storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ... storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...
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1. Hostile forces Th e Croatian Army (HV) continues to mobilize and engage in training activities on RH territory. It is also preparing to stage an inter-branch exercise in the territory of the Osijek Corps District. For that purpose they have also mobilized part of the MUP RH special units and deployed them to the staging areas. Intensive reconnaissance and intelligence activities have been observed along the axis Marinci - Jarmina - Kortina - Hrastin - Vladislavci. HV units have entered the buff er zone and are fortifying. Over the past few days the HV has mobilized and deployed troops opposite the zone of responsibility of the 18 th Corps, i.e., in the greater area of Nova Gradiška - Psunja, and partly in the UNPA zone around Pakrac. More intensive grouping of ustashi forces and materiel has been observed opposite the zone of responsibility of the 15 th and 21 st Corps. Th e presence of a part of the 4 th Guards Brigade (Split) has also been noted in the past few days in the greater area of Perušić (zone of responsibility of the 15 th Corps). In the zone of responsibility of the 7 th Corps the ustashi have sustained their engagement and seizure of dominant heights on Mount Dinara and their artillery is engaging the area of Uništa every day. Th e ustashi are undertaking more intensive reconnaissance actions along the line Pakovo Selo - Žitnić - Dabar - left shore of lake Peruča. (...) Th e eff orts and the engagement of all command bodies are focused on combat training. A joint tactical exercise, Counterstrike, was carried out late in March, involving some units of the Kordun Corps, the air force and the 44 th Rocket Brigade. It included live fi ring drills with artillery, tanks, 2M ground-to-air rockets and direct fi re weapons. A live fi ring battle drill was carried out involving one reinforced infantry unit from the 13 th infantry brigade. Similar exercises are being planned in the greater area of Mount Dinara. Th e March recruits are undergoing training. Aft er a month of training the young soldiers are fi t for combat as infantrymen. Th e fi rst generation of the (infantry and artillery) reserve offi cers’ school graduates is undergoing its postgraduate training, and at the training centre courses are under way for company and battery commanders and brigade commanders. In line with combat readiness requirements the current system of enhanced and continuous combat readiness steps is being upgraded along with changes in the alert, readiness and operational duty plans. Seven hundred SVK troops (from the 21 st and 39 th Corps) are engaged in operation Spider in the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia (Fikret Abdić’s followers). Th e necessary preparations for the reception, training and planned commitment of volunteers in RSK territory have been completed. (...) 2.1 Morale Morale in the SVK meets the combat readiness requirements. Th e malfunctioning of agencies intended to uphold the rule of law and the sluggish solution of problems aff ecting the functioning of the defence system have a negative eff ect on morale. Th e 260

Ministry of Defence cannot provide the money for the payroll and for the supply of the SVK with fuel and other materiel. Resolution 981 of the Security Council has largely provoked a negative response, particularly the part according to which international forces are to be deployed along the borders between the RSK and the RS, and the border between these two republics and Serbia. (...) Between 1 January and 10 April 1995 the SVK casualty toll included 41 killed, 39 wounded and 28 missing in action. Most of these relate to units committed to operation Spider. (...) Personnel issues: (...) (b) Transfer of offi cers (from the Army of Yugoslavia) for temporary duty in the SVK In early March 1995 the 40 th Personnel Centre of the General Staff of the Army of Yugoslavia called in offi cers born in the territory of the former SR of Croatia in order to interview them about their voluntary transfer to temporary duty in the SVK. Out of the total 600 offi cers interviewed, 112 offi cers expressed their wish to be transferred to the SVK. Aft er additional processing and preparations for departure 66 offi cers agreed to leave. On the date of departure by bus, aft er further hesitation and withdrawal, only 15 offi cers and 15 non-commissioned offi cers left for the SVK. Such an attitude by some of the offi cers left a negative impression on those present. We believe that a professional analysis should determine the true reason underlying the poor offi cer response. Was it fear from military confl ict in the RSK, uncertain return, personal problems or something else? Information gained in this way would benefi t both the Army of Yugoslavia and the SVK in their future work with human resources and personnel analyses. 2.4 Security in the units and in the territory 1) Counterintelligence support Security conditions in the RSK are still very complex, aff ected largely by foreign intelligence services and their intelligence, psychological-propaganda and criminal actions. (...) Aft er the change of the UNPROFOR mandate they are engaged in psychological propaganda actions along the following lines: Krajina will be an integral part of Croatia; the Croats do not need war, and economic measures and the closing of the RSK border to the RS and the SRJ will force the Krajina leadership to accept the solution off ered by the West. (...) 2) Crime, black-marketeering and robbery Problems giving cause for particular concern include crime of all kinds, arrogant and violent behaviour, and attacks on security offi cers. Fuel, lubricants, batteries, communications equipment, munitions and mines and explosive devices are mainly being stolen in the units, and that reduces combat readiness, while combat vehicles cannot be used. 261

