storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...


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96<br />


The mission of the Gospić Corps District (ZP Gospić) in Operation Storm was to<br />

crack and split the forces of the Lika Corps in the greater area of the Plitvice Lakes<br />

with the support of the Croatian Air Force, and link up, along the Korenička<br />

Kapela - Tržačka Raštela axis, with the ARBiH 5 th Corps. For this purpose the ZP was<br />

reinforced with the HV General Staff units: the 1 st Guards Brigade, a company of the<br />

50 th ABKO Battalion and the HV 150 th Brigade from Zagreb. 220 Th e envisioned special<br />

MUP units from the Rijeka-Senj and Istrian Police Departments were not subordinated<br />

to the ZP Gospić Command. It only coordinated with the Lika-Senj Police Department<br />

the engagement of civil protection teams responsible for looking aft er livestock in the<br />

liberated areas. 221<br />

According to the plan of the ZP Command, in the fi rst stage of the operation the 138 th<br />

and 133 rd Home Guard Regiments were to push on the Glibodol - Saborsko - Drežnik<br />

Grad line, gain control of the Saborsko area and the Pavlovac hill, facilitating thereby the<br />

commitment of the 1th Guards Brigade along the Saborsko - Selište Drežničko - Drežnik<br />

Grad - Sadilovac axis. Th e 128 th Brigade and the 154 th Home Guard Regiment were to<br />

crush the Serbian forces along the Čanak - Korenica line, and capture the village of<br />

Homolje and Homoljački Klanac; this would support the commitment of the 8 th Home<br />

Guard Regiment towards Homoljac - Čujića Krčevine - Prijeboj - Ličko Petrovo Selo.<br />

Along with the 9 th Guards Brigade, the 118 th Home Guard Regiment and the 3 rd Battalion<br />

of the 11 1th Infantry Brigade, the Croatian forces were to rout the hostile units at Perušička<br />

Kosa - Ljubovo, take Ljubovo, roll back Serbian forces from Lički Osik and Gospić, and<br />

establish a defence line at Počitelj - Barlete - Svračkovo Selo - Bunić. Aft er that, the units<br />

would regroup, the majority of the HV 9 th Guards Brigade held in the Corps reserve, and<br />

prepare for pushing on towards Korenica or Krbavsko Polje.<br />

Th e plan for the second phase of the operation involved the continuation of the assault<br />

and the crushing of Serbian forces, linkup of the main forces with the ARBiH 5 th Corps,<br />

while auxiliary forces would encircle hostile units and force their unconditional surrender<br />

or annihilate them. Aft er linkup with the ARBiH 5 th Corps, the ZP Gospić units would<br />

liberate the region of Lika north of Gospić - Korenica, regroup and proceed to clearing the<br />

rest of Lika, break out to the state border and establish a defence line at Plješivica - Panos.<br />

220 ZZPGospić, cl. 80-02/95-02/06, reg. no. 1043-04-95-43 of 30 August 1995; Analysis of the off ensive operation<br />

Storm.<br />

221 SVA MORH, GSHV: GS HV, RP/12-3/95 of 26 June 1995; Attack directive, Op. no. 12-3/95, Storm-3,<br />

published in J. Bobetko, “Sve moje bitke” (All My Battles), 462-475.

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