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252 7 1994, 20 November Report of the VRS Security&Intelligence Sector to General Milovanović concerning the letter of the International Committee of the Red Cross on the situation in Bihać aft er the assault of Serbian forces ___________________ (...) Th e reports read: Situation in the Bihać pocket, 09.00 a.m., Friday 18 November 1. Military situation: If the RSK should continue to interfere the situation will remain disastrous. At 11.00 hours two Serbian aircraft again fi red two rockets on the town of Bihać. Yesterday we had a meeting with Colonel Lemieux. Th e situation is not too optimistic, and the next move is the carving up of the pocket into three parts, which would result in a disastrous humanitarian situation for the civil population. 1.1. Northern border: Abdić’s forces on both sides of Kladuša. Th e road to Gradina cut off . Th e road to Pećingrad is not yet cut off , but is being shelled. Th e town of Kladuša has not fallen yet. Th at could be the fi rst next pocket. Th e 505 th ARBiH Brigade has pushed Abdić’s forces back to Bojna. Th e withdrawal might have been planned in order to gain better positions for the assault on Kladuša. 1.2. Western border: this is a new combat site. Th is morning the area of Cazin was hit by two missiles, and shelling continues at Gata. If the RSK manages to get to Gata fi rst, Ostrožac, Cazin and Bihać will be cut off . Bihać will be isolated and its water supply cut off because the springs are close to Serbian troops and RSK borders (the main springs are Klokot and Privilica); its power supply would also be cut off because the hydropower plant is on the river Una. 1.3. Southern border: 285 rockets (shells) fell yesterday along the southern front line. At Grabež the VRS is getting closer and closer to the former borders. Th e Grabež plateau is apparently still controlled by the 5 th Corps (of the ARBiH). No information is available on Ripač. 2. Political situation ICRC units cannot protect the civilian population or the Bangladesh battalion (620 men in Cazin, 346 in Kladuša and 280 in Bihać). [Th e only way to do it] would be to drive back the RSK units from Gata with the help of NATO (UN has no mandate for it). 3. Safety Th e Bihać - Gata - Cazin road cannot be used for already 4 days because it can be shelled at any time, and the risk to get to it and cross is getting higher.

4. Humanitarian situation and aid About 2000 people fl ed from Izačić (Ličko Petrovo Selo checkpoint) and found refuge with relatives in Bihać. Th e food supplies can last only until the end of the month. UNHCR will deliver its last supplies over the next few days, and only hospitals will get some supplies for December. Th e ICRC is delivering the last personal packages to the most endangered inhabitants through the local Red Cross. Th is leaves about 800 packages for potential refugees from Kladuša or some other villages. Situation in the Bihać pocket, 09.00 a.m., Saturday, 11 November. 1. Military situation: Last night there was some shelling outside the town. In the town of Bihać the night and the morning were relatively calm. Apparently the positions have not changed since yesterday. In the 5 th Corps (of the ARBiH) there is a strong feeling that they have been left to their own resources. Aggression from the RSK with such an unprecedented intensity had never been expected. Th e 5 th Corps is very motivated and convinced that it can withstand the current pressure from three sides. From the military standpoint the situation could stabilize. Th e fi rst off ensive was of primary importance and the outcome is becoming less predictable as time goes by. A high casualty rate can be expected. - Fighting is still going on north of Kladuša. Abdić’s forces have seized ... 40 and intersected communications with Cazin. Th is morning UN military observers managed to get from Cazin to Kladuša by car and reach the Bangladesh battalion at Polje. - Western border: no change since yesterday’s report. - Southwestern border: VRS could return to the old border (Ripač and Pritoka have been taken), but nobody can confi rm it. Th ere is fi ghting on the Grabež plateau. What is going to happen next? Will the VRS stop or go on and enter Bihać? Everybody is afraid to answer that question. (...) ____________________ Original, typewritten , Latin script HR-HMDCDR, 2, box 4043. 40 Fikret Abdić’s forces defected from the central government of Bosnia&Herzegovina in Sarajevo and fought as allies of the Serbian forces against the ARBiH 5th Corps. Th e dots are part of the original. 253

4. Humanitarian situation and aid<br />

About 2000 people fl ed from Izačić (Ličko Petrovo Selo checkpoint) and found refuge<br />

with relatives in Bihać.<br />

Th e food supplies can last only until the end of the month. UNHCR will deliver its last<br />

supplies over the next few days, and only hospitals will get some supplies for December.<br />

Th e ICRC is delivering the last personal packages to the most endangered inhabitants<br />

through the local Red Cross. Th is leaves about 800 packages for potential refugees from<br />

Kladuša or some other villages.<br />

Situation in the Bihać pocket, 09.00 a.m., Saturday, 11 November.<br />

1. Military situation:<br />

Last night there was some shelling outside the town. In the town of Bihać the night<br />

and the morning were relatively calm. Apparently the positions have not changed since<br />

yesterday. In the 5 th Corps (of the ARBiH) there is a strong feeling that they have been<br />

left to their own resources. Aggression from the RSK with such an unprecedented<br />

intensity had never been expected. Th e 5 th Corps is very motivated and convinced that<br />

it can withstand the current pressure from three sides. From the military standpoint the<br />

situation could stabilize. Th e fi rst off ensive was of primary importance and the outcome<br />

is becoming less predictable as time goes by. A high casualty rate can be expected.<br />

- Fighting is still going on north of Kladuša. Abdić’s forces have seized ... 40 and intersected<br />

communications with Cazin.<br />

Th is morning UN military observers managed to get from Cazin to Kladuša by car and<br />

reach the Bangladesh battalion at Polje.<br />

- Western border: no change since yesterday’s report.<br />

- Southwestern border: VRS could return to the old border (Ripač and Pritoka have been<br />

taken), but nobody can confi rm it. Th ere is fi ghting on the Grabež plateau.<br />

What is going to happen next? Will the VRS stop or go on and enter Bihać? Everybody<br />

is afraid to answer that question. (...)<br />

____________________<br />

Original, typewritten , Latin script<br />

HR-HMDCDR, 2, box 4043.<br />

40 Fikret Abdić’s forces defected from the central government of Bosnia&Herzegovina in Sarajevo and fought<br />

as allies of the Serbian forces against the ARBiH 5th Corps. Th e dots are part of the original.<br />


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