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10. Agreement on the realization of a single system of education, and integration in the fi eld of science, culture and physical culture. (...) Th e agenda was approved unanimously. Before turning to the agenda, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbian Krajina Đorđe Bjegović welcomed the participants. Aft er his speech the fl oor was given to the President of Republika Srpska Radovan Karadžić, the President of the Assembly of Republika Srpska Momčilo Krajišnik, the President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina Goran Hadžić, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbian Krajina Mile Paspalj, the Vladika 9 of Dalmatia Longin, the President of the Municipal Assembly of Knin Milan Babić, and the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Vladimir Lukić. All the participants expressed their satisfaction over the presence of the highest offi cials of the two states, expressed the wish and hope for early unifi cation, and wished successful work to the Governments of Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbian Krajina. (...) Minister Slobodan Jarčević: 10 At present only Republika Srpska can appear before third states because of its status as a constituent entity. Unfortunately, we lack that, but the RSK is being accepted worldwide as a reality at an ever increasing rate. Our place is among the group of successors to the SFRY. Joint appearance with Republika Srpska would help us because of the constituent nation status enjoyed by the Serbian people in Republika Srpska. I think the seat of our ministry should still be in Belgrade, and needs to remain there aft er our unifi cation, with departments in Banja Luka and Knin. For the next session I and Mr. Buha will propose a platform for our joint international appearance. Minister Aleksa Buha: 11 Over the next month or two, while negotiations are under way on the BiH confederation, we must make no false move that would give an alibi to the other side. We shall prepare a platform, but we shall not fl aunt it. (...) Minister Dušan Kovačević: 12 I think the time has come for the Serbs to realize their goal, because there will never be another chance if we don’t do it now. We must act fast regardless of what the world will say. We have been given a task by the people at the referendum, and we must not let them down. We must set up a supreme command and choose its members, and determine the basic organization and formation of our common army. (...) We must draw up one law on defence and the armed forces, the military judiciary and prosecution authorities, and all other matters related to the army and defence. At the same time we must develop an integrated system for the production of ammunition and weapons. Th is is already under way, and weapons are being distributed from factories in Republika Srpska. Minister Milan Martić: 13 We have very good cooperation with the internal aff airs authorities in Republika Srpska, we have laws, but they must be integrated. We need a group to do that, including one representative from Republika Srpska. 9 Th e highest dignitary of the Serbian Orthodox church in Dalmatia. 10 Minister of foreign aff airs of the Republic of Serbian Krajina. 11 Minister of foreign aff airs of Republika Srpska. 12 General, minister of defence in the Government of Republika Srpska. 13 Minister of the interior of the Republic of Serbian Krajina. 202

Deputy prime minister Stojan Španović: Th ings are not so simple as they look. In terms of the legislation of the SRY, the SVK is part of the Army of Yugoslavia. Th e position of Republika Srpska is diff erent. I agree we need to do something immediately regarding the commander-in-chief. In this regard we have to cooperate with the armed forces of the SRY. (...) Copy, typewritten, Cyrillic script Croatian Information Centre, A-156/3 11 1993, 10 August Belgrade Proposal of the foreign minister of the Republic of Serbian Krajina on the selection of current war objectives related to the confl ict in Bosnia and Herzegovina ____________________ REPUBLIC OF SERBIAN KRAJINA Ministry of Foreign Aff airs ______________________________________________________ Knin, Kralja Petra I oslobodioca 27 Belgrade Offi ce Terazije 3/1 (...) Republic of Serbian Krajina STATE SECRET SELECTION OF CURRENT WAR OBJECTIVES OF THE RSK AND THE RS One of the options Th e war is now in its third year. Today many things are clearer than they were in 1991 and 1992. Th e world is getting used to the statehood of the Serbs west of the Drina. Th e alliance of the Muslims and the Croats can no longer be restored. Th e Muslims have no corridor to the world. Th eir objective is obviously gaining access to the sea, along a stretch broader than the one they are being off ered at present. In their stride they want to take Mostar and control the valley of the Neretva. If they succeed, this would deal a death blow to Croatia. It would also get the most dangerous enemy off the Serbs’ back. Th erefore, the Muslims should be helped to achieve this strategic idea. Th e Croatian obstinacy and their assault on the RSK need to be exploited, and as many of their units in the fi eld as possible tied up at Maslenica, Gospić, Drniš and Peruča. As a sign of solidarity, the RS could revive the action at Grahovo, Glamoč and Kupres. In that case the Muslims could easily break down the last line of Croatian defence in Bosnia along 203

Deputy prime minister Stojan Španović: Th ings are not so simple as they look. In terms<br />

of the legislation of the SRY, the SVK is part of the Army of Yugoslavia. Th e position of<br />

Republika Srpska is diff erent. I agree we need to do something immediately regarding<br />

the commander-in-chief. In this regard we have to cooperate with the armed forces of<br />

the SRY. (...)<br />

Copy, typewritten, Cyrillic script<br />

Croatian Information Centre, A-156/3<br />

11<br />

1993, 10 August<br />

Belgrade<br />

Proposal of the foreign minister of the Republic of Serbian Krajina on the selection of<br />

current war objectives related to the confl ict in Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

____________________<br />


Ministry of Foreign Aff airs<br />

______________________________________________________<br />

Knin, Kralja Petra I oslobodioca 27 Belgrade Offi ce<br />

Terazije 3/1<br />

(...)<br />

Republic of Serbian Krajina<br />




One of the options<br />

Th e war is now in its third year. Today many things are clearer than they were in 1991<br />

and 1992. Th e world is getting used to the statehood of the Serbs west of the Drina. Th e<br />

alliance of the Muslims and the Croats can no longer be restored. Th e Muslims have<br />

no corridor to the world. Th eir objective is obviously gaining access to the sea, along a<br />

stretch broader than the one they are being off ered at present. In their stride they want<br />

to take Mostar and control the valley of the Neretva. If they succeed, this would deal a<br />

death blow to Croatia. It would also get the most dangerous enemy off the Serbs’ back.<br />

Th erefore, the Muslims should be helped to achieve this strategic idea. Th e Croatian<br />

obstinacy and their assault on the RSK need to be exploited, and as many of their units<br />

in the fi eld as possible tied up at Maslenica, Gospić, Drniš and Peruča. As a sign of<br />

solidarity, the RS could revive the action at Grahovo, Glamoč and Kupres. In that case<br />

the Muslims could easily break down the last line of Croatian defence in Bosnia along<br />


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