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Such an act violates the basic internationally accepted principle whereby peoples and not administrative units are entitled to self-determination. Because of this the SDS opposes the participation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in all international conferences at which the Serbian people of the RSK is treated as a national minority. As a democratically oriented party the SDS will continue to advocate the promotion of democratic relations and a multi-party parliamentary system, and develop in line with these democratic principles its relations with other parties in the RSK and with similar democratic oriented parties in other Serbian lands and worldwide. In particular, it will focus together with democratic parties in Serbian lands on the union of the Serbian people and on the creation of a single Serbian state or a federation of Serbian states. One of the basic goals of the Krajina SDS involves eff orts focused on establishing ties and reconciliation with the Serbian people outside Serbian lands. Th is implies primarily expatriate Serbs regardless of their ideological commitment or past. It is the position of the Krajina SDS that all expatriate Serbs, regardless of their possible participation in military formations condemned by the past communist regime, are welcome in the RSK. (...) Copy, typewritten, Cyrillic script HR-HMDCDR, 2, box 442 198 8 1992, 31 October Prijedor Declaration on the unifi cation of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska ____________________ (...) Th e Assembly of the Republic of the Serbian Krajina and the Assembly of Republika Srpska, at their joint session held in Prijedor on 31 October 1992, have adopted the following D E C L A R A T I O N 1) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that the legal systems in the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Republika Srpska will be identical. 2) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that the citizens of Republika Srpska and of the Republic of Serbian Krajina will have Serbian citizenship, and that their state symbols are the same and in accordance with the historic continuity of the Serbian people and the existing Constitution and laws. Th e coat of arms is the traditional coat of arms of the Nemanjić dynasty with the crown; the fl ag is the red-blue-white Serbian fl ag, and the anthem “Lord of Justice”.

3) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that any attack on one of the Republics shall concurrently be considered as an attack on the other Republic, because of which they will enter a defensive alliance the task of which is the mutual protection of the achieved freedom and integrity of both Republics. 4) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that the respective bodies and institutions need to insure a single educational system, including a single spelling, language and the Cyrillic script. 5) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce their readiness to implement all forms of ties between the two Republics in foreign aff airs, information, communications, transport, culture, welfare and health care, economic activities, domestic and foreign trade, energy, ecology etc. 6) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbian Krajina will regulate their common customs, credit-monetary, fi scal and payments regulations. 7) Th e Assembly of Republika Srpska and the Assembly of the Serbian Republic of Krajina will decide to hold elections for their common constituent assembly as soon as possible, but not later than 90 days aft er the end of the war. 8) Th e Assembly of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and the Assembly of Republika Srpska have charged the respective authorities of the two Republics to establish immediately the agencies required for the accomplishment of the goals of the present Declaration. All forms of cooperation and association will be initiated and integrated by the coordinating committee consisting of the presidents of the Republics, the presidents of the Assemblies of the Republics, and the prime ministers of the Republics. 9) Th e Assemblies of both Republics will hold joint sessions in order to develop and coordinate the mentioned forms of cooperation. 10) All the forms of cooperation from this Declaration will also be off ered to other Serbian states. 11) Th e initiative will be set in motion for convening all Serbian assemblies (of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, Republika Srpska, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro) in order to discuss political, economic, cultural and other issues of general interest for the Serbian people. 12) Th e Assembly of Republika Srpska and of the Republic of Serbian Krajina are committed to the unifi cation of the two states. Th is commitment will be tested by a plebiscite to be held in these Republics within the shortest possible time. Unifi cation will be postponed until the expiration of the UN plan for the protection of the Republic of Serbian Krajina (the Vance Plan) and will be implemented on the basis of the results of the plebiscite. 13) Th is Declaration will be published in the offi cial gazettes of the two Republics. President of the Assembly President of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbian of Republika Srpska Krajina Momčilo Krajišnik Mile Paspalj 199

3) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that any attack on one of the Republics shall<br />

concurrently be considered as an attack on the other Republic, because of which they<br />

will enter a defensive alliance the task of which is the mutual protection of the achieved<br />

freedom and integrity of both Republics.<br />

4) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that the respective bodies and institutions<br />

need to insure a single educational system, including a single spelling, language and the<br />

Cyrillic script.<br />

5) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce their readiness to implement all forms of ties<br />

between the two Republics in foreign aff airs, information, communications, transport,<br />

culture, welfare and health care, economic activities, domestic and foreign trade, energy,<br />

ecology etc.<br />

6) Th e two Assemblies hereby announce that Republika Srpska and the Republic<br />

of Serbian Krajina will regulate their common customs, credit-monetary, fi scal and<br />

payments regulations.<br />

7) Th e Assembly of Republika Srpska and the Assembly of the Serbian Republic of<br />

Krajina will decide to hold elections for their common constituent assembly as soon as<br />

possible, but not later than 90 days aft er the end of the war.<br />

8) Th e Assembly of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and the Assembly of Republika<br />

Srpska have charged the respective authorities of the two Republics to establish<br />

immediately the agencies required for the accomplishment of the goals of the present<br />

Declaration. All forms of cooperation and association will be initiated and integrated by<br />

the coordinating committee consisting of the presidents of the Republics, the presidents<br />

of the Assemblies of the Republics, and the prime ministers of the Republics.<br />

9) Th e Assemblies of both Republics will hold joint sessions in order to develop and<br />

coordinate the mentioned forms of cooperation.<br />

10) All the forms of cooperation from this Declaration will also be off ered to other<br />

Serbian states.<br />

11) Th e initiative will be set in motion for convening all Serbian assemblies (of the<br />

Republic of Serbian Krajina, Republika Srpska, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic<br />

of Montenegro) in order to discuss political, economic, cultural and other issues of<br />

general interest for the Serbian people.<br />

12) Th e Assembly of Republika Srpska and of the Republic of Serbian Krajina are<br />

committed to the unifi cation of the two states. Th is commitment will be tested by a<br />

plebiscite to be held in these Republics within the shortest possible time.<br />

Unifi cation will be postponed until the expiration of the UN plan for the protection of<br />

the Republic of Serbian Krajina (the Vance Plan) and will be implemented on the basis<br />

of the results of the plebiscite.<br />

13) Th is Declaration will be published in the offi cial gazettes of the two Republics.<br />

President of the Assembly President of the Assembly<br />

of the Republic of Serbian of Republika Srpska<br />

Krajina Momčilo Krajišnik<br />

Mile Paspalj<br />


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