Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4

Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4

Harper's Weekly 1862 part 4 of 4


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654 HAEPEKS WEEKLY. [OCTOBER 11, <strong>1862</strong>.<br />


ON the preceding page we reproduce u picture<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mr. Mosler's, representing -the<br />


by the women and children, in consequence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

approach <strong>of</strong> Bragg's army. On the 22cl September<br />

General Nelson issued the following order, accom<br />

panying the same with a declaration that in all<br />

probability it would become necessary to evacuate<br />

the city :<br />

,<br />

LouuYILia, S»burg one Is etmckwith the<br />

appearance <strong>of</strong> the village. You will remember it was ex-<br />

on Wednesday evening to furious<br />

•It<br />

vi<br />

ahe?Un« "<br />

his sho, f0*. ? •ItilleI7- The terrible effects <strong>of</strong><br />

villa S£r tostantly seen the moment we entered the<br />

Tk^rfT.1*., house remained untouched. Cl.lm-<br />

On page 662 we publish a picture representing<br />

HE C«»«- CRO.SINO THE<br />

Mr.<br />

Waud writT « TU " J,°h" >orte'*» corps.<br />

position on the opposite s th 4hole<br />

narrowly escaping from the large Jce<br />

enemy brought against it.<br />

over and brought the woundedct-<br />


IN one <strong>of</strong> our large army hospitals—now, alas!<br />

a common sight in this once peaceful country_<br />

surrounded by the wonnded and dying, Uy a mere<br />

boy. One glance at the fever-flush on his fair<br />

cheek, the unnatural brilliancy <strong>of</strong> tbe beautiful<br />

blue eye, together with the painfully-restless move<br />

ment that tossed the bright curls from his heated<br />

forehead, told with mournful certainty the tale<br />

that his hours were numbered.<br />

Yet only a fellow-soldier sat beside him. No<br />

fond mother's or sister's hand bathed that fevered<br />

brow; and tender tones whispering words <strong>of</strong> love<br />

and cemfort were wanting by the bedside <strong>of</strong> the<br />

dying lad. The physician approached him, and<br />

used as he was to such scenes, said, sadly, " What<br />

.a pity! yesterday such a fair prospect <strong>of</strong> recovery<br />

and to day no chance. Poor boy!" he continued<br />

in an under tone; "I wonder where his mother<br />

is! but she could never get here in time; Ah,<br />

well! it s fretting so much has done it." Here the<br />

poor lad interrupted, saying, with feverish eacer-<br />

ness, and tkat pretty mingling <strong>of</strong> Scotch and En<br />

glish alwaya so interesting, " It's na the freltinc •<br />

it's the vow. Sin I canna see her in the boilvi<br />

maun in the spirit, and before night—oh me!" "be<br />

lirious," said the doctor; " I feared it;" and, with<br />

an injunction to the watching soldier to let him<br />

talk as much as he pleased, passed on-"he had no<br />

time to spend by the dying boy. Thus encouraced<br />

to talk-for the young soldier had his senses per<br />

fectly—he turned to his comrade, saving " Will<br />

you hear me tell it, James ? It wad mak the time<br />

seem shorter to speak out what is in mv head<br />

Weel, then, I'll begin at the time when" father<br />

mither, Jessie, an I all lived in that sweet wee<br />

name awa amang the Scotch mountains. We had-<br />

na much, to be sure, but enough to keep oursels<br />

and some'at to spare for our poorer neighbors'<br />

Jessie was a very honnie lass, older then mysel by<br />

some years, and It was na lang till she was prom<br />

ised to the minister <strong>of</strong> the place. A nice young<br />

(man was he, an all the country round was glad<br />

when it was known. It cam Jessie's birthday just<br />

three months before the wedding-day. She was<br />

very sad, an kep saying how happy she had been<br />

at name, an how no ither spot could ever be to her<br />

what it had been; and then, in the middle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

