Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4

Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4 Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4

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702 HARPER'S WEEKLY, [NOVEMBER 1, 18(>2. [Entered according to Act of Congress, in tin Year 18*3, by Harper & Druthers, In the clerk's Office cttlie Dis trict Court for the Southern Dlntrlct of New York.] NO NAME. BY WILKIE COLLINS, AUTHOR OF "THI WOMAN IN JTBTn," "DUD UCIUT, rra.no. ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN M'LENAN. W Prlntvd from tlie MsuiuBcnpt mill early froof- ailiMta puroliM«U by lh« Pr«pri«tor> U only at J. EVERDELL8 Old EiUbllilimmt, got Broulwmy, cor.Ttnun Bt_ N. Y. '-UblWl«l 1840k HTFor Bf»dm.ii by Mall, iud two stainps. Every Man his own Printer. Portable Printing-offices for the Army and Navy, Drug, (into, and Business Men generally. Send for a circular. ADAMS PRESS COMPANY, 81 Park ROT (under I-oveJoy'B Hotel), New York. A MONTH I—We want Agents at ^f *-r -^ Sixty Dollars a month and all expenses paid, to sell our new Cixmras WBINGF.ES, OBIKMTAL BUKMM, and 12 other new articles. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddefbrd, Maine. BEAUTY.—Hunt's Bloom of Roses, a charming and perfectly natural color for the cheek*, or lip;. Will not wash off, but remains durable for years. Can only be re. moved with vinegar, and warranted not to injure the skin. lined by the celebrated Court Beauties of Europe exclu sively. Mailed free from observation for one dollar. HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 133 a Seventh St, Fhllad, To all Wanting Farms. Large and thriving settlement of rineland. Rich soil. Good crops of Wheat, Corn, Patches, &c., to be seen only SO miles from Philadelphia. Delightful climate W acre tracts of from $16 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 yean. Good schools and society. Hundreds are settling. Apply to CHAS. K. LAXDIS, P.M., Vineland, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Report of Solon Robinson and VInelnnd Ru ral sent tree. From Report of Solon Robinaon, Ag. Ed. Tribune. « It is one of the mod extensive fertile tracts, in an al- mo»t Iml position, and tuiiatHe condition far plecutmt farming that we know of Oat Me of the Western Prairiet. AGENTS.—Watches and Jewelry for Army, Navy, and Country Trade, the most salable kinds at the lowest Eastern prices. Circular of prices, &c., free. HUBBARD BROS., New York. ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS. Selpho's Patent. 616 Broadway, N. Y., Opposite St Nicholas Hotel. Send for a Circular. D O YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUST ACHES f—My Onguent will force them to grow heavily In six weeks (upon the amooth- eit face) without stain or Injury to the skin. Price $1— sent by mall, post free, to any address, on receipt of an or der. R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y. F. Derby & Company Winter supply LONDON TRADE GOODS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, SELECTED BY ONE OF THE FIRM, With ipeclal care in quality, styles, and variety, to which we Invite the Inspection of gentlemen. F. DERBY & COMPANY, Tailors and Importers, No. 67 Walker Street, New York. PINE GOLD WATCHES, of all descriptions. Some for ladles, In hunting causa, as low as $25 each. War ranted correct timekeepers. For aale by GEO. C. ALLEN, No. 415 Broadway, New York. GENTLEMEN'S FINE GOLD SCARF PTNS. New styles. For sale by GEO. C. ALLEN, No. 416 Broad way, New York. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. For sale by G. C. ALLEX, So. 415 Broadway, New York. GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. For •alt by GEO. C. A1LEN, No. 41B Broadway, N»w York. J. H. Winslow & Co. 1OO7OOO 'Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Gold Pens, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, Oent'sj Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c., &c. Worth $5OO,OOO, To be told for GATE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, ana not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send for Circular containing full Hit and particular!. Send 2B cent* for a Certificate. Address J. H. WINSLOW & CO. 203 Broadway, New York. "Pear Trees," Largest Stock in the Country. Also Hardy Perpetual Rotes, in quantities. GEO. W. WILSON, Maiden, Mass. MILITARY GOODS. Swords for Presentation, Sashes, Belts, and Epaulettes, Guns, Pistols, and Revolvers. Every article in the MUitay Line Wholesale and Retail. W. J. SYMS & BRO., 800 Broadway, New York. J. W. MERSEREAU, Metis Furnishing Goods Golden Hill Shirts. No. 2 Warren Street. SECOND Doos ram BSOIDWAY, NEW TORE. . Represented fry N. R MERSEREAU, L. N. WYANT. The Railway Time-Keeper, Especially adapted for Army sales. GOOD UIITATION GOLD; will run and keep excellent time; have fancy col ored hands and beautifully engraved dials, thi Utters standing in relief. 