storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...


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264<br />

26<br />

1995, 11 June<br />

Knin<br />

Extraordinary operational report of the SVK General Staff to S. Milošević, M. Martić<br />

and M. Perišić on the situation in the Bihać theatre, in Livanjsko Polje and on Mount<br />

Dinara, SVK restructuring and anticipated offi cer reinforcements from the VJ<br />

___________________<br />

(...)<br />

Extraordinary report of the SVK General Staff<br />

- forwarded to<br />

Th e Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Serbia<br />

(att. Mr. Slobodan Milošević)<br />

Th e Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina<br />

(att. Mr. Milan Martić)<br />

Th e Cabinet of the Chief of the VJ General Staff<br />

(att. Colonel General Momčilo Perišić)<br />


(...) Encouraged by the tacit agreement of the international community regarding the<br />

action in Western Slavonia, Tuđman [President of the Republic of Croatia] continued<br />

to highlight the reintegration of the RSK. He accused Serbia of supporting the “war<br />

option” in the resolution of the crisis in the RS and the RSK because of the engagement of<br />

Serbian generals and selected VJ cadres for leading positions in the VRS and the SVK.<br />

In particular he stressed Croatia’s determination to reintegrate the RSK in the speech<br />

held at the opening of a new bridge in Osijek across the Drava.<br />

Political and diplomatic activities are followed by military activities as well. All the<br />

professional units in Western Slavonia have been shift ed to the north-western borders<br />

of the RSK focusing on Banija and Kordun. At the same time, HVO forces are being<br />

reinforced along the Livno - Glamoč - Grahovo axis. By gradual advance they intend to<br />

separate partly the RS and the RSK up to the line Knin - Grahovo - Drvar and, by assault<br />

on Banija and Kordun up to Prijedor and across Lika, cut up the RSK in cooperation<br />

with the 5 th Corps (in Bihać).<br />

In the next phase the entire area of this part of the RSK would be integrated into<br />

Croatia.<br />

Th ere are indications that Tuđman got the German approval for such an action.<br />

At present the HV and the HVO (Croatian Defence Council) are engaged more intensively<br />

at Livno - Grahovo, their goal being seizing control of Mount Šator, which would cut off<br />

Knin from Republika Srpska.<br />

NATO aircraft fl ew more sorties above the Adriatic and the territory of the former<br />

Bosnia&Herzegovina under the control of the so-called Muslim-Croatian Federation.

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