storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...

storm - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog ...


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29 1995, 23 July: Report of the GŠ SVK Intelligence Dept. on the mobilization and movements of Croatian<br />

forces along the confrontation line and the humanitarian disaster in the Bihać safe area<br />

30 1995, 24 July, Petrinja: Communication of the SVK 39 th Corps Command to subordinate unit commands on<br />

the possible aggression by Croatian forces intended to relieve the threatened ARBiH 5 th Corps ..... 269<br />

31 1995, 25 July, Petrinja: Communication of the SVK 39 th Corps Intelligence Dept. to subordinate units on<br />

the possible Croatian airborne assault at Bihać ................................................................................ 270<br />

32 1995, 25 July, Knin: Report of the SVK General Staff to the RSK president on Croatian Army pressures at<br />

Grahovo and along the confrontation lines in Croatia<br />

33 1995, 26 July, Bihać: Report of the Command of the ARBiH 5 th Corps to the R BiH Embassy in Zagreb<br />

on the diffi cult situation in the fi eld and linkup with Croatian forces as the only solution ....... 271<br />

34 1995, 26 July, Knin: Report of the SVK General Staff to the RSK president on the breakthrough of<br />

Croatian forces on Mount Dinara, fi ghting at Bihać and the situation in the zones of other corps<br />

35 1995, 26 July, Knin: Report of the Intelligence Dept. of the SVK General Staff to the Security Directorate<br />

of the VJ General Staff on the implementation of the covert operation Sword-1 - the use of<br />

biological agents to be added to foodstuff s delivered under cover to the ARBiH 5 th Corps and<br />

intended to cause mass poisoning of the troops and knocking them out of action ................... 272<br />

36 1995, 26 July, Knin: Communication of the RSK MUP to the special unit commander on the advance of<br />

Croatian forces which broke the defence line at Grahovo and its imminent fall ....................... 276<br />

37 1995, 26 July: Report of Operational Group 1 Command to the Advance Command Post of the VRS<br />

General Staff on the advance of Croatian forces in the action at Grahovo ................................. 276<br />

38 1995, 28 July, Bihać: Report of the ARBiH 5 th Corps to the BiH Embassy in Zagreb on chetnik breakthrough<br />

at Bugari and heavy attacks from mounts Plješivica and Grmeč ................................................. 277<br />

39 1995, 29 July, Korenica: Report of SUP Korenica to RSK MUP on the deployment of a unit at Resanovo<br />

in Republika Srpska aft er the Croatian forces took Grahovo ....................................................... 278<br />

40 1995, 30 July, Knin: Communication of the RSK State Information Agency Iskra on the visit of Ratko<br />

Mladić, VRS commander, to Knin and on his statement concerning the assault on Bihać ..... 279<br />

41 1995, 31 July, Vrhovine: Th e command of the 50 th infantry brigade forwarded to all subordinate units the<br />

information received from the SVK 15 th Corps on the situation aft er the breakthrough of Croatian<br />

forces and the taking of Grahovo and Glamoč, the deployment of HV forces along possible attack<br />

positions and proclamation of the state of war .............................................................................. 280<br />

42 1995, 1 August: Order of the command of the 11 th infantry brigade to subordinate units to block<br />

UNPROFOR units, in case of a Croatian attack, disarm them and keep them as hostages .... 281<br />

43 1995, 3 August: Report of the Security Department of the 15 th Corps Command to the GŠ SVK Security<br />

Department on the increased pressure by Croatian forces which hampers the deployment of fresh<br />

forces for the Grahovo operation, and daily exodus of non-combatant population to the Federal<br />

Republic of Yugoslavia ...................................................................................................................... 282<br />



1 1993, 27 January, Benkovac: Report of Autotransport Benkovac to the Benkovac Municipal Crisis Centre<br />

on the participation of the company in the plan for the evacuation of the civil population<br />

2 1993, 18 February, Petrinja: Evacuation plan of the Petrinja Civil Defence Centre forwarded by the<br />

command of the SVK 31 st Brigade to subordinate unit commands<br />

3 1993, 4 March, Jasenovac: Evacuation plan for the civil population of Jasenovac<br />

4 [1993, 23 March]: Report on civil defence inspection in the municipalities of Vrginmost and Vojnić ...... 287<br />

5 [1993, July; Okučani]: Letter of the Western Slavonia Directorate of the RSK Ministry of Defence to the<br />

command of the SVK 18th Corps requesting, in line with the plan for the evacuation of the population<br />

to Republika Srpska, the specifi cations of the routes and crossings on the river Sava .................. 290<br />

6 1993, 5 August, Pakrac: Report of the Pakrac municipal civil defence centre to the district civil defence<br />

headquarters in Okučani concerning the population evacuation plan in the event of a Croatian<br />

off ensive<br />


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