2©hit if one of the mott taking novel- tiei of the day, and should retail at prices FKOJI Twmi TO FIFTY DOLLARS EACH. They are furnished by the case, containing six of different designs, as follows:—Engraved, per caw of half dozen, $83 00. Engraved and electro- gilded, per case of half dozen, assorted, $36 00. Engraved, superior, per case half dozen, assorted, $39 00. Engraved, superior, and electro fin* gilded, having all the improve, raents of the foregoing, per case of half doien, assorted, $42 00. Engine-turned, same mater 1x1 cases, over which good silver Is heavily plated, per case of half dozen. $36 00. Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first and one each of the others, making a case of half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, $36 50. TXBXB, CASH. Win be sent to any part of the loyal states, with bill for collection on delivery. Buyers in the Army -will Dave to send tea pay IJ advance, as the Express Companies refuse making collections south of the Fotomac. This It on* of the most saleable articles of the times, and just the thing for those inclined to make money among the soldiers. Send In your orders early. Address GAIUS WHEATON, SOLE IIVOSTEB, Cor. John and Nassau Stt., Nzw Yoxx Cm. P.O. Box4SB5. The Prince of Holiday Gifts or Presents. "THE CRAIG MICROSCOPE" Magnifies small objects 10,000 times. So simple that a child may use It. A most suitable present for any person. Price by mall $8 £5; with six mounted objects $8. Ad dress HENRY CRAIG, 182 Centre Street, New York. A New Magazine with an Old Nome. The Knickerbocker; Or, New York Monthly Magazine of lat- erature, Art, Politics, and Society. New Seriet, A*o. 8, Vol. I, for Xbvtmber, is now ready, The present number contains Important articles on the vital topics of the day, and several stories by eminent au thors; also, Literary, Art and Dramatic Gossip, Notes on Current Events, Notices of New Publications, and a varl- ety of original matter of striking interest_________ Gen. McClellaa uses Hunter's Army Night Com pass. Every officer should have one. Price $1, $2, $8, £6, and $10. Sent free-on receipt of price. Field and Ma rine Glasses, Ac. H. W. IIUNTUt,169\VUliaraSt.,N. Y. Just Tribute to Merit. AT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, July llth, 1868, Duryeas' Maizena Was the only "preparation for food from Indian Com" ihat received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commlwlonen, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Maizena . Floor" of this and'other countries notwithstanding. The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most sceptical. Makes Pud dings, Cakee, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isin glass, with few or no eggs, at a cost astonishing the most iconoxnlcaL A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour ;reatly Improves Bread and Cake. It Is alio excellent for hlnhrnlng sw«et sauces, gravies for fish and meat, sun]* , Ac." For Ice Cream nothing can compare with It. A lit tle boiled In milk will produce rich Cream for coffee, choc olate, tea, Ac. Pnt np In 1 pound packages, with directions. A most delicious article of food for children and Invalid of all sgea, For aale by Grocers and Druggists every where. Manufactured at Glen Cove, Long Island. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street "HARPER'S^WEEKLY. Single Copies Biz Cents. TERMS. On» Copy for One Year ....... $2 60 One Copy for Two Years ...... 400 Ten Copies for One Year ...... 2000 An Extra Copy will be allowed for ntry Club HARPER & BROTHrns, PCBLtsnEBe, SqCAXx, Niw You. i

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HARPER'S WEEKLY. [NOVEMBER 1, <strong>1862</strong>. WEEKLY. 701<br />


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