storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ... storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...
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(...) [1993, 23 March] Report on civil defence inspection in the municipalities of Vrginmost and Vojnić ____________________ 4 R E P O R T on the condition of civil defence and problems in its functioning in the territory of Kordun on 23 March 1993 A group of Ministry of Defence offi cials inspected the Ministry of Defence Directorate for Kordun and the defence department responsible for that territory in order to gain insight into the condition of civil defence and problems in its functioning in the municipalities of Vojnić and Vrginmost. Th e condition and the problems were examined by Sava Milović, civil defence offi cer in the Republican Civil Defence Headquarters. Th e briefi ng on the purpose and objective of the visit was held in the Directorate of the Ministry of Defence in the presence of the head of the Directorate Boro Vorkapić and of Dušanka Ivošević, head of the District Civil Defence Staff . It included the defi nition of the basic points to be inspected and problems. Th e inspection was to provide instructions, depending on conditions, on how to overcome the diffi culties. 1. Situation in the Vrginmost Civil Defence Staff Th e situation was established during the briefi ng with Stevan Kajganić, head of the Municipal Civil Defence Staff , and Mile Stanojčić, offi cer responsible for preparations in industry and social activities, in the presence of Dušanka Ivošević, head of the District Civil Defence Staff . Th e inspection established the following: Th e municipality of Vrginmost has 14,000 inhabitants living in 34 local communities. Th e municipal civil defence staff includes 7 persons covering the basic civil defence and rescue measures. Th ey are under compulsory work orders and are engaged as required. Th e staff also has two couriers and a typist. Th e civil defence staff cooperates fully with the municipal authorities. In the local communities there are 66 civil defence wardens, elderly people of authority among the population, who are successfully coping with their mission. Th e civil defence units formed so far include the following: - Th e veterinary unit with six civil defence members (there is a veterinary station with two veterinary surgeons). - Th e fi re-fi ghting unit with 13 members. Th e basic equipment is available, but the fi re- 287


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