dancing an fun, she up an threw her arms round<br />

my jnither's neck, an vowed that always, on that<br />

evening, so lang as my mither was alive, she would<br />

come—whether ' in the body or in the spirit,' she<br />

would never fail.<br />

" 'Twas a wild word for her to speak, an many<br />

o* the neighbors shook their heads as they heard;<br />

an the talk went round the town that Jessie<br />

Graeme had bound hersel by sich a strange vow."<br />

Here the boy paused from extreme exhaustion,<br />

and, as he rested for a few moments, seemed to ba<br />

looking at something very far <strong>of</strong>f; then, rousing<br />

himself, said, " I maun be short; it is near the<br />

time. Jessie was married, an our hearts were just<br />

as glad as children; till one day word cam that<br />

Jessie an her husband were drowned. In crossing<br />

a little loch to visit some sick folk the boat must<br />

'a overturned, for it was found floating; but we<br />

never saw them again.<br />

"Oh, 'twas a bitter time! My mither fretted<br />

much; for, though she kenned it true, she couldna<br />

think <strong>of</strong> our bonnie lassie lying dead au cold in<br />

her husband's arms, on the stanes at the bottom <strong>of</strong><br />

the loch. My father fretted too. He wailna think<br />

that she was dead, hut kep saying she wad soon<br />

be hack to gladden our hearts ance inair; but she<br />

never cam; an we three, wf sickening hearts,<br />

waited for her birthday; we kenned right weel<br />

that, dead or alive, her promise wad be kep.<br />

"The night came, an we sat wi' open door an<br />

curtain drawn from the window (for when they<br />

come in the spirit it's only through the window<br />

they can look). We three by the bright fire sat<br />

waiting for the first sound o' her footstep. I heard<br />

it first, as, wi' the water dripping from her clothes,<br />

she cam awiflly np the walk, an, putting aside the<br />

rose-bush, looked in—only for one moment; then<br />

she.was gone; but by that we kenned she was<br />

dead. It seemed to comfort my mither; so that,<br />

when I left soon after to come here, I made the<br />

same vow, 'that so lang as my mither lived,<br />

whether in the body or in the spirit. I wad, on the<br />

same night, stand by Jessie's side;' an I maun,"<br />

he added, his eyes brightening, and a cold damp<br />

gathering on his brow. " Does no one see ? Don't<br />

you hear the water dripping frae her dress ? My<br />

mither, wi1 her lang gray hair! See, she is put<br />

ting the roses awa. How cold an clammr her<br />

hand is! It is dark!" and, with these words, fell<br />

back lifeless on the bed. In awe-struck silence his<br />

eyes were closed, and the cheeks <strong>of</strong> the bravest<br />

paled at the thought that the spirit they had so<br />

loved and revered for unfailing tenderness*and true<br />

courage might be, at that moment, standing by<br />

the sister it had so dearly leved, looking through<br />

the casement on the home and parents <strong>of</strong> their<br />

childhood, while the beautiful frame it had inhab<br />

ited lay motionless before them.<br />

MABHDED.<br />

HICKCOX—BOGEBT. In this City, on Tuesday, the<br />

23d, at the residence <strong>of</strong> the bride's brother, by Rev. T. a<br />

Jervis (<strong>of</strong> Oriskany, N. Y.), Mr. D. a HICKCOX to Mlsi<br />

ALJDA ANN BOGERT, twth <strong>of</strong> Brooklyn.<br />

J. H. Winslow & Co.<br />

1OO,OOO<br />

Watches, Chains, Sets <strong>of</strong> Jewelry, Gold<br />

Fens, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, Gent's<br />

Fins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c., &o.<br />

Worth $5OO,OOO,<br />

To tie told for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard<br />

to value, and not to tepaid for until you know tchat you<br />

are to get. 8*nd for Circular containing full lift and<br />

<strong>part</strong>iculars. Send 26 cents for o. Certificate.<br />

Certificates <strong>of</strong> all the various articles, stating what each<br />

one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed up, and<br />

mixed; and when ordered, are taken out without regard<br />

to choice, and tent by mall, thus giving all a fab; chance<br />

On receipt <strong>of</strong> the Certificate you will nee wbat you can<br />

have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and<br />

take the article or not.<br />

In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forward-<br />

26 cents each, which must be enclosed when the certificate<br />

is sent for. Five Certificates will be cent for $1, eleven for<br />

$2, thirty for $6, sixty-five for $10, and one hundred for $16.<br />

AGENTS.—Those acting ai Agents will be allowed ten<br />

cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their<br />

remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25<br />

cents for every Certificate and remit 1C cents to us, either<br />

in cash or postage stamps. Great caution should be used<br />

by onr correspondents in regard to giving their conect ad<br />

dress, Town, county, and State. Address<br />

3. H. WINSLOW & CO.,<br />

SOS Broadway, New York.<br />

N.a We wish it distinctly understood tbat all articles<br />

<strong>of</strong> jewelry not giving perfect satisfaction can be returned<br />

