Out of her sphere - University Library

Out of her sphere - University Library

Out of her sphere - University Library


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234 OUT OF HER SPHERE.<br />

** How it was she came to die. By acci-<br />

dent or ot<strong>her</strong>wise ? It is believed that it<br />

was not accident. It is possible that if it is<br />

not ascertained in what manner she met <strong>her</strong><br />

death, sooner or later the guilt <strong>of</strong> it may be<br />

laid at the door <strong>of</strong> one who might, notwith-<br />

standmg his innocence, suffer unjustly.<br />

T<strong>her</strong>e are suspicions afloat even now—<br />

believe them unfounded—and yet, if they<br />

are not dispersed, they may cost an inno-<br />

cent man his life. Mr. Thornton, can you<br />

help to clear them up ?"<br />

'' To whom do these suspicions point V<br />

" To Audley Dale. He was seen leaving<br />

the Fort the day your wife went t<strong>her</strong>e."<br />

" The villain ! and he did go after all."<br />

Harold Thornton's pale face became suf-<br />

fused. Some men, wronged as he imagined<br />

he had been, would have felt tempted to<br />

keep their peace, and let the tempter who<br />

had wrought their hurt suffer for the crime<br />

which he at least had caused indirectly.<br />


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