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PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: And when you said March and February, which year? Is it also 1995? BABIĆ: Th at’s right, 1995. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: Who opposed the Z-4 plan? BABIĆ: Th e President of the Republic of Serbia, according to Milan Martić, the President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, who said half an hour prior to the beginning of the meeting with the international community that President Milošević 95 had said that the plan should not even be considered. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: When did Mr. Milan Martić consult with Mr. Milošević, and of what time period are you speaking when you refer to a meeting with the international community? BABIĆ: It was that week. I think it was the end of February/beginning of March. So at the beginning of the week Martić went to Belgrade for consultations. It was a Monday or Tuesday. On Th ursday, an announcement was issued of the Supreme Defence Council of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, in negative terms, about the plan, and then I think it was the following Monday when there was the meeting with representatives of the international community at which Martić said half an hour prior to the meeting that Milošević had said that the plan should not even be taken into consideration. And at the meeting with representatives of the international community, Ambassador Farista Djijan [Leonid Kerestedjiants] handed it to him. He wouldn’t even take it into his hands. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: On that occasion, then, did the Krajina authorities reject the plan, in that meeting with the internationals? BABIĆ: Actually, it was not even taken into consideration, so it was not accepted. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: Did you speak with Mr. Milošević yourself about the Z-4 plan? BABIĆ: I did, at the beginning of April 1995. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: What did you discuss? BABIĆ: He was the fi rst to mention the fact that the Z-4 plan was good but that the territory of the municipality of Slunj should have been divided lengthwise. He didn’t give any explanations for this. And then we actually discussed the events in Livanjsko Polje and the hinterland of Knin, the aggression of the HVO towards Knin. I’ve already spoken about that. And then he also said that it was not 300,000 people of Krajina against 4 million Croats but that the whole logistics of Serbia was behind us. 95 Slobodan 372

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: You said that Mr. Milošević was in favour of the Z-4 plan when you spoke to him? He had only some remarks in relation to Slunj. BABIĆ: It appeared that way, yes. However, one never knew with him for certain whether he really stood behind what he said; at least, I was not always sure. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: You have already mentioned this meeting in relation to the fi ghting that took place at the same time in Bosnia with participation of Milan Martić and his forces, and you mentioned the region of Livno and this gash and the line that Mr. Milošević showed you to this eff ect. Was there also fi ghting at that time in the Bihać region, with participation of RSK forces? BABIĆ: Yes, that was the second time... [JUDGE MAY: We’ll adjourn now. Twenty minutes. ] PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: For your orientation, we are at the moment at paragraph 280 of the proofi ng summary, but I will also address paragraph 312, because it fi ts into the context and would speed up matters. Martić or RSK force participation in Bosnia ... did Milan Martić and RSK forces participate in the fi ghting in Bosnia and Herzegovina as early as summer 1992? BABIĆ: Th at’s right, in the so-called corridor in Bosnia and Herzegovina. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: Is that the Posavina corridor? BABIĆ: Yes, that’s right. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: What is the importance of the Posavina corridor for Bosnia and for the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for the Serbs in the Krajina region? BABIĆ: It is the corridor linking Bosnian Krajina and the Republic of Serbian Krajina with Serbia, or rather, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: And in which time period did RSK forces, with Milan Martić, participate in the fi ghting in 1992? BABIĆ: At the beginning of the summer of 1992. In June already they were there, at the end of June. PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: And who was in charge, in overall charge of the operations in the Posavina corridor? BABIĆ: Th e army of Republika Srpska and General Mladić. 96 96 Ratko 373

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: And when you said March and February, which<br />

year? Is it also 1995?<br />

BABIĆ: Th at’s right, 1995.<br />

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: Who opposed the Z-4 plan?<br />

BABIĆ: Th e President of the Republic of Serbia, according to Milan Martić, the President<br />

of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, who said half an hour prior to the beginning of the<br />

meeting with the international community that President Milošević 95 had said that the<br />

plan should not even be considered.<br />

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: When did Mr. Milan Martić consult with Mr.<br />

Milošević, and of what time period are you speaking when you refer to a meeting with<br />

the international community?<br />

BABIĆ: It was that week. I think it was the end of February/beginning of March. So at<br />

the beginning of the week Martić went to Belgrade for consultations. It was a Monday or<br />

Tuesday. On Th ursday, an announcement was issued of the Supreme Defence Council<br />

of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, in negative terms, about the plan, and then I think<br />

it was the following Monday when there was the meeting with representatives of the<br />

international community at which Martić said half an hour prior to the meeting that<br />

Milošević had said that the plan should not even be taken into consideration. And at the<br />

meeting with representatives of the international community, Ambassador Farista Djijan<br />

[Leonid Kerestedjiants] handed it to him. He wouldn’t even take it into his hands.<br />

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: On that occasion, then, did the Krajina authorities<br />

reject the plan, in that meeting with the internationals?<br />

BABIĆ: Actually, it was not even taken into consideration, so it was not accepted.<br />

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: Did you speak with Mr. Milošević yourself about<br />

the Z-4 plan?<br />

BABIĆ: I did, at the beginning of April 1995.<br />

PROSECUTOR UERTZ-RETZLAFF: What did you discuss?<br />

BABIĆ: He was the fi rst to mention the fact that the Z-4 plan was good but that the<br />

territory of the municipality of Slunj should have been divided lengthwise. He didn’t<br />

give any explanations for this. And then we actually discussed the events in Livanjsko<br />

Polje and the hinterland of Knin, the aggression of the HVO towards Knin. I’ve already<br />

spoken about that. And then he also said that it was not 300,000 people of Krajina against<br />

4 million Croats but that the whole logistics of Serbia was behind us.<br />

95 Slobodan<br />


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