and the money will be refunded.<br />

AGENTS.—Watches and Jewelry for Army, Navy,<br />

and Country Trade, tbe most ealable kinds at the lowest<br />

Eastern prices. Circular <strong>of</strong> prices, 4o,, free.<br />

_____________HCBBARO BROS.. New York.<br />

Standard Naval Books.<br />

SIMPSON'S NAVAL OUNNERY.—A Treatise on Ord<br />

nance and Naval Gunnery, compiled and arranged as a<br />

Text-Book for the U. a Naval Academy. By Lieut ED<br />

WARD 8I1IPSON, U. a N. Second Edition, revised and<br />

enlarged. 8vo, half roan, plates and wood-cuts, $4.<br />


for the Volunteer Officers <strong>of</strong> the U. a Navy, with hints to<br />

executive and other <strong>of</strong>ficers. By Lient. EDWARD SIMP-<br />

SON, U. 8. N., Instructor In Chinnery, Brooklyn Navy-<br />

Yard. IZmo, cloth, $185. n i j<br />



LEVY, U. S. N. New Edition, revised, with Rules and<br />

Regulations for the Engineer De<strong>part</strong>ment, by A. U. 8TI-<br />

MEliS, Chief-Engineer 4J. a N. 18mo, cloth, CO cents.<br />

D. VAU NOSTRAND, Publisher,<br />

- • No. 192 Broadway, New Yo*.<br />

Copies <strong>of</strong> the above Nat free by mall on receipt <strong>of</strong> price.<br />

Ballard'a Patent Breech-Loading Rifle.<br />


»<br />

Chemicals, &c.<br />

8ODA ASH, <strong>of</strong> different tests, for Smp and Glass<br />

makers, various brands, 200 Tons.<br />

CAUSTIC SOUA, in packages <strong>of</strong> 6 cwt., <strong>of</strong> the best En<br />

glish make.<br />

SAL SODA and Newcastle BI CARB. SODA, 260 Tons.<br />

PALM OIL, an assortment, 100 Casks <strong>of</strong> prime.<br />

CREAM TARTAR and TART ABIC ACID, crystals;<br />

also powdered, perfectly pure.<br />


_____Importers, 136 «nd 138 Cedar Bt., New York.<br />

Attention Masons and Soldiers.<br />

I will Bend (as sample), on the receipt <strong>of</strong> $1, a handsome<br />

Gold Masonic Pin or Ring, or Plated Vest chain, or a fine<br />

Gold Pen and Pencil, or Engraved Locket, or Bracelet, or<br />

Neck Chain, or a beautiful set <strong>of</strong> Jewelry, together with<br />

my wholesale Circular.<br />

W. A. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler,<br />

____ 208 Broadway, New York.<br />

Thh arm Is entirely new, and is universally iicknowl<br />

w. ...uw • a/vuuuo. uu*B ui v^tUlUIC CLUtt<br />

and 44 copper water-pro<strong>of</strong> Cartridges. Also,<br />

Prescott's Cartridge Revolvers<br />

The Sin., or Navy Slue, carries a Ball weighing 88 te<br />

thelb., and the No. 32, or 41n. Revolver, a Ball 60 to the Ib<br />

By recent experiments made in the Army, these Revolv<br />

ers were pronounced the best and most effective weapons<br />

In use. For <strong>part</strong>iculars call or Bead for a Circular to<br />

MERWIN tl BRAY, Sole Agents,<br />

No. 26» Broadway, N. Y.<br />

Also Agents for the SOLDIER'S Buuir-Paoar VEST.<br />

BEAUTY.— Hunt's Bloom <strong>of</strong> Roses, a charming and<br />

perfectly natural color for the cheeks, or lips. Will not<br />

wash <strong>of</strong>f, but remains durable f»r years. Can only be re<br />

move! with vinegar, and warranted not to injure the skin<br />

Used by the celebrated Court Beauties <strong>of</strong> Europe exclu<br />

sively. Mailed free from observation for one dollar.<br />

HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 188 a Seventh St., Philad.<br />


