIE, to fasten with a cord or rope [v] */*<br />

2502 IONONES‐ EINNOOS IONONE, a chemical compound [n] */*<br />

2503 TOOTSIE EIOOSTT tootsy (a foot (the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves)) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2504 RELEASE AEEELRS to set free [v ‐LEASED, ‐LEASING, ‐LEASES] */drs<br />

2505 SEEDIER DEEEIRS SEEDY, containing seeds; inferior in condition or quality [adj] */*<br />

2506 EELIEST EEEILST EELY, resembling an eel (a snakelike fish) [adj] */*<br />

2507 STEELIE EEEILST a steel playing marble [n ‐S] */rs<br />

2508 AGITATE AAEGITT to move with a violent, irregular action [v ‐TATED, ‐TATING, ‐TATES] : AGITABLE [adj] */ds<br />

2509 DEBONER‐ BDEENOR a bone remover [n ‐S] */s<br />

2510 ENROBED‐ BDEENOR ENROBE, to dress (to put clothes on) [v] */*<br />

2511 REDBONE BDEENOR a hunting dog [n ‐S] */s<br />

2512 BOREENS‐ BEENORS BOREEN, a lane in Ireland [n] */*<br />

2513 ENROBES‐ BEENORS ENROBE, to dress (to put clothes on) [v] */*<br />

2514 BONESET BEENOST a perennial herb [n ‐S] */s<br />

2515 ENCODER‐ CDEENOR one that encodes (to put into code) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2516 ENCORED‐ CDEENOR ENCORE, to call for the reappearance of a performer [v] */*<br />

2517 ‐ELECTOR CEELORT one that elects (to select by vote for an office) [n ‐S] s/s<br />

2518 ELECTRO CEELORT to make a metallic copy of a page of type for printing [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */ns<br />

2519 ENCORES‐ CEENORS ENCORE, to call for the reappearance of a performer [v] */*<br />

2520 NECROSE CEENORS to affect with necrosis [v ‐CROSED, ‐CROSING, ‐CROSES] */ds<br />

2521 COENURE CEENORU coenurus (a tapeworm larva) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2522 CENOTES‐ CEENOST CENOTE, a sinkhole in limestone [n] */*<br />

2523 MODERNE‐ DEEMNOR a design style of the 1920s and 1930s [n ‐S] */rs<br />

2524 DEMETON DEEMNOT an insecticide [n ‐S] */s<br />

2525 PENTODE DEENOPT a type of electron tube [n ‐S] */s<br />

2526 ENDOWER DEENORW one that endows (to provide with something) [n ‐S] */s<br />

2527 REENDOW DEENORW ENDOW, to provide with something [v ‐ED, ‐ING, ‐S] */s<br />

2528 REVOTED‐ DEEORTV REVOTE, VOTE, to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v] */*<br />

2529 TOWERED DEEORTW TOWER, to rise to a great height [v] */*<br />

2530 RESHONE EEHNORS RESHINE, SHINE, to emit light [v] */*<br />

2531 HETEROS‐ EEHORST HETERO, a heterosexual [n] */*<br />

2532 OVERLET EELORTV to let to excess [v ‐LET, ‐LETTING, ‐LETS] c/s<br />

2533 MOREENS‐ EEMNORS MOREEN, a heavy fabric [n] */*<br />

2534 TONEMES‐ EEMNOST TONEME, a tonal unit of speech [n] */*<br />

2535 EMOTERS‐ EEMORST EMOTER, one that emotes (to express emotion in an exaggerated manner) [n] */*<br />

2536 METEORS‐ EEMORST METEOR, a small celestial body that enters the earth's atmosphere [n] */*<br />

2537 ‐REMOTES‐ EEMORST REMOTE, a broadcast originating outside a studio [n] */t<br />

2538 OPENERS‐ EENOPRS OPENER, one that opens (to cause to become open) [n] */*<br />

2539 PEREONS‐ EENOPRS PEREON, pereion (the thorax of some crustaceans) [n] */*<br />

2540 REOPENS‐ EENOPRS REOPEN, OPEN, to cause to become open [v] */*<br />

2541 OPENEST EENOPST OPEN, affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj] */*<br />

2542 PENTOSE EENOPST a sugar having five carbon atoms per molecule [n ‐S] */s<br />

2543 POSTEEN EENOPST an Afghan outer garment [n ‐S] */s<br />

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