1. Hostile forces<br />

Th e Croatian Army (HV) continues to mobilize and engage in training activities on<br />

RH territory. It is also preparing to stage an inter-branch exercise in the territory of the<br />

Osijek Corps District. For that purpose they have also mobilized part of the MUP RH<br />

special units and deployed them to the staging areas.<br />

Intensive reconnaissance and intelligence activities have been observed along the axis<br />

Marinci - Jarmina - Kortina - Hrastin - Vladislavci. HV units have entered the buff er<br />

zone and are fortifying.<br />

Over the past few days the HV has mobilized and deployed troops opposite the zone of<br />

responsibility of the 18 th Corps, i.e., in the greater area of Nova Gradiška - Psunja, and<br />

partly in the UNPA zone around Pakrac.<br />

More intensive grouping of ustashi forces and materiel has been observed opposite the<br />

zone of responsibility of the 15 th and 21 st Corps. Th e presence of a part of the 4 th Guards<br />

Brigade (Split) has also been noted in the past few days in the greater area of Perušić<br />

(zone of responsibility of the 15 th Corps).<br />

In the zone of responsibility of the 7 th Corps the ustashi have sustained their engagement<br />

and seizure of dominant heights on Mount Dinara and their artillery is engaging the area<br />

of Uništa every day. Th e ustashi are undertaking more intensive reconnaissance actions<br />

along the line Pakovo Selo - Žitnić - Dabar - left shore of lake Peruča. (...)<br />

Th e eff orts and the engagement of all command bodies are focused on combat training.<br />

A joint tactical exercise, Counterstrike, was carried out late in March, involving some<br />

units of the Kordun Corps, the air force and the 44 th Rocket Brigade. It included live<br />

fi ring drills with artillery, tanks, 2M ground-to-air rockets and direct fi re weapons. A<br />

live fi ring battle drill was carried out involving one reinforced infantry unit from the<br />

13 th infantry brigade. Similar exercises are being planned in the greater area of Mount<br />

Dinara.<br />

Th e March recruits are undergoing training. Aft er a month of training the young soldiers<br />

are fi t for combat as infantrymen.<br />

Th e fi rst generation of the (infantry and artillery) reserve offi cers’ school graduates is<br />

undergoing its postgraduate training, and at the training centre courses are under way<br />

for company and battery commanders and brigade commanders.<br />

In line with combat readiness requirements the current system of enhanced and<br />

continuous combat readiness steps is being upgraded along with changes in the alert,<br />

readiness and operational duty plans.<br />

Seven hundred SVK troops (from the 21 st and 39 th Corps) are engaged in operation<br />

Spider in the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia (Fikret Abdić’s followers).<br />

Th e necessary preparations for the reception, training and planned commitment of<br />

volunteers in RSK territory have been completed. (...)<br />

2.1 Morale<br />

Morale in the SVK meets the combat readiness requirements. Th e malfunctioning<br />

of agencies intended to uphold the rule of law and the sluggish solution of problems<br />

aff ecting the functioning of the defence system have a negative eff ect on morale. Th e<br />


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