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Th erefore, territorial integrity, i.e., the safeguarding of all Serbian territories, does not allow any partition into Belgrade, Pale and Knin. If the argument is pursued further, in this forced analysis Belgrade has a much higher economic and political weight than Pale. In Krajina we recognize this fact and, therefore, accept Belgrade as a go-between in most of our international political activities. Th erefore, whoever is against Belgrade is against Krajina. (...) Th at is my decision. My concern is Krajina, and it cannot be preserved by mere demagogical claims about the so-called peaceful solution of the issue which sees Krajina as an autonomous entity in Croatia and - mind you! - exclusively in the area of the so-called Knin and Glina districts. Krajina can be safeguarded only by insisting on the unifi cation of Serbian states. Anything else would lead to a massive exodus of Serbs west of the Drina to its eastern bank. All ill-intentioned people will then conclude with satisfaction, but they will not be alone, that the Serbs are fi nally in one state. Th e unifi cation of Serbian lands is the only way to preserve Krajina. Th e attacks on the champions of unifi cation are a good indicator that there are also people who do not care for Krajina any longer. Th ey are prepared to promote and cultivate, as an infectious disease, the germ of defeatism and disbelief in the possibility of its survival. Th ey are prepared to glorify the strength of the enemy and underrate their own power. Th ey are prepared to provoke and speed up internal Serbian quarrels by trying to cause anarchy and chaos in the state with accusations of individual leaders. Among other reasons, Western Slavonia also fell because of this anarchic situation in our country. If we do not oppose this imported chaos as well as the chaos being regerenerated within Krajina itself, we shall soon face a destiny like the one which befell Western Slavonia. Th e unifi cation of the RSK and Republika Srpska must become a matter of hours and no longer a matter of days or months. Anything else will take Krajina down the road to ruin. On the advocates of war and peace, warmongers and peacekeepers (...) Th e integral Serbian state is the solution of our problem. If we cannot achieve it in one piece, we can do it partially, if not momentarily, then gradually, but we must not lose any part of our national territory. Th ose who advocate this programme, which does not call for war but only for Serbian unity, are being labelled as warmongers and attacked, which is not only sad but also untrue... What are we to do? Th ese are my suggestions: - embrace the Serbian cause as a constituent issue and, within that context, urgently proceed to unifi cation with Republika Srpska (in Bosnia&Herzegovina); - cancel until further notice all economic and other negotiations with Croatia until all past implications of such negotiations are examined; - reinforce state power substantially by relieving all those who block it (in this regard, demand the immediate relief of the prime minister); - the government must hold its sessions in Knin; - eradicate crime by amending and adopting stricter criminal justice; - urgently reorganize the army; this has not been done so far because of obstruction; the specifi c plans exist, the dominant issue is the required funding; 232

- amend the assembly procedures; the members of the assembly must answer to the people and not to individuals or specifi c parties; - provide adequate accommodation for refugees from Western Slavonia; - during talks with international mediators insist on the protection of the entire Serbian population left in Western Slavonia, and re-establishment of Serbian authorities aft er the departure of Croatian forces; - freeze the activities of all parties for at least 6 months or until this situation is overcome; - let us all unite in a single Serbian bloc. (...) ____________________ Copy, typewritten, Cyrillic script HR-HMDCDR, 3, box 291 24 1995, 20 May Borovo Selo Decision of the Assembly of the “Republic of Serbian Krajina” on starting the implementation of unifi cation with Republika Srpska ____________________ Pursuant to Article 123 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and to the results of the referendum held in June 1993 on the unifi cation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina with Republika Srpska and other Serbian states, and in accordance with the project of the Serbian Federation accepted by the Assembly of the Republic of Serbian Krajina at its session on 10 November 1994, and accepted by the Assembly of Republika Srpska on 15-16 April 1995, at its third meeting of its fi rst regular session held in Borovo Selo on 20 May 1995 the Assembly of the Republic of Serbian Krajina has adopted the following D E C I S I O N on the start of unifi cation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska Th e realization of unifi cation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska shall proceed. An inter-republican commission is being appointed, consisting of three members from each Republic, in order to prepare the concrete Plan of Unifi cation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska. (...) Th e process of unifi cation shall not be pursued contrary to the interests of other Serbian states, primarily the SRJ, and it will be harmonized with all Serbian states. (...) 233

Th erefore, territorial integrity, i.e., the safeguarding of all Serbian territories, does not<br />

allow any partition into Belgrade, Pale and Knin. If the argument is pursued further, in<br />

this forced analysis Belgrade has a much higher economic and political weight than Pale.<br />

In Krajina we recognize this fact and, therefore, accept Belgrade as a go-between in most<br />

of our international political activities. Th erefore, whoever is against Belgrade is against<br />

Krajina. (...)<br />

Th at is my decision. My concern is Krajina, and it cannot be preserved by mere<br />

demagogical claims about the so-called peaceful solution of the issue which sees Krajina<br />

as an autonomous entity in Croatia and - mind you! - exclusively in the area of the<br />

so-called Knin and Glina districts. Krajina can be safeguarded only by insisting on the<br />

unifi cation of Serbian states. Anything else would lead to a massive exodus of Serbs<br />

west of the Drina to its eastern bank. All ill-intentioned people will then conclude with<br />

satisfaction, but they will not be alone, that the Serbs are fi nally in one state.<br />

Th e unifi cation of Serbian lands is the only way to preserve Krajina. Th e attacks on the<br />

champions of unifi cation are a good indicator that there are also people who do not<br />

care for Krajina any longer. Th ey are prepared to promote and cultivate, as an infectious<br />

disease, the germ of defeatism and disbelief in the possibility of its survival. Th ey are<br />

prepared to glorify the strength of the enemy and underrate their own power. Th ey are<br />

prepared to provoke and speed up internal Serbian quarrels by trying to cause anarchy<br />

and chaos in the state with accusations of individual leaders. Among other reasons,<br />

Western Slavonia also fell because of this anarchic situation in our country. If we do not<br />

oppose this imported chaos as well as the chaos being regerenerated within Krajina itself,<br />

we shall soon face a destiny like the one which befell Western Slavonia. Th e unifi cation<br />

of the RSK and Republika Srpska must become a matter of hours and no longer a<br />

matter of days or months. Anything else will take Krajina down the road to ruin.<br />

On the advocates of war and peace, warmongers and peacekeepers<br />

(...) Th e integral Serbian state is the solution of our problem. If we cannot achieve it in<br />

one piece, we can do it partially, if not momentarily, then gradually, but we must not lose<br />

any part of our national territory. Th ose who advocate this programme, which does not<br />

call for war but only for Serbian unity, are being labelled as warmongers and attacked,<br />

which is not only sad but also untrue...<br />

What are we to do? Th ese are my suggestions:<br />

- embrace the Serbian cause as a constituent issue and, within that context, urgently<br />

proceed to unifi cation with Republika Srpska (in Bosnia&Herzegovina);<br />

- cancel until further notice all economic and other negotiations with Croatia until all<br />

past implications of such negotiations are examined;<br />

- reinforce state power substantially by relieving all those who block it (in this regard,<br />

demand the immediate relief of the prime minister);<br />

- the government must hold its sessions in Knin;<br />

- eradicate crime by amending and adopting stricter criminal justice;<br />

- urgently reorganize the army; this has not been done so far because of obstruction; the<br />

specifi c plans exist, the dominant issue is the required funding;<br />


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