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Th e overthrow of the political leadership of Montenegro in January 1989 marked the end<br />

of tolerance. Th e Slovenes reacted strongly and the rest of Yugoslavia found itself in a<br />

position where it had to opt for one of the sides in the confl ict. 31 In such circumstances,<br />

the Serbian attempt to destabilize Croatia and Bosnia&Herzegovina, the republics with<br />

a substantial number of Serbs, failed to produce the desired results. In mid-1990 the<br />

Serbian rebellion broke out in Croatia; the (then) Croatian militia was unable to nip<br />

it in the bud because it was prevented to do so by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA).<br />

Th anks to the JNA the Serbs were able to spread the rebellion, and by the end of 1990<br />

this led to the creation of the Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina. 32 During 1991 two<br />

similar regions appeared in Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem: the Serbian Region of Slavonia,<br />

Baranja and Srem on 26 February 1991, and SAO Western Slavonia in August 1991. By<br />

the very end of 1991 they united into the Republic of Serbian Krajina (Republika Srpska<br />

Krajina, RSK), a self-proclaimed para-state entity. 33<br />

In accordance with the 1990 Constitution of the Republic of Croatia the Serbs were<br />

granted all civil rights, but also the status of an ethnic minority, which did not please<br />

them. 34 During 1991, aft er a series of crises and failed attempts to reach an agreement<br />

about a new Yugoslavia, the SAO Krajina began to expand to areas with a majority Serbian<br />

population or with a high percentage of Serbs. Th e open war of the JNA and the rebel<br />

Serbs against Croatia started in the summer of 1991. By the end of 1991 the JNA managed<br />

to gain control, i.e., occupy almost one-fourth of the territory of the Republic of Croatia.<br />

Th e Republic of Serbian Krajina was proclaimed in that territory on 19 December 1991.<br />

Th e rebel Serbs were faced with the problem of retaining control over these areas. A<br />

solution was found in the international community and its peace-keeping forces. Th e<br />

truce signed between the JNA and the Republic of Croatia in Sarajevo on 2 January 1992<br />

permitted the deployment of UN peace-keeping forces. It soon became obvious that the<br />

Croats had entertained excessive and unrealistic expectations with respect to the “blue<br />

31 D. Jović, «Jugoslavija: država koja je odumrla» (Yugoslavia: Th e State that Withered Away).<br />

32 Davor Marijan, «Smrt oklopne brigade» (Death of the Armoured Brigade), Naklada Zoro, Zagreb-Sara-<br />

jevo, 2002, 6-7.<br />

33 M.M., «Proglašena Republika Srpska Krajina» (Th e Republic of Serbian Krajina has been Proclaimed),<br />

Srpski glas, Glina, 29 December 1991, 1.<br />

34 Th e Historical Foundations of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia of 22 December 1990 state that<br />

“the Republic of Croatia is hereby established as the national state of the Croatian nation and the state of<br />

members of other nations and minorities who are its citizens: Serbs, Muslims, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks,<br />

Italians, Hungarians, Jews and others, who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian nationality and<br />

the realization of ethnic rights in accordance with the democratic norms of the United Nations Organization<br />

and the free world countries”. In commenting the claims of some authors that the Constitution in question<br />

was the fi rst “to remove overtones of dual sovereignty and unequivocally proclaimed the Croatian nation as<br />

the holder of the sovereignty of Croatia”, Z. Radelić notes that already the wording of the 1974 Constitution<br />

of the Socialist Republic of Croatia - “the Socialist Republic of Croatia is the national state of the Croatian<br />

nation, the state of the Serbian nation in Croatia and the state of other nations and minorities living in it”<br />

does not permit the unequivocal interpretation that the Serbs were elevated to the status of a constituent<br />

nation in Croatia, and that it is obvious “only that they were recognized a special status in relation to other<br />

nations and minorities”. Cf. Zdenko Radelić, Davor Marijan, Nikica Barić, Albert Bing and Dražen Živić,<br />

“Stvaranje hrvatske države i Domovinski rat” (Th e Creation of the Croatian State and the Homeland War),<br />

Školska knjiga, <strong>Hrvatski</strong> institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2006, 94.<br />


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