storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ... storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...
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Operational implementation of the mission: a) in case of limited aggression: Decisive defence of all points and installations by SVK forces along the lines of enemy assault; attack along selected lines with main forces and seize areas and installations of particular importance for the enemy in order to capture as much space as possible and recover territories seized earlier. CP in the Knin area ACP in the Petrova Gora area b) in case of radical aggression: Th e Serbian Army of Krajina, with the maximum involvement of all the resources of the state and by persistent defence along with active operations, in cooperation with VRS and VJ elements, must prevent the occupation of territory and defend the integrity of the RSK. Prepare and execute active operations in central Dalmatia, in the area between the rivers Kupa and Mrežnica, and eastern Slavonia. Focus on severing communications in Gorski Kotar and Dalmatia. CP in the area of Petrova Gora ACP in the Knin area 3. In case of a general attack of the Croatian army on the RSK, the VJ will discharge its obligations under the Vance Plan by engaging units and recruiting volunteers from the SRY. Th e main reception centre (Bubanj Potok) in Belgrade (Serbia) will be the responsibility of the First Army, and all liaison shall be eff ected through it. Th e VRS will engage in defence and active action with respect to the Corridor, 26 the Cazin Krajina and Livanjsko Polje, and thereby tie up elements of the HVO 27 and the Muslim army and prevent their engagement against the RSK. 4. I HAVE DECIDED, in coordination with offi cial authorities and organizations, and in cooperation with MUP RSK units and elements of the VRS and the VJ, to prevent by decisive defence and resorting to various forms of armed combat the routing of the SVK, the carving up or occupation of RSK territory, in order to preserve territorial integrity. a) in case of limited aggression: In case of HV aggression against the RSK, resort to determined defence along the lines of enemy assault and, through active operations along other lines, with focus on Eastern Slavonia, Kordun and Dalmatia, restore the territory lost earlier, prevent the cutoff of smaller parts of the RSK, infl ict losses, spread hostile forces and, through artillery and rocket strikes on selected targets in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, deter 26 A thin line of territory in Bosnian Posavina which connected the occupied parts of Bosnia&Herzegovina (western area) and of Croatia (the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina) with Serbia. 27 Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (Croatian Defence Council) - armed forces of the Croats in Bosnia&Herzegovina. 216

adical RH aggression, thus preserving the territorial integrity of the state and creating conditions for continued negotiation in terms of RSK recognition. b) in case of radical aggression: During initial operations prevent by decisive defence deeper enemy penetrations in the lines of attack and the carving up of RSK territory and, with the concurrent VJ commitment in Eastern Slavonia and Western Srem, infl ict appreciable losses, break down the assault and create conditions for off ensive action. Aft er taking over the initiative, turn to off ensive action in Eastern Slavonia, Kordun and central Dalmatia, cut off parts of RH territory in Eastern Slavonia, Gorski Kotar and central Dalmatia and thereby link up SVK and RS forces, prevent communications with the central part of RH and the regular supply of Gorski Kotar and Dalmatia, and thus disrupt the planned commitment and deployment of Croatian armed forces. Mount active defence operations in other areas. Th is will create favourable conditions for the continued and defi nitive solution of the position of the Serbian people. In case of extremely unfavourable developments on the battlefi eld, sustain operations and turn to specifi c forms of armed struggle and resistance. Carry out the operation in two stages: Stage one: maintain by determined defence the territorial integrity of the RSK, prevent surprise actions and cutting off of parts of RSK territory, spread out enemy forces, infl ict losses and create conditions for off ensive action. Duration 15-20 days. Stage two: aft er taking the initiative, rout by off ensive action and in cooperation with VJ and VRS forces the ustashi forces along the lines of attack in Eastern Slavonia, Dalmatia and Gorski Kotar, and create conditions for continued off ensive action in order to establish control and prevent communications and the supply of RH armed forces and the population in Gorski Kotar and Dalmatia. Duration 10-15 days. Readiness for the fi rst stage immediately, and for the second one aft er the detection of certain indications for a radical HV aggression against the RSK. (...) Main CP in the Knin area ACP in the area of Petrova Gora UNIT MISSION 1) 11 th Corps: in limited aggression and in the fi rst stage of the operation prevent by decisive defence the breakthrough of ustashi forces in Baranja; in Eastern Slavonia and Western Srem turn to off ensive action, block Osijek and Vinkovci and create towards Mirkovci-Županja a bridgehead at Andrijaševci - Pritoka - Otoka. In the second stage of the operation, together with Operational Group 2 (18 th and 138 th motorized brigades, 453 rd and 1 st armoured battalions, 51 st mechanized brigade, 16 th motorized artillery brigade, 12 th composite anti-armoured artillery battalion, 1/240 th self-propelled PVO rocket regiment and 155 th light infantry brigade), turn from the 217

Operational implementation of the mission:<br />

a) in case of limited aggression:<br />

Decisive defence of all points and installations by SVK forces along the lines of enemy<br />

assault; attack along selected lines with main forces and seize areas and installations of<br />

particular importance for the enemy in order to capture as much space as possible and<br />

recover territories seized earlier.<br />

CP in the Knin area<br />

ACP in the Petrova Gora area<br />

b) in case of radical aggression:<br />

Th e Serbian Army of Krajina, with the maximum involvement of all the resources of the<br />

state and by persistent defence along with active operations, in cooperation with VRS<br />

and VJ elements, must prevent the occupation of territory and defend the integrity of<br />

the RSK.<br />

Prepare and execute active operations in central Dalmatia, in the area between the<br />

rivers Kupa and Mrežnica, and eastern Slavonia. Focus on severing communications in<br />

Gorski Kotar and Dalmatia.<br />

CP in the area of Petrova Gora<br />

ACP in the Knin area<br />

3. In case of a general attack of the Croatian army on the RSK, the VJ will discharge<br />

its obligations under the Vance Plan by engaging units and recruiting volunteers from<br />

the SRY. Th e main reception centre (Bubanj Potok) in Belgrade (Serbia) will be the<br />

responsibility of the First Army, and all liaison shall be eff ected through it.<br />

Th e VRS will engage in defence and active action with respect to the Corridor, 26 the<br />

Cazin Krajina and Livanjsko Polje, and thereby tie up elements of the HVO 27 and the<br />

Muslim army and prevent their engagement against the RSK.<br />

4. I HAVE DECIDED, in coordination with offi cial authorities and organizations, and<br />

in cooperation with MUP RSK units and elements of the VRS and the VJ, to prevent by<br />

decisive defence and resorting to various forms of armed combat the routing of the SVK,<br />

the carving up or occupation of RSK territory, in order to preserve territorial integrity.<br />

a) in case of limited aggression:<br />

In case of HV aggression against the RSK, resort to determined defence along the lines<br />

of enemy assault and, through active operations along other lines, with focus on Eastern<br />

Slavonia, Kordun and Dalmatia, restore the territory lost earlier, prevent the cutoff<br />

of smaller parts of the RSK, infl ict losses, spread hostile forces and, through artillery<br />

and rocket strikes on selected targets in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, deter<br />

26 A thin line of territory in Bosnian Posavina which connected the occupied parts of Bosnia&Herzegovina<br />

(western area) and of Croatia (the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina) with Serbia.<br />

27 Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (Croatian Defence Council) - armed forces of the Croats in Bosnia&Herzegovina.<br />


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