«H> f *J in every County at 576 per month and ex<br />

penses, to sell a new and cheap Sewing Machine. Address<br />

,<br />

(with stamp).<br />

. res<br />

a MADISON, Alfred, Maine.<br />

Tluie<br />


Cel.br.Ud Engiml Cirdi sold only at I. CTXRD1<br />

Old EiltUlihmoiLlpI Bradw.7. cor. DuluBt,N.T.<br />

•(•Willed 1840. t^-ForSpKlmiabjMiu.a^twosI<br />

i B. T. Babbitt's Pure Concentrated<br />

O4 Potash,<br />

Warranted double-the strength <strong>of</strong> common<br />

Potath, and superior to any Saponlfler in<br />

market, put up in cans <strong>of</strong> 1 Ib., a Iba., S<br />

Ibs., 6 Ibs., and 12 Ibs., with fnll directions<br />

for making Hard and S<strong>of</strong>t Soap. One pound<br />

will make fifteen gallons <strong>of</strong> S<strong>of</strong>t Soap. No<br />

lime is required. Consumers will find this<br />

the cheapest Potash in market. Address<br />

R T. BABBITT,<br />

64 to 74 Washington Street, New York.<br />

TO<br />

74<br />

64<br />

TO<br />

74<br />


Send S c. for circular. W. 8UMNEK & CO., N. Y.<br />

Every Man his own Printer.<br />

Portable Frintlng-Omoes fbr the Army and Navy, Drug<br />

gists, and Businers Men generally. Send for a circular.<br />


SI Park Row (under iovejoy's Hotel), New York.<br />


geman tl Co.'s Benzine removes paint and greaae<br />

spots Instantly, and cleans Silks. Gloves, Ribbons, &c &c.,<br />

without Injury to cither color or fabric. Only 25 cents<br />

per bottle. Sold by druggists generally.<br />

HEGEMAN & CO., Chemists ud Druggists, Mew York.<br />


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, \Vanhlngton, nil-<br />

ton Head, Kewbern, and all places occupied by Uulon<br />

troops, «nould be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S<br />

EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Batters charged low rates.<br />

To all Wanting Farms.<br />

Large iDi thriving settlement <strong>of</strong> VZwZonA Rich soil.<br />

Good crops <strong>of</strong> Whtat, Corn, Peaches, Ac., to be seen— only<br />

80 miles from Philadelphia. Delightful climate W acre<br />

tracts <strong>of</strong> from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 years.<br />

Good schools and society. Hundreds are settling. Apply<br />

U CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., VineUnd, Cumberland Co..<br />

New Jersey. Report <strong>of</strong> Solon Robinson and Vineland Ru<br />

ral seat free. From Report <strong>of</strong> Solon Robinson, Ag. Ed.<br />

Tribune.<br />

« U ii one<strong>of</strong> the mott extentive fertile troett, in on ol-<br />

mote Iml position, and atttaKe condition for pleatant<br />

f arming tiuitwt know ojthittidccf the Wettern Pratriei.<br />


Cooking Extracts.<br />

Those <strong>of</strong> our readers who have used BuraeU's Toilet<br />

Articles will Improve the first opportunity to supply them<br />

selves with hit equally celebrated Cooking Extract!.<br />


OF MIX<br />


Containing the Words <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Popular Songs tbat have ap<br />

peared since the publication <strong>of</strong> the First Part, together<br />

with numerous other favorites. Price 12 eta. on ncefot<br />

<strong>of</strong> which copies wilt be mailed, post-paid<br />

OLIVER D1TSON & CO., Publishers, Boston.<br />

A MONTH !-We want Agents at<br />

Sixty Dollars a month and all expenses paid,<br />

to sell our new CLorna WBINOEIB, OBIXHTAL BDBMEU!<br />

and 12 other new articles. Address<br />

SHAW & CLARK,<br />

Blddeford. Maine.<br />


WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES F—My Onguentwlll<br />

force them to crow heavily in six weeks (upon the smooth<br />

est face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—<br />

taut by mall, poet free, to any address, on receipt <strong>of</strong> as or<br />

der. E.G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.<br />



Hate just rubtMei:<br />


COEDY JBAFFKESON, Author <strong>of</strong> •'Isabel: or, the Young.<br />

Wile and tie Old Love," Bvo, Paper, 25 seat*.

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